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Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes for the 2012-2013 School Year March 2012 Release.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes for the 2012-2013 School Year March 2012 Release."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes for the 2012-2013 School Year
March 2012 Release

2 Data Standards Beginning with the school year, the PEIMS Data Standards will be published in tandem with the Texas Education Data Standards. Beginning with the release of the PEIMS Data Standards, TEA will be simultaneously publishing a version of the Texas Education Data Standards. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

3 Data Standards The PEIMS Data Standards are now known as the “Legacy” PEIMS Data Standards. The reference to the “Legacy” PEIMS Data Standards allows PEIMS users to quickly distinguish between the old PEIMS data collection standards versus the new PEIMS data collection standards. In the future, the PEIMS data will be reported using the Texas Student Data System. The TSDS Data Standards will be known as the Texas Education Data Standards. The Texas Education Data Standards comprise the data reporting requirements for not only the PEIMS data, but also the Dashboards that will be implemented beginning with the school year Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

4 Data Standards Global Changes to the Legacy PEIMS Data Standards The Legacy PEIMS Data Standards have been reformatted to make them easier to use for finding answers to data reporting questions and training new and existing PEIMS staff to understand and answer PEIMS reporting issues and questions. The purpose of this change is to help school PEIMS staff become more self-sufficient regarding understanding PEIMS reporting requirements and reporting PEIMS data accurately. “Teach them to “PEIMS””. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

5 Data Standards Global Changes to the Legacy PEIMS Data Standards The format for each Legacy PEIMS Data record has been standardized across all PEIMS records. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

6 2012-2013 Data Standards - Data Record name/layout
Each PEIMS Data record is formatted and presented in the following way: - Data Record name/layout - Data Record Description - Business Rules for each data element - Data Record Reporting Requirements - Special Reporting Requirements - Examples This format makes it easy for a PEIMS user to find information about reporting specific data groups. This format will be carried forward into the new TEDS to assist users in migrating from the Legacy PEIMS data reporting system to the TSDS PEIMS system. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

7 2012-2013 Data Standards 030 District Finance Data – Budget Record
Data Standards Revisions 030 District Finance Data – Budget Record Fiscal Year start dates and notification to change fiscal year start date have been advanced one year. See the 030 District Finance Data – Budget record for this change. Revised bullet (Old) Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2012, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2011, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at (New) In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2013, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2012, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

8 2012-2013 Data Standards 032 District Finance Data – Actual Record
Data Standards Revisions 032 District Finance Data – Actual Record Fiscal Year start dates and notification to change fiscal year start dates have been advanced one year. See the 032 District Finance Data - Actual record for this change. Revised bullet (Old) Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2012, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2011, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at (New) In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2013, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2012, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

9 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes 040 Staff Data –Identification/Demographic Identification Record Middle-Name - Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc… for the middle name if the staff person has no middle name. This field may be blank for staff. For staff, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the staff person has no middle name, the field must be left blank. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc… for the middle name if the staff person has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 04049) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

10 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes 040 Staff Data –Identification/Demographic Identification Record If a school reports a teacher for a non-campus based setting, all appropriate staff data must be reported. (040, 043, 045, 050, and 305) If a school district or charter school offers a “Non-Campus Based Instruction” education opportunity for its students, and the district is required to report a “Teacher of Record” per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the school district or charter school must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a “memorandum of understanding” with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records.  Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

11 2012-2013 Data Standards 100 Student Data - Identification Record
Data Reporting Changes 100 Student Data - Identification Record Middle-Name - This field may now be blank for students. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc… for the middle name if the student has no middle name. For students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc… for the middle name if the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 10015) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

12 2012-2013 Data Standards 100 Student Data - Identification Record
Data Reporting Changes 100 Student Data - Identification Record Homeless-Status-Code (E1082) added to column 79. Homeless Status Code has been added to the 100 Student Identification record at Column 79. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

13 2012-2013 Data Standards Homeless-Status-Code Definition
Data Reporting Changes Homeless-Status-Code Definition See PEIMS Data Element E1082 Homeless Status Code HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE (E1082) As defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(2), the term “homeless children and youths” means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence [within the meaning of section 103(a)(1)]; and includes: children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings [within the meaning of section 103(a)(2)(C)]; Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

