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1 Please log in with your first and last name
Please put your phone on “MUTE” unless you are speaking to the presenter or the group

2 Course Submission Webinar II
Bree Frick, Columbus State Community College Anne Skuce, Ohio Department of Higher Education

3 Mute your phone Ask a Question

4 Quick Background All 41 Secondary Schools that currently teach the Education CTAG must complete a “full” submission Full submissions will only be required this year. After the End of Course Exam has been through field testing, a cut score will be established. Assessment for this course includes both the WebXam and a portfolio. After this academic year, secondary schools will complete an Affirmation form instead of the full submission. An Affirmation form, signed by both the secondary teacher and the principal or career-tech director, verifies that the course is aligned to both ODE’s Career-Technical Content Standards and the themes in ODHE’s CTAG. The student’s success on the WebXam and the portfolio will demonstrate their learning.

5 Course Equivalency Management System (CEMS)
Used to submit your course materials and create a CTAG match Complete submissions are reviewed by faculty panel members Faculty panel members will approve your match, or return it to you for additional information

6 Course Equivalency Management System (CEMS)
If you will be submitting your course for approval you MUST have a CEMS account New User? Request an Account Here! November 2nd, 9:30, Tri-Rivers Career Center

7 Homework (Optional)! If you complete your Scope and Sequence document or Syllabus before the submission workshop, you may have one of our faculty panel members review it Please send your drafts to me and I will forward it to a post-secondary faculty member

8 Education CTAG: A little history
Introduction to Education CTAG was first released in 2010 The TAG course was updated, and the CTAG followed In Fall 2015 Post Secondary Lead Experts began the realignment process Course alignment is complete and a new CTAN has been introduced

9 Why is a new Submission Required?
A lot in education has changed since 2010! Research has led to a better understanding of teaching and learning Framing the work: High quality outcomes from CTAG students Enormous amount of work for three credits Redirect focus on succinct portfolio Picture is from: “Climate change creates wobbles in Earth’s spin axis,”

10 Why is a new Submission Required?
Alignment with the TAG course Reflect the course at the college/university level Portfolio changes: Was cutting edge in 2010! Now a streamlined portfolio with objectives best portrayed in a portfolio format Empowers CTAG teachers to do what you already know how to do Focus less on portfolio preparation and more on modeling and practicing best practices This presentation is to help you prepare for the course approval process Historically, there was a reason many C-TAG teachers were secondary English teacher

11 Developing a Scope and Sequence Document
Bree Frick, M.A., M.Ed. Columbus State Community College

12 Accessing the Template and Formatting Your Document
The blank Scope and Sequence Template is available on the ODHE website: Scroll down and click on “Education,” then click on “Scope and Sequence Document for OED 007” and download it. Download and review the “Sample Scope and Sequence Document” if it will help you as you structure your own document. If you are more comfortable using Word instead of Excel, you can feel free to convert your document to a Word file.

13 Follow the headers Use your course calendar to determine the weeks in which you will be addressing each outcome in the course. Some outcomes may take more time. Make sure the amount of time aligns with the percentages in your Submission Template. The topic column will list the course chapters from your text and will correspond to the TAG Learning Outcomes.

14 Follow the headers, continued:
In the strategies column, you’ll outline what students will be able to know and do by the time you’ve completed covering the outcome in class. It will benefit you to explain both the methods you will use to explore each outcome in class, as well as how you will ensure student understanding of each component of the outcome using a variety of methods.

15 Follow the headers, continued:
The TAG learning outcomes column is already filled in for you. Make sure that the information you’re providing in the other columns aligns with these outcomes, even if you don’t approach them in the order in which they are presented on the template. Complete the assessment column by providing an explanation of each kind of assessment used to gauge student mastery of each outcome.

16 Example: Include all course assessments and explain how they connect to the learning strategies. Your Submission Template will go most in-depth about your assessments, but it’s a good idea to lay out a basic description of each assessment here.

17 Another example: It’s helpful to provide some examples of how supplemental materials might be used to support student mastery of outcomes. Remember, this document is highlighting BEST PRACTICES, so think about all the methods you and your colleagues use to ensure a varied and creative approach to the course outcomes.

18 …Helpful hints for preparing your Scope and Sequence:
These documents will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the field. These individuals understand that each instructor approaches a course differently. As long as you provide an appropriate explanation to how you approach each outcome in your “strategies” column, and those strategies align with the “assessments” column, you will be on the right track. Make sure your “weeks” column aligns with the sequence of course topics in your course calendar. Double (or even triple)- check for spelling errors and any issues with grammar and syntax. If you can consult with a colleague or two, please do. It helps not only in the construction of the document but also when proofreading before making the final submission.

19 Here is a completed Scope and Sequence Template to use as an example:









28 Three Important Reminders
Request a CEMS Account Send your homework to Course Submission Workshop November 2, 9:30 Tri-Rivers Career Center 2222 Marion - Mt.Gilead Road Marion, Ohio

29 Questions? You may ask your question in the “chat” box on the upper right corner of your screen. If you would rather speak with us, don’t forget to unmute your phone.

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