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Religion in the Public Schools

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1 Religion in the Public Schools

2 Extremes Are Not Consistent With the Law
Promotion of religion is not allowed Schools are not religion-free zones May not inculcate religion May not inhibit religion

3 Why we do teach about religion?
Complete education Bible is literature Omission is dangerous Value religious liberty To study religion: is constitutional is necessary it must be taught objectively and neutrally

4 How we teach about religion?
academic approach - not devotional awareness not acceptance study about religion not the practice of exposure not imposition educate - not promote or denigrate inform not conform discussions free from advocacy use attributive statements like “most Buddhists believe” - “according to”

5 How much to teach? Let the grade level and academic requirements of the course guide this decision. Elementary students generally introduced to the basic ideas and practices of the world’s major religions (core beliefs, symbols, figures, events) Careful about guest speakers - must be scholarly and know guidelines

6 Religious Holidays Teaching about religious holidays is permissible
how and when celebrated origins and histories generally agreed upon meanings Celebrating religious holidays is not permissible Religious symbols may be used as examples on a temporary basis only

7 Religion and Character Ed
Teachers must be neutral concerning religion, among religions, between religion and non-religion Teachers do not have to be neutral concerning civic virtue and moral character The morals of many Americans are shaped by their religion

8 Teachers’ Rights Cannot pray with or in the presence of students during the school day - unless away from students or unless silently Can wear non-obtrusive jewelry, but not proselytizing messages When asked by a student, teachers may: not answer - say it would be inappropriate answer straightforwardly and succinctly

9 Students’ Rights Can pray individually or in groups so long as not disruptive Can read religious texts, say grace before meals, pray before tests, and discuss religion with willing listeners Can pray quietly in class except when required to be involved in activity May express beliefs in assignments and will be judged academically

10 Students’ Rights cont’d
Must be excused from conversations that make student or parent uncomfortable Can be granted special requests, but teachers cannot monitor these requests May form religious clubs if school has secular clubs. Outsiders should not be integral in these clubs. Same media rights. May distribute religious literature on same terms as secular literature.

11 Final Thought. . . Religious issues can be complicated, if a question arises regarding a religious issue in your classroom you should contact your building level principal for clarification.

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