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Beyond Newsletters Jery Stedinger Scoutmaster, Troop 2 Ithaca, NY

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1 Beyond Newsletters Jery Stedinger Scoutmaster, Troop 2 Ithaca, NY
Woodbadge NE-III-133, Beaver Patrol

2 Tips for Introductions
1. Set the tone 2. Establish credentials of the speaker 3. Motivate the topic Mention speaker’s name several times. Do not think of an introduction as a waste of time, any more than glue on a stamp is a waste of money. A pat on the back and a good start should always be appreciated.

3 What did it communicate?
Communication What did we just do? What did it communicate?

4 Outline Planning, Newsletters, Calendars, Communication is Skill #1
Covenant Get the word out Planning, Newsletters, Calendars, Announcements, Web sites Beyond Newsletters: What is your strategy? Modes of communication Scouting Goals & Types of Messages Communication Matrix Scouts, Parents, Leaders, Public Thought to Go Appendix: Effective

5 Elevens Skills of Leadership
Traditional Woodbadge, Scoutmasters Handbook, (c) 1981 Skill # 1 Communicating

6 Skill # 1 Communicating Communication involves several factors: receiving, storing, retrieving, giving, and interpreting information. Clear communication is essential: The success of establishing and maintaining a Troop depends on how well its members communicate.

7 Cubs, Scouts & Venture WELCOME
While examples are from the Boy Scout program, all of material and ideas are equally applicable to all 3 programs.

8 Skill # 1 Communicating Think of the fast start video: the ideal scoutmaster stands on the sidelines while everything important happens during the troop meeting. How did all those people know what to do? How did they learn to do it?

9 Troop Leadership Requires
Communication Who - What - Where - When Training the Troop The Goals of Scouting (Why) Knowledge/skill for the job (How)

10 Resources

11 Participant Covenant We all sin and fall short of perfection.
During the presentation we will consider what our units have done, and what they might do. Leave the guilt for another time. After we leave, we will all do our best.

12 Getting the Word Out BSA published first real Handbook in 1911.
In 1912 purchased Boys Life, a magazine for young boys. 1913 published Scouting Magazine for Adults How do we build on these resources?

13 Getting the Word Out Newsletters and Calendars Annual Fall and Spring
Monthly Weekly s What is the right frequency?

14 What will happen?

15 Newsletters

16 Activities+welcome Lists of officers, scoutmasters, new members …

17 Troop Calendars Troop Calendars

18 Calendars

19 Calendar Extras

20 Special Announcements

21 Recruiting, Information

22 BSA Recruiting Material

23 Troop Web Site Come join us!

24 Web Site Goals Serve our troop with 2. Reach potential troop members
Newsletter, calendar, announcements Pictures and records Training resources Links to other sites 2. Reach potential troop members 3. Share with scouters outside our troop our own resources and ideas

25 Thinking Beyond Newsletters
What messages do we want to send, and how should they be sent?

26 Have a Strategy Think about what you are doing.
What do we wish to communicate? How can we best send the message? How will we know we have been successful?

27 What people remember: 10 % of what they read 25 % of what they hear
30 % of what they see 50 % of what they see and hear 70 % of what they say 90 % of what they say as they do something I hear and I forget. I see .. and I remember. I do .... and I understand.

28 Communication Process
Message -> Transmission -> Receipt Information can be sent by: Announcement at troop meeting Flier distributed at troop meeting Phone tree Web posting Newsletter or special mailing With annual calendar

29 Communication Process
If our message is received: Will they lose it or process it? Will the message be understood? Will it generate intended response? How will we know?

30 Evaluation How do we find out if messages are effective?
Are people participating in program? Ask scouts if they received information? Ask for an RSVP? Discuss the issue with PLC, troop committee, scoutmasters, and other groups when opportunities arise.

31 Types of Messages Who-What-Where-When
W-W-W-W is key Also provide motivation 2. Scout Spirit is ... (What we are about.) 3. We care about YOU. Who is WE? (friends, patrol, troop, scouting) Who sends the message? (friends, PL, SPL, ASM, SM, Committee)

32 What message is sent?

33 Scout Values

34 The Goal of Scouting Help boys grow into men who are:
Physically strong Mentally awake, and Morally straight.

35 Communication Matrix MESSAGE to be sent SCOUTS Who, What, Where, When
Scouting Spirit is … We Care About YOU.

36 Communication Matrix Message Scouts Parents Who, What, Where, When
Get the information home. Scouting Spirit is … Parents need to understand the goal. We Care About YOU. We all need support.

37 Leadership perspective
Communication Matrix Message Scouts Parents Leaders Who, What, Where, When Need agenda for events Scouting Spirit is … Leadership perspective We Care About You. Leaders are people too

38 Communication Matrix Message Scouts Parents Leaders Public W-W-W-W
Invitations, Announce-ments Scouting Spirit is … Who we are. What we do. We Care About You. Helpful, Friendly

39 Thoughts to Go Communication is Leadership Skill #1.
Have a strategy to achieve your goal. Remember W-W-W-W, Scout-Spirit, and We-Care-About-YOU. Fill in Communications Matrix.

40 And may the Great Scoutmaster of all scouts be with you, until we meet again.
Jery Stedinger

41 Effective Email Here are some tips for email announcements:
Get to the main point first Use an informative subject line Include W-W-W-W: who, what, where, when, date/time, and contact information Separate explanations from announcements Remember: not everyone reads the web

42 Eleven Skills of Leadership
Communicating Knowing and using the RESOURCES of the group Understanding the characteristics and needs of the group. Representing the group Effective Teaching Evaluating – To learn and improve. Counseling – First aid for problems. Sharing Leadership Planning: short and long-term planning makes it happen Controlling group performance: influencing behavior Setting the example: Most sincere instruction is by example Woodbadge version, NE

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