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Parent/Guardian Information Night

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1 Parent/Guardian Information Night
10/09/2018 Parent/Guardian Information Night E.Moore Guidance Counsellor E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)

2 Student Worries I don’t want to be the only one that doesn’t get my course. I don’t want to go to college so what are my options? How am I going to get everything done? I am so stressed trying to manage all of my subjects I only need 6 for points? I want to apply for that course but I don’t want to tell anyone.

3 What would you like to do next year?
I don’t know? I think I would like… I keep changing my mind…


5 How do students choose a course/career?
10/09/2018 How do students choose a course/career? My Role as a Guidance Counsellor. ‘Helping you to help yourself’ Questions? What do you love, what you are interested in, your goals, hobbies, interests, achievements. Is there any medical issue to be considered. School Results, Differential Aptitude Test Results, Personality Test, Career Interest Inventory. Match a career path that gives them a spark! ‘Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there’. E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)

6 Non CAO Options Apprenticeships/ SOLAS Training World of Work

7 Colleges of Further Education
What is a PLC/Fetac course? No Points Interview & Reference Usually one year in duration Includes work placement Provides access to third level Cost: No tuition fees* * Application fee in some Colleges and cost associated with some courses. Apply directly to the Colleges of Further Education…some charge approximately €20.

8 Teagasc Agriculture Horticulture Equine Forestry
Nearest one to us is Kildalton. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

9 CAO Application Process Cost of 3rd level education


11 National Framework of Qualifications
Level 5 Colleges of Further Education Level 6/7 Institutes of Technology Level 8 Universities

12 10/09/2018 The New Points Scale In your Leaving Certificate you are awarded “points” for each individual grade you achieve. The grades students achieve at both higher and ordinary level are now numbered from 1 – 8. 25 Bonus Points will be awarded for H1 – H6 in Maths. E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)

13 CAO APPLICATION FORM # = restricted course * = random selection
10/09/2018 CAO APPLICATION FORM Name, DOB, Address, School Name,Contact details. You can tick a box for Grant, HEAR, & DARE _________________________________L Level 8 Courses 1. CK (Arts UCC) 2. GY101 (Arts Nuig ) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 _ Level 6/7 Courses 1. WD018 (social science WIT) 2. CR (social Science CIT) 3. CR220 # (fine Art CIT) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 # = restricted course * = random selection E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)

14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 So – What is the best way to apply for courses?
Dream Courses Realistic Courses Back up courses Brian Howard - Newbridge College

15 Restricted Application Courses #
Some courses have Interviews/ Assessments / Portfolios / Auditions Medicine – HPAT Test Application must be made by the 1st February. Details of all restricted entry courses are in the CAO Handbook Health profession admissions test

16 Cao Language Exemptions
Students with Irish and/or Language exemption. If applying for an NUI college must fill out an exemption form and contact the CAO to inform them. If applying for TCD/UL/non NUI Colleges students must fill in a language waiver form and contact the CAO to inform them. Forms are available online

17 Financial Support SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland)
General College Supports .

18 Average Cost of College
1818 Already cost is €2,500 Average Cost of College Average monthly cost: Rent (Shared House/Flat) Є 370 Light/Heat/Power Є 40 Food Є 186 Travel Є 60 Books/Stationery Є 48 Clothes/Laundry/Medical Є 100 Social Life/Mobile/Misc Є 150 Total: Є 954 The average cost of third level per annum is between €11,000 and €13,000. Costs in Dublin are greater than other cities. Annual (8½ Months) Total: € 8109 Registration fee: €3,000 Total Average Cost: €11,109

19 SUSI: Some Key Messages
10/09/2018 SUSI: Some Key Messages Check the website: (Use Eligibility Reckoner) CAO form: Tick the SUSI option to share your college acceptance Apply early: April Return requested documentation: complete and on time Self employed: Tax returns Contact SUSI Website: Telephone helpdesk: E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)


