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Musical Notation.

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Presentation on theme: "Musical Notation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Musical Notation

2 Rhythm Rhythm may be generally defined as a movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements.

3 Whole Note Covers every beat in 4/4 time.
A whole note takes all four beats.

4 Half Note Half Note Is half the length of a whole note. It covers two beats.

5 Quarter Note Quarter Note
Is 1/4 the length of a whole note. It is one beat.

6 Eighth Note Eighth Note It is 1/8 the length of a whole note; half the length of a quarter note. Two eighth notes make one beat.

7 Sixteenth Note Sixteenth Note It is 1/16 the length of a whole note; half the length of an eighth note. Four sixteenth notes equal one beat.

8 Thirty-Second Note Thirty-Second Note Is 1/32 the length of a whole note; 1/4 the length of an eighth note. Eight thirty-second notes equal one beat.

9 Sixty-Fourth Note Sixty-Fourth Note Is 1/64 the length of a whole note; 1/8 of an eighth note. Sixteen sixty-fourth notes equal one beat.

10 Meter Meter is the regular recurring pattern of strong and weak beats of equal duration; also known as time signature. The meter or time signature in a musical composition is indicated by a fraction, and located at the beginning of a piece of music. The lower number of the fraction tells what kind of note receives one beat. The upper number tells how many beats are in a measure.

11 Meter Example

12 The Grand Staff The Grand Staff is two sets of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different musical pitch.

13 Pitches on the Line The pitches located on the lines for the Treble Clef are EGBDF. A mnemonic device is Every Good Boy Does Fine

14 The Space Pitches The pitches located on the spaces for the Treble Clef are FACE

15 Rests A rest is an interval of silence in a piece of music, marked by a sign indicating the length of the pause. Each rest symbol corresponds with a particular note value. Whole Gentleman takes his hat off. Half Gentleman leaves his hat on.

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