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Mike’s TMG Tips Ottawa TMGUG 4 Nov 2017.

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1 Mike’s TMG Tips Ottawa TMGUG 4 Nov 2017

2 TMG Download TMG 9.05 USA Version TMG 9.05 UK Version You should select to save the file to a location on your system. Then double-click on the file after the download is finished. This opens the installer and begins the installation. You should tell the installer to install the program in the same place that an earlier v9 version is already installed. This will overwrite the installation with the v9.05 version while leaving your data alone. After v9.05 is installed, you should be able to open (or restore and open) your v9.05 projects. If you happen to restore a project from an earlier version, v9.05 will upgrade it at the time. Norton found a problem with the UK Version when I tried to download it.

3 Upgrading to TMG 9 To get TMG 9 you need to buy a license code, which is available only from Harry Goegebeur, the TMG dealer in Holland, and download the installer. Links to both are in Terry Reigel’s article at Costs about $60US.

4 History Research Environment (HRE)
History Research Environment is a community project to create a free platform-independent application for the serious amateur or professional historical researcher. For genealogists, HRE will provide an onward path for users of the discontinued program The Master Genealogist (TMG). HRE will also handle a very wide range of other historical and cultural research needs. Project website: Volunteer skills: Donate: Wiki: Nothing new with Rootsweb down.

5 Copy Person Creates an exact copy of the individual specified
Examples: Within a data set, you might want to create the first twin and then copy that person instead of creating the other twin from scratch. Or perhaps you had entered a man and his nine children. Then you find out that some of the children belonged to the man's cousin who had the same name. It would be easier to copy the man with all his events, and then delete the events within each one that didn't apply to that person and change the links of some of the children to the new father. Using Between data sets, you might want to copy actual people who really reside in two separate data sets. That's much easier than creating them and all of their events again. I often use it to create the other children afte I have added the first. Or to add the spouses. Anyhting to save some work.

6 Copy Person 1 Click Add, then Copy Person 2

7 Copy Person TMG will automatically select the Focus person as the Person to Copy. You can enter another ID Number, or select by pressing <F2> or by clicking on the and choosing the person from the Picklist. The next available ID will be used for the ID of the new person but you can enter an ID Number for the copied person or press <F2> and select from a list of unused ID Numbers I only have one dataset, so I have not used the feature to copy between data sets. Check Help if you want to try that out.

8 Copy Person Data Types to Include
When you copy a person, the primary name and source(s), as well as the flag values, will always be copied. In addition, place a check mark next to the things you want to copy. The copy will not include links to the children of the subject. When you have finished filling out the information on both tabs, click [OK] to copy the person.

9 Copy Person

10 Copy Person Samuel’s wife Sally Jones now shows two marriage to #3 and #65, while the children of Frank Alexander now include both versions of Samuel Lee.

11 Copy Person Demo

12 Copy Tag Sometimes you may have two or more events which are very similar. Instead of adding a new tag, you may want to copy one which is very similar and then edit it. You can add the same tag to multiple people, for example, a census tag. Add the tag for one Subject, then copy the tag. Edit the copied tag and change the principal.

13 Copy Tag To copy a tag: 1. Highlight the tag to be copied.
2. Select Add > Copy tag. 2

14 Copy Tag You can now open the copied tag and change the information, i.e. make the principal his wife, change the date, etc.

15 Numbering Ancestors If you look at my tree, you will see that my ancestors ID numbers are their Ahnentafel number. This makes it easier for me to move around without needed to go to the Project Explorer to find and ancestor.

16 Ahnentafel A genealogical numbering system for listing a person's direct ancestors in a fixed sequence of ascent. The subject of the ahnentafel is listed as No. 1, the subject's father as No. 2 and the mother as No. 3, the paternal grandparents as No. 4 and No. 5 and the maternal grandparents as No. 6 and No. 7, and so on, back through the generations. Apart from No. 1, who can be male or female, all even-numbered persons are male, and all odd-numbered persons are female. The number of any person's father is double the person's number, and a person's mother is double the person's number plus one.

17 1. Numbering Ancestors Generate an Ahnentafel Report with name and ID number (no tags, no sources, no exhibits, etc.) This is a manual process. The report is numbers by Ahnentafel (on the left) with the current ID number on the right

18 2. Numbering Ancestors Renumber People using the function in TMG
a. From the Tools menu, select Renumber People. Choose to Renumber one person. b. Select the person you want to renumber by typing the ID Number in the From field or using the find button to locate him or her. c. Either accept the next available number, which appears in the To field or, with your cursor in the To field, press <F2>. You will see the Unused ID Numbers screen. NOTE: You may have to renumber non ancestors to other numbers in order to free up the “Ahnentafel” ID Number.

19 Pseudo “People” TMG is a general purpose relational database program, which means you enter a piece of data only once, then link (relate) to that one piece of data multiple times. For example, a TMG “person” entry can be thought of more generically as a “thing” entry with a name/label, tags that describe possibly dated “stuff” or events about this “thing”, the ability to link (relate) this “thing” directly or via events to other “things” and people, and the ability to generate reports about these “things”. If you can force yourself to ignore that TMG labels the entry a “person” and that it labels the links to other entries as “children”, “parents”, and “witnesses”, then the possible uses of TMG “person” entries, tags, and links is limited only by your own imagination. Michael Hannah's My Way Pseudo People are entries that are not actual humans but are used to make better use of the database.

20 Numbering Census “People”
I use a Pseudo Person for each census and attach individual families with Census tags

21 Census “People”

22 Census “People” This shows what a tag would look like with all the all the enumerated listed as witnesses. But what I really wanted to pass on was another of my tips for easily recalling the “person” and the source.

23 Numbering Census “People”
To make it easier to find these Census “people”, I number them in accordance with the year of census as much as possible: Renumbering is done in the same manner as previously discussed.

24 Numbering Census Sources
Likewise, I renumbered the sources, as much as possible. I initiall dropped the “1” because I did not realize that you could renumber higher than you have Sources i.e. to 1905 when you have only 1756 sources. You will note a few anomalies like the first digit is 3 when I have another source for the same census. I only applied this mainly to the national census as it becomes difficult with numerous county or state census. I do use it when the US states did there own census between federal census in the same year.

25 Numbering Census Sources
To renumber one source: Highlight the source to be renumbered and click on the [Renumber] button. The Renumber Source window will appear. 1. Click on the radio button next to Renumber one source. 2. The From field will contain the number of the highlighted source. You can accept that, or change it if you want to renumber a different source. 3. The To field will contain the next available number. Accept or change it. You may not use a number that is already in use. To see a list of unused numbers, press <F2>. 4. Click [OK] to renumber the source.

26 Numbering Census Sources

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