14 2012-2013 Data Standards -Shelters -Doubled-Up -Unsheltered
Data Reporting Changes Four categories of Homeless Status: -Shelters -Doubled-Up -Unsheltered -Motels/Hotels Homeless Status Code - The four categories are: Shelters, Doubled-Up, Unsheltered, and Motels/Hotels. Shelters: Supervised publicly or privately operated facilities designed to provide temporary living accommodations. Included are emergency shelters, family shelters, domestic violence shelters, youth shelters, transitional housing programs, and temporary placements while awaiting foster care. The shelters category for homeless students does not include residential treatment facilities, Title I Neglected or Delinquent facilities, or TYC facilities. Doubled-Up: Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (e.g., living with another family). This classification requires a case-by-case determination. Unsheltered: A nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. It includes such places as cars, parks, campgrounds (if living there because they lack an alternative accommodation), temporary trailers (if living there because they lack an alternative accommodation), abandoned buildings, and substandard housing. Substandard housing may be determined by local building codes, community norms, and/or a case-by-case determination as to whether the accommodation is a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” Motels/Hotels: Students who stay at a motel or hotel are considered homeless if they reside there because they have lost their housing, lack an alternative accommodation, and do not have a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and migratory children (as such term is defined in section 1309 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) who qualify as homeless for the purpose of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances described in clauses (i) through (iii). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

15 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is to be used by all districts for reporting whether or not a student is homeless and, if homeless, what their primary nighttime residence is at the time of identification. Homeless Status Code HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is to be used by all districts for reporting whether or not a student is homeless and, if homeless, what their primary nighttime residence is at the time of identification. There are only four categories of primary nighttime residence, and if a student is homeless, their nighttime residence must be in one of these four categories. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

16 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is used to identify all the students that have experienced homelessness at some point during the school year. Homeless Status Code HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is used to identify all the students that have experienced homelessness at some point during the school year. If a student is homeless, but later that school year enters into permanent housing, this status code should not be changed and should still indicate that the student had been homeless. For PEIMS reporting purposes, all students identified as homeless in the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as homeless in the summer collection. The homeless status of each student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become homeless after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The homeless status of each student must be determined each year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

17 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes McKinney-Vento requires each school district to designate a homeless liaison. This person supports the district in Homeless coding decisions. Homeless Status Code The McKinney-Vento Act requires that every school district designate a homeless liaison. Contact your local homeless liaison for questions about the statutory definition of homelessness in the McKinney-Vento Act, whether or not a student meets that definition, and what category of living situation is appropriate. Information can also be obtained from the Texas Homeless Education Office. To contact the Texas Homeless Education Office, call For access to the McKinney-Vento Act and other relevant laws and rules, as well as guidance and information about serving the needs of homeless students, visit the Texas Homeless Education Office Website at A database of district homeless liaisons can be accessed at One of the responsibilities assigned to homeless liaisons under the McKinney-Vento Act is the identification of students experiencing homelessness. Many districts use a residency questionnaire to help determine homeless status. A sample residency questionnaire is available on the Texas Homeless Education Office website. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

18 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE Codes 0 - Student is not homeless at any time during current school year 1 - Student lives in a shelter, transitional housing, or is awaiting foster care at any time during current school year 2 - Student lives temporarily doubled-up (sharing residence with a family or individual) at any time during current school year Homeless Status Code Shelters are defined as supervised publicly or privately operated facilities designed to provide temporary living accommodations. The shelters category for homeless students includes emergency shelters, family shelters, domestic violence shelters, youth shelters, transitional housing programs, and temporary placements while awaiting foster care. The shelters category for homeless students does not include residential treatment facilities, Title I Neglected or Delinquent facilities, or Texas Youth Commission facilities. Doubled-Up (e.g., living with another family) is defined as sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason. This classification requires a case-by-case determination. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

19 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE Codes (continued) 3 - Student is unsheltered (i.e, lives on the street, lives in cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers [including FEMA trailers], or abandoned buildings) at any time during current school year 4 - Student lives in motel or hotel at any time during current school year Homeless Status Code Unsheltered is defined as a nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. It includes such places as cars, parks, campgrounds (if they live there because they lack an alternative accommodation), temporary trailers (if they live there because they lack an alternative accommodation), abandoned buildings, and substandard housing. Substandard housing may be determined by local building codes, community norms, and/or a case-by-case determination as to whether the accommodation is a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” Students who stay at a motel or hotel are considered homeless if they reside there because they have lost their housing, lack an alternative accommodation, and do not have a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

20 2012-2013 Data Standards 100 Student Data - Identification Record
Data Reporting Changes 100 Student Data - Identification Record Unaccompanied-Youth-Code (E1084) added to column 80. The addition of this data element eliminates the need for districts and charter schools to report separately the information related to homeless students and “unaccompanied youth” currently collected on the PR6400 compliance report. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

