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1 @wuthnhs CEO Forum 16th June 2016 #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

2 Planning with confidence – The countdown to winter begins @wuthnhs Planning with confidence – The countdown to winter begins #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

3 The countdown to winter @wuthnhs The countdown to winter We are already halfway through the 2016 calendar year. Planning and preparation for winter is now underway. It is important that all staff are at the forefront of our winter plans once again this year. Lots of activity is planned in the coming weeks and months to further engage with colleagues in areas such as: Working with external partners LiA ‘Big Conversations’ Recruitment #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

4 Why are we preparing now? @wuthnhs Why are we preparing now? It is about getting ahead of the game In addition to strong internal engagement with staff, we will be working externally with the Emergency Care Improvement Programme (ECIP) and economy partners: Assess to admit (CT leading with a focus on Single Point of Access and Admission Avoidance). Today’s work today (WUTH leading. Received good feedback but need to further roll out SAFER and the red/green concept). Discharge to assess (WBC leading. Requires greater focus with economy at pace). #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

5 Our planned work with ECIP @wuthnhs Our planned work with ECIP 1. Assess to admit – Community Trust leading with a focus on Single Point of Access and Admission Avoidance. Single Point of Access. Admission Avoidance. Specialty in-reach. Ambulatory Care. Primary Care to Secondary Care clinical conversation. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

6 Our planned work with ECIP @wuthnhs Our planned work with ECIP 2. Today’s work today – WUTH leading. Received good feedback but need to further roll out SAFER and the red/green concept. The SAFER way – ECIP pleased this has been embedded into culture. Ward rounds, afternoon huddles are working. Need to roll out to every ward. Red to green concept – To identify wasted time in a patients journey. Really good results on pilot wards. Every patient reviewed once a week by whole economy (MADE event). Weekly economy Director led check and challenge. Steering group headed by Janelle Holmes, Chief Operating Officer. Task and Finish: Emergency Department process Assessment process Inpatient and discharge process #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

7 Our planned work with ECIP @wuthnhs Our planned work with ECIP 3. Discharge to assess – Wirral Borough Council leading. Requires greater focus with economy at pace. Starting parallel assessments. Assessment outside of hospital. Introduction of Home First concept. Reduction in Better Care Fund is impacting on beds in the community. SAFER roll out, within community beds. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

8 @wuthnhs What happens next? Action plan signed off and has been supported by ECIP. Investing £800k to develop elderly care rehabilitation centre and step down ward at Clatterbridge. The latter to facilitate moving medically optimised patients off the acute site. Investing £400k in our Acute Medicine Unit to improve assessment flow, including expansion of chairs, trollies and side rooms. Continue to work with ECIP, Ambulatory Care Network and the National Frailty Programme. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

9 Listening into Action ‘Big Conversations’ @wuthnhs Listening into Action ‘Big Conversations’ A series of LiA events will be taking place over the coming weeks: Staff Satisfaction & Engagement (led by CEO, David Allison) Senior Leaders and Managers (led by CEO, David Allison) Winter Planning (led by Director of Operations, Chris Oliver) These conversations are part of our continued commitment to put staff at the centre of change, by listening to their ideas and suggestions for improvement and acting on them. RESPOND NOW: Details on how you can join the next round of Big Conversations can be found in June’s Team Brief. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

10 @wuthnhs Recruitment Band 5 nurse recruitment remains a priority for us, although the picture remains relatively strong and positive. Monthly local and EU recruitment has resulted in an additional 58 WTE band 5 nurses working in our inpatient and Emergency Department areas compared to May 2015. Pre-registration student nurses  evaluate placements with WUTH as ‘very good’ (all areas above 90%) this has resulted in 36 new nurse graduates due to start with us in September.    #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

11 Staff Guardians update @wuthnhs Staff Guardians update Our Staff Guardians and Staff Engagement Team have been to Westminster to talk about the success of our Staff Guardian programme. This was to share best practice around the reporting of issues and to prevent whistleblowing. Over the past year there have been more than 90 reports to our Staff Guardians, which has dramatically increased over the past year. It’s encouraging that staff are feeling more confident than ever about reporting issues internally. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

12 Finance Update – May (month 2)
We have reported a £2m deficit for month 2, which is £0.4m off the plan agreed at the start of the year. Pay costs are currently £0.9m above plan as a result of increased agency costs and escalation areas that have remained open since winter. The agency costs currently exceed the limit that has been set for the Trust by NHS Improvement. Managers and teams must review and challenge their own processes so they are removing greater waste to help bring costs down. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU @wuthnhs

13 Celebrating success Congratulations to Sharon Bamber and the OPAT Team for their great achievement as overall winner at the 2016 Advancing Healthcare Awards. Congratulations to the HROD Team who were highly commended in the recent HSJ Value in healthcare awards for their Attendance Management Programme entry based on sickness absence management, health and wellbeing and Staff Engagement at the Trust. Congratulations to the Pleural Service which has been shortlisted for the HSJ Patient Safety Awards in July in the Cancer Care Category. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU @wuthnhs

14 Staff Engagement through LiA @wuthnhs Staff Engagement through LiA As highlighted earlier, LiA continues to play a very big part in our journey of change around staff and culture development. Wave 7 LiA work streams are continuing. Wave 6 reported back at their recent LiA Pass it on Event and going forward, it was agreed that each team would present the highlights of their work at the monthly CEO Forum. In May we discussed the great work around Acute Brain Injury. June CEO Forum: End of Life Care presented by Claire Brown (EoL Transform Lead Nurse) #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

15 @wuthnhs Improving care for patients and their loved ones at the end of their life Our mission How we made the change To ensure we deliver care we are PROUD of to patients who are dying and those who are important to them. Improved ward availability of anticipatory care drugs, redistributing clinical guidelines for their use Introduced a butterfly magnet for the last days of life Developed and improved patient information leaflets Delivered more staff training sessions Trained volunteers working across three wards to support patients and their loved ones Why we needed to change Our ability to recognise people who are in the last days of life has reduced over the last few years; failure to recognise when death is almost a certainty is not uncommon. This reduces the opportunity for good communication with patients and those close to them, and the ability to involve them in care decisions to ensure patients wishes are respected. Some patients die alone in our hospital. The difference we made We have made progress in raising awareness of the importance of delivering high quality care in the last days of life. Anecdotally, the facilities leaflet improves carers experience at this difficult time. We plan to re-audit once the changes are all in place. Catherine Hayle Medical Lead Melanie Maxwell LiA Gaynor Westray Executive #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

16 Your Team Brief Things to look out for this month: @wuthnhs Your Team Brief Things to look out for this month: Our individual recognition scheme has now been launched. Any member of staff can complete a PROUD Recognition Card. May was another tough month for our Emergency Department standards (83.44% against the minimum 95%). The Risk Team highlight their new ‘Safely Does It’ drive focussing on incident reporting in both Team Brief and the News Bulletin. #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

17 Your Team Brief Today is the start of the briefing process @wuthnhs Your Team Brief Today is the start of the briefing process Remember to meet with your teams within 3-days Start by asking them “what are you most PROUD of this month?” Please take your Team Brief document with you today Informed colleagues = empowered and happier colleagues… #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

18 CEO Forum Thank you. Any questions? #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

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