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Amariah Brigham M.D Born New Marlborough, Massachusetts

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1 Amariah Brigham M.D Born New Marlborough, Massachusetts Died Utica, New York Apprenticeship under various MDs 1816- 1820 Private practice, then traveled to Europe 1828 Studied in England (Bell, Abernathy) & France – (Magendre, Dupuytren, Cruveilhier) Founded: American Journal of Insanity (now American Journal of Psychiatry) Founded: American Institutions of the Insane (now American Psychiatric Association) Wrote – ‘An Inquiry Into Diseases and Functions of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves’

2 An Inquiry Into Diseases and Functions of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves A Brigham 1840
Purpose: “To call the attention of those practitioners of medicine into whose hands it falls, to the importance of the nervous system; and to persuade them to embrace every opportunity that is presented for studying its function and diseases” Preface Methods to study the brain 1. Chemical analysis 2. Dissection of the brain Experiments on living animals Comparative anatomy The Foetal condition and growth of the brain Pathologic observations External examination of the cranium

3 Pathologic Observations
‘Let us now direct our attention to one other method of investigating the functions of the brain ….. to careful dissection of the brain of those who died from affections of this organ ….’ ‘In conclusion, I consider this method of studying the functions of the brain deserving of the attention of medical men, who of all others, have the best opportunity of testing its correctness and determining its value, particularly by pathological investigations.’ An Inquiry Into Diseases and Functions of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves A Brigham 1840

4 “in conclusion, I consider this method of studying the functions of the brain deserving of the attention of medical men, who of all others, have the best opportunity of testing its correctness and determining its value, particularly by pathological investigations.”

5 “Morbid alteratons of the cineritous portion of the brain are directly connected with derangement of the intellect. Morbid alterations in the medullary portion are connected with disorder in the motive powers” “Secondly-We also learn from pathology that the cerebellum is not connected with the operations of the intellect, but is with voluntary motion. “

6 “It therefore devolves upon the anatomists, physiologists, and pathologists of the present generation, to make investigation upon this important subject to a far greater extent than have hitherto been made, in order to dispel the darkness in which it is at present involved.

7 “The method of determining the function of the brain by vivisection has been restored to by many Physologists, especially by those on the continent of Europe, by Haller, Lorry Finn, Rolando Magrendie, Serres, Fodere,Flourens, Bouillaud, and many others. “These distinguished Physiologists have seemed to suppose they might ascertain the function of the brain by removing portions of this organ from living animals and otherwise mutilating it, and noticing the effects produced.”


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