21 What colleges offer DARE/HEAR
Dublin Institute of Technology Dublin City University RCSI Trinity College, Dublin University College, Dublin Church of Ireland, College of Education Marino Institute of Education National College of Ireland St. Angela’s College, Sligo. IT Sligo Maynooth University Pontifical University NUI Galway Athlone IT University of Limerick Mary Immaculate College University College Cork Cork Institute of Technology

22 10/09/2018 What is DARE? The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who as a result of having a disability have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education. E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)

23 Benefits of DARE College supports may include: Orientation Programmes Library Support Learning Support Exam Accommodations Assistive Technology Educational Support Worker Academic Tuition You don’t have to be eligible for DARE to get support in college. A needs assessment is conducted to identify your specific support requirements.

24 Disabilities eligible for consideration
10/09/2018 Disabilities eligible for consideration Autistic Spectrum Disorders (including Asperger’s Syndrome) ADD / ADHD Blind / Vision Impaired Deaf / Hard of Hearing DCD – Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia Mental Health Conditions Neurological Conditions (incl. Brain Injury & Epilepsy) Speech & Language Communication Disorder Significant Ongoing Illness Physical Disability Specific Learning Difficulty (Dyslexia & Dyscalculia) E.Moore Guidance Counsellor (BA,MSC,PGDE,PGGC)

25 WHAT IS HEAR Higher Education Access Route is an admissions route for school leavers who for social, financial or cultural reasons are under-represented at third level education. It was set up to ensure that all Leaving Certificate students have a fair and equal opportunity to progress to third level education.

26 You must meet the HEAR income limit plus the right combination of 2 other indicators to be eligible
1. Was your household income on or below €45,790 in 2016? 2. Do you or your family have a Medical Card/GP Visit Card? 3. Did your parents/guardians receive a means-tested social welfare payment for at least 26 weeks in 2016? 4. Is your parents’ or guardians’ employment status under-represented in Higher Education? 5. Have you attended a DEIS second level school for five years? 6. Do you live in an area of concentrated disadvantage? Indicator 1 plus 2 plus 4 or 5 or 6 Indicator 1 plus 3 plus 4 or 5 or 6 Indicator 1 plus 4 plus 5 or 6 Indicator 1 plus 5 plus 6

27 More Information…
Application Guides on Waterford Advice Clinic in the Woodlands Hotel on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 from 6-8pm Individual college websites Even if your son or daughter is not applying to a participating college but has an SLD or a disability they should still indicate this on their CAO form and contact the Access Office in that college. There are supports available.

28 Sports and Elite Sports Academic Entrance (550 +) Music
Scholarships Sports and Elite Sports Academic Entrance (550 +) Music Active Citizenship Quercus UCC AD Astra UCD Naughton (STEM) Trinity Schols

29 Eleanor Uí Chatháin, Guidance Counsellor.

30 Biosciences Business/Management Digital Media/Gaming
Engineering Environmental Science - Hospitality & Tourism - International Law International Relations/Politics IT & Software Life Sciences - Media & Entertainment Management - Medicine - Performing Arts - Physiotherapy - Psychology Sports Management - Veterinary Science And more

31 No Fees Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Fees Netherlands €2060 Poland/Bulgaria € 8/9,000 Note: Ireland €3000 (registration fee)

32 Courses in the UK Personal details 5 Choices Personal Statement School Reference Interview Feb/March

33 UCAS Fees: (No Update Post-Brexit)
Domicile of Student Location of Institution England Scotland Wales NI Up to 9K No fee Up to £ EU No FEE Other International Variable

34 Two Types of offers Unconditional offers Conditional Offers
A conditional offer means that they will offer you a place if you meet certain conditions, which are usually based on your exams. An unconditional offer means that you have met all the entry requirements and the university or college is happy to accept you. Students can apply for up to 5 courses through UCAS* Personal Statement needs to be 60% academic and 40% personal. The reference will also reflect this.


36 Websites & Twitter
@FriaryGuidance (Guidance Section) Guidance Department

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