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Outpatient Pathway Transformation in NW London

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1 Outpatient Pathway Transformation in NW London
Presenter: Nicola Burbidge, Chair Hounslow CCG

2 The purpose of Programme is to transform Outpatient services to
provide the right specialist advice, in the right place at the right time, overall improving quality, decreasing costs and increasing patient and staff experience (e.g. not wasting patient and clinician’s time)

3 Our work is underpinned by the following statements
Reducing patients’ need to travel to hospital Revisit (and ? Redesign) the entire clinical pathway (patient/primary care/secondary/tertiary care) Implement the clinical pathways across eight CCGs and four Trusts Apply new system-level financial models (not tariff) to incentivise transformation Investment will be required at outset to support co-design of pathways and implementation with expected £14m return on first five specialties

4 The Programme has succeeded in obtaining sector-wide buy-in
Trust Chief executives, 2 CCG Chief Officers and the STP Chair NW London Provider Board Trust Medical Directors and CCG Chairs NW London STP Clinical Board CCG Chairs, Chief Officers, CFOs, NW London Directors NW London Collaboration Board Trust and CCG representatives NW London CFOs

5 The data shows a number of opportunities across the high cost/high volume specialties
Specialty Cost of activity £ms Number of attendances (First + FUP) High follow up ratio, variance from national benchmark Value of follow ups being followed up in third year after first attendance Value of first attendances with previous attendance (same specialty and trust) in previous 90 days % of non-GP referred First attendances Potential lost income due to DNAs (as per tariff) Gynaecology £18.6m 114,477 £0.0m £1.8m £0.5m 35% £2.2m Trauma & Orthopaedics £16.0m 124,195 £1.7m 57% £2.7m Cardiology £14.7m 76,987 £3.0m 46% £2.4m Gastroenterology* £11.4m 67,675 £1.5m £0.1m 23% £2.5m Urology £11.1m 57,054 £0.2m 34% £1.9m Ophthalmology £10.7m 95,543 £7.6m £2.0m Dermatology £9.3m 83,611 15% Clinical Haematology £9.1m 47,200 £3.2m £1.3m Paediatrics £8.1m 35,785 £0.8m £0.3m 49% ENT £8.0m 65,926 £1.1m 19% £1.6m Most costly specialties £117.0m 768,453 £3.5m £24.6m 38% £19.7m * Slides 4 and 5 show Additional analysis undertaken in terms of referral/conversion growth (gastro) from external sources Key: Top five specialties in each category highlighted in green Source: Business Intelligence, Strategy and Transformation team, NW London CCGs

6 Clinicians have come together to lead transformation on behalf of the sector in five specialties
Specialty Trust Clinical Lead GP Lead Cardiology Jamil Mayet (Imperial)/ Dr Richard Grocott-Mason (Brompton) + 3 others Neville Purssell (Central London CCG) + 7 other GPs Trauma and orthopaedics Jacquie Waterman (Hillingdon) /Lower Limb consultant [TBC] + 3 others Ian Berstein (Ealing CCG) + 7 other GPs (all CCGs) Gynaecology Liz Owen (ChelWest) + 3 others GP lead + 7 other GPs (all CCGs) Gastroenterology Ana Wilson (London North West) + 3 others Dermatology Claire Fuller (ChelWest) + 3 others Note full names of nominees (Consultants/GPs) expected by 12 October.

7 Large number of stakeholders across the sector are engaged with this Programme

8 This work will build upon established work on referral guideline development in Primary Care

9 This work will build upon established work on referral guideline development in Primary Care

10 Groups will explore further drivers to transformation

11 Clinical and managerial leads have committed to deliver at pace
Thank you

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