21 2012-2013 Data Standards Unaccompanied-Youth-Code
Data Reporting Changes Unaccompanied-Youth-Code See PEIMS Data Element E1084 UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE (E1084) As defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(6), the term “unaccompanied youth” means a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

22 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE is to be used by all districts to identify and report whether or not a student is unaccompanied (not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian), and if unaccompanied, whether or not they received services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

Data Reporting Changes UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE If a student is unaccompanied, but later that school year becomes accompanied, this status code should not be changed and should still indicate that the student had been unaccompanied. For PEIMS reporting purposes, all students identified as unaccompanied in the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as unaccompanied in the summer collection. The unaccompanied status of each student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The unaccompanied status of each student must be determined each year. If a student is an unaccompanied youth, the district must indicate whether or not the student received direct services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program. This program is also known as the TEXSHEP program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

Data Reporting Changes UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE For PEIMS reporting purposes, all students identified as unaccompanied in the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as unaccompanied in the summer collection. The unaccompanied status of each student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The unaccompanied status of each student must be determined each year. If a student is an unaccompanied youth, the district must indicate whether or not the student received direct services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program. This program is also known as the TEXSHEP program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

Data Reporting Changes UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE The unaccompanied status of each student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The unaccompanied status of each student must be determined each year. If a student is an unaccompanied youth, the district must indicate whether or not the student received direct services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program. This program is also known as the TEXSHEP program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

Data Reporting Changes UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE Every school district should have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The unaccompanied status of each student must be determined each year. If a student is an unaccompanied youth, the district must indicate whether or not the student received direct services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program. This program is also known as the TEXSHEP program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

27 2012-2013 Data Standards UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE Codes
Data Reporting Changes UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE Codes 0 - Student is not unaccompanied at any time during the current school year 1 - Student is unaccompanied (i.e., is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) and received services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the current school year 2 - Student is unaccompanied (i.e., is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) and did NOT receive services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the current school year Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

28 2012-2013 Data Standards 305 Teacher Class Assignment Data Record
Data Reporting Changes 305 Teacher Class Assignment Data Record The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook requires a teacher of record to be reported for all CTE classes for which a school claims CTE funding. If a school district or charter school offers a “Non-Campus Based Instruction” education opportunity for its students, and the district is required to report a “Teacher of Record” per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the school district or charter school must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a “memorandum of understanding” with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records.  Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

29 2012-2013 Data Standards 305 Teacher Class Assignment Data Record
Data Reporting Changes 305 Teacher Class Assignment Data Record If a school reports a teacher for a non-campus based setting, all appropriate staff data must be reported. (040, 043, 045, 050, and 305) If a school district or charter school offers a “Non-Campus Based Instruction” education opportunity for its students, and the district is required to report a “Teacher of Record” per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the school district or charter school must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a “memorandum of understanding” with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records.  Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

30 2012-2013 Data Standards 400 Basic Attendance Data- Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 400 Basic Attendance Data- Student Record PEP-INDICATOR-CODE (E1012) has been deleted from the record. The Parenting Education Program Grant was not continued as a result of the most recent state budget cuts. Since the Agency no longer has a specific or mandated business (reporting) reason for the data, it must be removed from the data collection system. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

31 2012-2013 Data Standards 400 Basic Attendance Data- Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 400 Basic Attendance Data- Student Record All reporting instructions related to the PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been deleted from the reporting instructions and examples. The Pregnancy and Parenting Education Grant was not continued as a result of the most recent state budget cuts. Since the Agency no longer has a specific or mandated business (reporting) reason for the data, it must be removed from the data collection system. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

32 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes 407 Student Data - Optional Extended Year Program OEYP data record has been removed from the PEIMS Data Standards. Due to state budget cuts the OEYP data record has been sunset and is therefore removed from the PEIMS data collection system. The provision for the OEYP program still exists in law, but without funding, there is no PEIMS data reporting requirement for OEYP. The removal of the 407 OEYP data record includes all related data elements, code tables, business rules, and edit rules. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

33 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes 407 Student Data - Optional Extended Year Program As a result of the OEYP sunset, PEIMS data elements E OEYP Program Type Code and E1029 – OEYP Promotion Retention Code have been removed from the PEIMS Data Standards. As a result of the OEYP sunset PEIMS data elements E OEYP Program Type Code and E1029 – OEYP Promotion Retention Code have been removed from the PEIMS Data Standards. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

