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Vesa Klumpp, Knowtion 2017-11-24 Applications of Intelligent Control in Industry and Adaption to Space Missions Vesa Klumpp, Knowtion 2017-11-24.

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Presentation on theme: "Vesa Klumpp, Knowtion 2017-11-24 Applications of Intelligent Control in Industry and Adaption to Space Missions Vesa Klumpp, Knowtion 2017-11-24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vesa Klumpp, Knowtion 2017-11-24
Applications of Intelligent Control in Industry and Adaption to Space Missions Vesa Klumpp, Knowtion

2 About Knowtion Founded in April 2011 Close contact to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Customer-specific software and algorithm development Customer-oriented problem-solving approach with scientific background Highly qualified engineers and computer scientists with special knowledge in sensor fusion and data analysis Karlsruhe

3 Core Competencies Sensor Fusion Automatic Data Analysis
Combination of different sensor data and information sources Automatic Data Analysis Realtime surveillance of sensor data and detection of anomalies

4 Extracted information
Core Competencies Raw sensor data Model / Algorithms Information Temperature Pressure Acceleration Position Sensor Fusion (Bayes) Classification Machine Learning Deep Learning Approaches Reduced systematic error Filtered Plausible Data reduction Plausible data Filtered data Accuracy estimate Extracted information 4

5 Air Traffic Control 1/3 Surveillance data processing system (tracker)
Wanted Current air situation picture (position and velocity of each aircraft) Given Disturbed measurements of multiple radar stations Different types of sensor technologies (PSR, SSR, ADS-B, MLAT)

6 Air Traffic Control 2/3 Solution Result Specialized algorithms for
Data association Track update Result Plausible tracks with high accuracy Simultaneous monitoring of sensors

7 Air Traffic Control - other projects 3/3
Medium term confliction detection Warn the controller of potential conflict between flights in his area of responsibility Departure and arrival flow management Optimization of departure and arrival sequences under several time and spatial constraints Proposal of actions for air traffic controllers

8 Hot Water Tank Wanted Solution Temperature and energy profile
Detection of warm water draw off Supply of hot water on demand Solution Algorithm for temperature profile reconstruction and energy estimation Learning of user behavior over time to provide heat in advance and reduce energy consumption Limited main memory: 5 kB

9 Extrusion Foaming Process
Production of construction material for thermal insulation (Extruded polysterene foam, XPS) Health monitoring of production process Prediction of final production quality Optimization and control of extruder and machine parameters Control Algorithms Prediction of quality of final product Process and machine data Sensor data Extruder Intermediate Product Final Product

10 Flight Passenger Number Prediction
Wanted Prediction of PAX for each flight within the next 2 months Given Historic passenger data of the last years Solution Application of of multiple machine learning algorithms (Ensemble) Achieved performace similar to human expert

11 Anominer - Overview Automatic monitoring of data for changes, outliers, and anomalies Learning and analysis of process data in real-time Machine learning and deep learning algorithms For automated inspection of process data, customer-specific adaption possible Outlier detection Detection of anomalies

12 Anominer - Filling Plant
Monitoring of a bottle filling process for detection of leakages and errors 1st step “Learning”: Anominer accepts input data streams and learns normal behavior of data in real-time 2nd step “Evaluation”: Anominer monitors input data streams for changes Result is an anomaly indicator that describes the deviation of the learned normal behavior Fast response: Result is returned in real-time

13 Anominer – DC Motor Monitoring of the health of a DC motor
Change of input data is very subtle when defect is present (e.g. change in friction, inductivity, or electrical resistance of rotor) Same setup and configuration of Anominer as in filling plant use case Anominer can also be employed to detect very subtle changes in input data

14 High Altitude Test and Validation Service employing SpaceFish Vehicle
Successor of GSTP 4 activity “Integrated Vehicle Health Management System Demonstrator (iHMSD)” High-altitude re-entry demonstrator space vehicle Glider is equipped with payload, e. g. measurement equipment Glider is dropped from balloon and shall return to specific location autonomously Challenges: Unknown payload changes flight behavior Intelligent monitoring of system

15 Intelligent Flight Control Algorithm
General Requirements: Online / Real-time learning and evaluation Relatively low processing power available Low communication bandwidth and high latency to base station  Offloading of processing to base station probably not feasible

16 Intelligent Flight Control Algorithm
Sensors measure current flight path Model predicts behavior of glider Based on equation of motion or learned Current flight path is evaluated/scored Smoothness, deviation from planned trajectory, Intensity of control On-line learning of flight characteristics Adaption of control strategy

17 Approaches for Complexity Reduction
Pre-trained models Offline learning from recordings and online update Reduced state space for lower computational complexity Lower-dimensional parameterization of model Conditional models Decomposition of problem Use set of motion equations for different flight maneuvers or learn different parts of trajectory Learning is re-weighting of single models

18 System/Health Monitoring
Sensor faults On-line estimation of calibration Flight dynamics, mechanical structure, vibrations Find specific signals or features in sensor data Controller performance Evaluate settling time, extent of control variables Decreased performance may indicate problem

19 System/Health Monitoring
Detection of deviations from normal behavior Employ pre-trained model or learn online during flight On-line evaluation Potential Processing Pipeline Onboard pre-processing and data reduction Detection of faults with machine learning algorithms in base station


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