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Jackie Robinson: Justice At Last

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Presentation on theme: "Jackie Robinson: Justice At Last"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jackie Robinson: Justice At Last
Important vocabulary and information

2 to remove all barriers and allow free association; bring together as a whole.
We wanted to integrate the grade levels for reward day. Integrate

3 Prejudiced having unfair feelings of dislike for a specific group.
Other players were prejudiced toward Jackie Robinson because of skin color. Prejudiced

4 extremely fine; excellent.
Superb extremely fine; excellent. Tom Brady is a great athlete with superb talent.

5 a document that people sign to express demands.
The neighbors signed a petition to protest a Walmart being built in their subdivision. Petition

6 punished in return for an injury or wrong done.
The kids retaliated against their hateful neighbor by rolling his house on Halloween night. Retaliated

7 behaving in a way that makes people respect you.
Dignity It was his humbleness and dignity that always made me favor him in such high regard.

8 Jackie Robinson-Movie Trailer

9 Branch Rickey & Jackie Robinson partner up (Video Clip)

10 After reading... What do you believe was the author’s purpose for writing, “Jackie Robinson: Justice At Last?”

11 Author’s Purpose The true purpose of this essay is to explain how Rickey and Robinson worked together to integrate baseball.

12 The Big Question.. What qualities did Rickey see in Jackie Robinson that made him think that he was the man for the job?

13 What do you think was Robinson’s greatest strength?
If you had been in his situation, how would you have handled the pressure, the criticism and the blatant (obvious) racism?

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