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• Privacy is very difficult to maintain in the era of the internet

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Presentation on theme: "• Privacy is very difficult to maintain in the era of the internet"— Presentation transcript:

1 • Privacy is very difficult to maintain in the era of the internet
Pornography Learning Outcomes; • An understanding of the UK law as it relates to viewing and creating pornography • How pornography can be used to harass a young person or can be used as part of sexual abuse • That many young people are perhaps unwittingly creating sexual images that are unlawful • Privacy is very difficult to maintain in the era of the internet • Just because porn is available and legal doesn't mean that it is necessarily right to watch it

2 What is Pornography



5 In groups of 4 chose two scenarios from the board and discuss whether this is a. legal and b. morally/ ethically right- be prepared to feedback to the class on your discussion.

6 Further discussion points- stay in your groups
If you had kids would you let them have access to porn? How might it feel to have a sexy image of you posted on the internet without your permission? Why do people take sexy pictures of or for each other? Is there a way to make this safer? Do you think that there should be an age limit for watching porn? How can it be enforced?

7 Planet Porn In your groups look at the 6 cards you have been given- discuss as a group whether each card should go on the Planet Porn or Planet Earth images. You could make a case for putting many of the cards on both- but discuss why Feedback to the class

8 Further Discussion Points;
What are the similarities with sex in the media and real life sex? What are the differences? Are people influenced by sex in the media when they have sex? Who decides what is 'normal' sex? Is it ok to talk about sex which is normal and sex which isn't?

9 DEAR DR LOVE- relationship advice for Porn Stars and sexy models
In your groups take it in turn to be the Agony Aunt/Uncle- ‘Dr Love’ Go through the problems on the next slide and take it in turn to give your group some answers to the made up scenarios. Try and give the best possible answer to each problem. All these scenarios are fictional


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