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Mrs. Morano’s Pre-K News

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1 Mrs. Morano’s Pre-K News
Week of October 2, 2017 This week’s theme: Friends disagree sometimes and that’s ok. ELA Math Our trade book for the week was Matthew & Tilly by Rebecca Jones. Through the story and our discussions we learned that friends do not always get along – and that’s ok! We discovered that even though friends disagree and may even argue at times, we are still friends.. Our vocabulary words for the week were: afraid, happy, mad, mean, nice, sad. In math we are learning ordinal numbers. We practiced sequencing pictures from our story using the terms first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. Handwriting Our letter of the week is letter E. We have been practicing writing the letter E as well as thinking of words that start with the /e/ sound Science This week we spoke about healthy habits for our teeth. We discussed good foods to eat to keep our teeth growing strong and how to care for them by brushing and flossing. To illustrate how sugary foods can stain and damage teeth over time, we did a science experiment by soaking a hard boiled egg in water and another in soda over night. Ask you child about the results! (Hint: We needed to brush one egg with toothpaste and a toothbrush!) Social Studies We read our Scholastic Newsletter using the interactive features on the smartbaord. We talked about ways to get along with friends; how friends are different and the same. After watching a short video clip from Scholastic we discussed ways we could work out problems when friends have trouble getting along. Religion . News & Reminders Please label all sweaters, jackets, etc., so that they can be returned to the proper owner at the end of the day. Please make sure you are sending in a healthy snack for morning snack. Cookies and chips are not a healthy snack. Fruit, yogurt, crackers, granola bars are some good examples of a healthy snack. Cookies and chips are fine for the afternoon only. In Religion we learned that God gave us our friends. We also learned that Jesus is our friend. We talked about ways to be a good friend to others and thanked God for giving us the gift of friendship.

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