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GCSE English w/b 6th November 2017.

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1 GCSE English w/b 6th November 2017

2 Avoid alliteration avidly and aggressively.
Avoid clichés like the plague. It would be a nightmare to use metaphor. Hyperbole is a billion times worse than understatement. Who needs rhetorical questions? Using too many similes is like over-egging a cake.

3 Today… Spellings Record results and update targets Research WW1
Review last week’s mock paper Learn about the next project

4 As before, fill each segment with a mark relating to questions 1,2,3,4,5
Check your targets: did you achieve them? Set two or three new targets for paper 1

5 WW1 Knowledge Dump

6 Research

7 Source: ‘Propping up the Line’
Onomatopoeia Metaphor/Personification Adjectives Lexical field of evil

8 Separate Successful Until Necessary Permanent


10 Structure Create a line graph X = line numbers Y = suspense/action

11 Structure exercise [HW]

12 Q4 Horror of war and impact on Alfred
Yes, I agree completely that line 17 to the end reflects the horror of the war and demonstrates the dreadful impact it had on Alfred. How?

13 Let’s look for evidence…
Horror of War Impact on Alfred

14 Project: no longer than 10 minutes
Your project includes the following opportunities A chance for you to choose the most suitable option An opportunity to show that you can work independently A chance to show that you can encourage and support others An opportunity to show that you can plan a schedule A chance for your creativity to come out

15 Project Choices 1. Education Unthink Rethink
Scrap the entire education system and Start from scratch YOU DECIDE: What age to start and finish school What topics are taught How lessons are taught Timetable What sort of buildings Resources Visits Exams

16 Project Choices 2. War Focus on one aspect such as: Shellshock
Deserters The White Feather The football match Letters home

17 Project Choices 3. English and your vocational course
Research and present information on the importance of English skills in your chosen vocational course. Include how speaking and listening, reading and writing all play their part in your chosen career.

18 Project Choices 4. If you could change ONE thing in the world, what would it be? You will need to research and come up with a detailed plan that includes what, why and how you want to change things…

19 Project Bailey2811
With this option, you would be showing the animoto and then talking through how you created it

20 Your video You could film an interview between a WW1 veteran in a nursing home and a journalist. If you do this, you won’t have to speak in front of anyone – you can simply show the video for your presentation. This would involve creating questions and answers – researching and then filming.

21 Scrapbook If you choose to do this, you will need to talk through each page.

22 Would you like to work with someone?
No problem…make sure both of you are involved in the preparation and the presentation

23 Schedule Part 1/Lesson 1 taught Part 2/Lesson 2 workshop 13 November
Feedback on Question 5 Creative Writing Tips Planning and Preparation Workshop 20 November ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ Practising exam questions with your targets in mind Workshop 27 November Creative Writing exercise 4 December Projects Presented 11 December Projects Presented mop-up SPaG quiz

24 Diary of Progress Date 6.11.17 Project ideas introduced 13.11.17
Decided on a presentation on shellshock. Lisa and I will work together and will make an animoto video with music and pictures. Then we’ll plan what we’re going to say. Animoto is finished. Today we worked on our scripts. Practice run went well. We’re first on…

25 Awards and Prizes Self-motivated and Independent Creative
Best presentation Best team worker Supporting other people Outstanding effort All-round winner

26 Today… Spellings Record results and update targets Research WW1
Review last week’s mock paper Learn about the next project

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