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Hoy es lunes, el veinte de abril

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Presentation on theme: "Hoy es lunes, el veinte de abril"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hoy es lunes, el veinte de abril
¿Cómo se dice en español? (How do you say in Spanish?) United States is a big country. 2. Bolivia is not in Central America. 3. The independence of Cuba is in 1902. Estados Unidos es un país grande. Bolivia no está en América del Centro. La independencia de Cuba es en mil novecientos dos.

2 Project: Los países que hablan español
Using technology, you will create a presentation with important information about a Spanish-speaking country. You must use the information you have on nationality and name of the country. You must bring in a famous food or drink from the country chosen. Each student will be working on one country.

3 You must include: One sentence with the name of the country. (Include map of country) One sentence with the capital of the country. (Include one picture of the capital) 3. One sentence with the complete date of the independence of the country. 4. One sentence with the colors of the flag. (Include picture of flag)

4 5. One sentence with masculine and feminine nationalities for the country.
6. One sentence with continent on which this country is located (Include picture) 7. One sentence with well-known food of this country. (Include food pictures and bring in authentic food or beverages) One sentence with continent on which this country is not located (Include picture) An example is shown next:

5 Francia

6 El país es Francia

7 La capital de Francia es París

8 La independencia de Francia es el catorce de julio de mil setecientos ochenta y nueve

9 La bandera es roja, blanca y azul.

10 Los hombres son franceses y las mujeres son francesas.

11 Francia está en Europa.

12 Las comidas famosas son el queso y el pan.

13 Francia no está en África.

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