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BFAIR Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "BFAIR Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 BFAIR Notes

2 “B FAIR to the MAIN SLUGZ because she’s A-HOG”

3 M A I N because she’s A H O G B F A I R to the S L U G Z

4 Triple Entente  Allied Powers
Britain France America (enter 1917) Italy Russia (exit 1917) Triple Entente  Allied Powers

5 Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Causes of WWI Nationalism
to the… Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism Causes of WWI

6 Reasons the US entered WWI
Sussex Pledge Lusitania (sinking) Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Great Britain (ties to) Zimmerman Note Reasons the US entered WWI

7 Triple Alliance  Central Powers
because she’s…. Austria- Hungary Ottoman Empire Germany Triple Alliance  Central Powers

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