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Pitch Deck Template 2017 UC Entrepreneur Campaign for Alumni

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Presentation on theme: "Pitch Deck Template 2017 UC Entrepreneur Campaign for Alumni"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pitch Deck Template 2017 UC Entrepreneur Campaign for Alumni

2 Title Slide Company Name Your Name & Title Your Email
Contact Phone Number UC Campus Affiliation Company website (if any)

3 Problem/Opportunity, Value Proposition, Competitive Landscape
Define the company/business in a one-liner summary Define your market– what real problem are you solving, and for who? Total market size – estimated dollar size, what is your niche? Macro trends and insights Present your solution to solving the pain points/problem for the customer. Provide use cases for your solution Who are the competitors, why have they succeeded/failed, and how do you differentiate from them? What is your competitive advantage?

4 Product/Solution, User Acquisition, and Go-To-Market Strategy
Product line-up (form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property, service) Business model Revenue model – how do you make money? How to acquire customers - sale and distribution model Prospective customers/pipeline list

5 Management Team & Investors (if any)
Founders and Management Prior positions, relevant experience, successes, domain expertise Board of Directors, Board of Advisors Investor(s) (if any)

6 Traction, Financial Metrics, Accomplishments
Show your timeline and milestones to-date Growth metrics are key at early stage Highlight press, partnerships, accolades Customer success stories and/or testimonials Show financial metrics/plans/basic math on revenues and conversion rates (Note: state key assumptions for your estimate/model) If available, drill down to total customers, total revenue, total expense, EBITDA Lifetime value of an average customer (ex. revenue per month per customer) How much capital are you raising? What are the key uses of proceeds? Founder salaries Sales & Marketing New hires Technology/product or service development Capital expenses / equipment

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