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Popes and Rulers.

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1 Popes and Rulers

2 Reviving an Empire Otto the Great Otto the Great Dies
Took control of the parts of the eastern portion of Charlemagne's empire Created alliances with nobles to strengthen his power Convinced pope to crown him emperor Created a prosperous kingdom Strengthened the power of the church in his kingdom Otto the Great Dies His empire continued to be ruled by his decedents The empire itself became to be known as the Holy Roman Empire Shows that German kings wanted to create a Christian version of the Roman empire

3 Holy Roman Empire 962-1803 Created by Otto the Great
A Christian empire meant to rival the greatness of the Roman Empire

4 A Study in Conflict Pope and Emperor A Defiant Ruler
1073 Pope Gregory VII believes a king should not have more power than the Church Creates a list declaring the supreme authority of the Church 12. “It may be permitted to him to depose emperors” A Defiant Ruler Henry IV ignored the Pope’s rules Pope Gregory VII excommunicated (exclude from the church) Henry The pope freed Henry’s subjects from their feudal oaths Without the support of his subjects Henry had no power The struggle between pope and ruler continued for years Concordat of Worms= agreement between Church and Holy Roman Empire

5 Church and State in England
Similar conflicts between the church and government continued in other areas of Europe King Henry vs. Archbishop of Canterbury Henry wanted to expand royal power Archbishop did not support King Henry and grew more loyal to the state

6 Kings Grow Stronger Increased Trade Challenging power
By 1100’s trade was growing This increased the wealth of kings through taxes Kings grew in power with increase of money Challenging power As kings grew in wealth they began to challenge the Church by also granting land This used to be solely the power of the Church

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