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INTRODUCTION TO Engineering Drawing.

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1 INTRODUCTION TO Engineering Drawing


3 Let’s have a ‘FUN’ You can easily understand that … The word languages are inadequate for describing the size, shape and features completely as well as concisely.

4 Composition of Graphic Language
Graphic language in “engineering application” use lines to represent the surfaces, edges and contours of objects. The language is known as “drawing” or “drafting” . A drawing can be done using freehand, instruments or computer methods.

5 Composition of Graphic Language

6 Freehand drawing Example
The lines are sketched without using instruments other than pencils and erasers. Example

7 Instrument drawing Example
Instruments are used to draw straight lines, circles, and curves concisely and accurately. Thus, the drawings are usually made to scale. Example

8 Computer drawing Example
The drawings are usually made by commercial software such as AutoCAD, solid works etc. Example

9 Engineering Drawing

10 Elements of Engineering Drawing
Engineering drawing are made up of graphics language and word language. Graphics language Describe a shape (mainly). Word language Describe size, location and specification of the object.

11 Basic Knowledge for Drafting
Graphics language Word language Line types Geometric construction Projection method Lettering

12 Drawing Standard

13 Drawing standards are used so that drawings convey
Standards are set of rules that govern how technical drawings are represented. Drawing standards are used so that drawings convey the same meaning to everyone who reads them.

14 Standard Code มอก. สำนักงานมาตรฐานผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรม Country Code
Full name มอก. สำนักงานมาตรฐานผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรม Thailand ANSI American National Standard Institute USA JIS Japanese Industrial Standard Japan BS British Standard UK AS Australian Standard Australia Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN Germany ISO International Standards Organization

15 Drawing Sheet Trimmed paper of a size A0 ~ A4.
Standard sheet size (JIS) A x 297 A x 420 A x 594 A x 841 A x 1189 A2 A1 (Dimensions in millimeters) A0

16 Orientation of drawing sheet
1. Type X (A0~A4) 2. Type Y (A4 only) c d d c Drawing space Border lines Drawing space Title block Title block c Sheet size c (min) d (min) A



19 TOPICS Identify the Drawing Tools. Preparation of Tools.
Using of Tools Applied Geometry

20 Identify the Drawing Tools

21 Drawing Boards

22 Board Clips Adhesive Tape

23 T-Square

24 Set Square

25 Compass

26 HB for thick line 2H for thin line Pencils

27 Sharpener Sandpaper

28 Pencil Eraser Erasing Shield

29 Circle Template Tissue paper

30 French Curves no 5 & 6

31 Preparation of Tools

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