34 Data Standards Data Standards Code Table Revisions As a result of the OEYP sunset, PEIMS code tables C Optional Extended Year Program Type Code, and C170 - OEYP Promotion Retention Indicator Code are deleted. Because the 407 OEYP record has been removed from the PEIMS collection system, these code tables are no longer needed. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

35 2012-2013 Data Standards 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Record Added Behavior Location Code (E1017) to columns Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

36 2012-2013 Data Standards 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Record Behavior Location Code indicates where a student committed an applicable offense that is enumerated in Texas Education Code or (On/off campus, school related activities, etc…). Reference Appendix E for a complete explanation of the Behavior Location Code for each Discipline Action Reason Code for which the code is applicable. Illustrate Appendix E chart. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

37 2012-2013 Data Standards 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Record Behavior Location Code eliminates duplicate reasons in the C165 Discipline Reason Code Table. Reference Change document 4 C165 for a complete explanation of the Discipline Action Reasons that are being removed because of the addition of the Behavior Location Code. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

38 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes The Behavior Location Code allows school staff to ask and answer two questions to determine proper Discipline Action Reason Code reporting. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

39 2012-2013 Data Standards Two Discipline determination questions:
Data Reporting Changes Two Discipline determination questions: 1. What did the student do? 2. Where did the student commit the behavior? Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

40 Data Standards Data Reporting Changes Reference Appendix E for a complete explanation of the Behavior Location Code for each Discipline Action Reason Code for which the code is applicable. Illustrate Appendix E chart. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

41 2012-2013 Data Standards 461 Student Data- Title I Part A Record
Data Reporting Changes 461 Student Data- Title I Part A Record TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE (E1017) has been deleted from the record. Because the Agency added the Homeless Status Code to the 100 Student Identification record, the Title I Homeless student participation data can be derived from the students who are reported with the Homeless Status Code other than 0 and the Title I Participation Code on the 461 Title I Data record. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

42 2012-2013 Data Standards 500 Flexible Attendance Data- Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 500 Flexible Attendance Data- Student Record PEP-INDICATOR-CODE (E1012) has been deleted from the record. The Parenting Education Program Grant was not continued as a result of the most recent state budget cuts. Since the Agency no longer has a specific or mandated business (reporting) reason for the data, it must be removed from the data collection system. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

43 2012-2013 Data Standards 500 Flexible Attendance Data- Student Record
Data Reporting Changes 500 Flexible Attendance Data- Student Record All reporting instructions related to the PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been deleted from the reporting instructions and examples. The Pregnancy and Parenting Education Grant was not continued as a result of the most recent state budget cuts. Since the Agency no longer has a specific or mandated business (reporting) reason for the data, it must be removed from the data collection system. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

44 2012-2013 Data Standards Code Table Revisions Data Standards
Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

45 2012-2013 Data Standards C022 Service ID Code Table
Code Table Revisions C022 Service ID Code Table New columns added to the code table: Eligible for High School Credit, Course Abbreviation, Available Units/Credits, and CTE Course. Eligible For High School Credit identifies the high school courses where the value is a “Y”. Course Abbreviation is parsed out from the translation to provide the information for LEA use. Available Units/Credits is parsed out from the translation to provide the information for LEA use. CTE Course is populated with a “H’ to designate high school (grades 9-12) CTE courses and a “M” to designate middle school (grades 6-8) CTE courses. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

46 2012-2013 Data Standards C022 Service ID Code Table
Code Table Revisions C022 Service ID Code Table All Magnet Course Service IDs removed. See Change Document 4 for other C022 changes. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

47 2012-2013 Data Standards C159 Object Code (Actual) (Codes added)
Code Table Revisions C159 Object Code (Actual) (Codes added) Reference Change Document 4 for complete list. Addition Object Codes C159 Actual 3415: Non-Spendable - Long-Term loans/notes Receivable 3425: Non-Spendable – Endowment Principal 3445: Non-Spendable – Other 3480: Restricted for Retirement of Long-Term Debt 3525: Committed Fund Balance-Retirement of Loans/Notes Payable 3545: Committed Fund Balance-Other 3550: Assigned Fund Balance-Construction 3560: Assigned Fund Balance-Claims & Judgments 3565: Assigned Fund Balance-Retirement of Loans/Notes Payable 3570: Assigned Fund Balance-Capital Expenditures for Equipment 3580: Assigned Fund Balance-Self-Insurance Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

48 2012-2013 Data Standards C159 Object Code (Actual) (Codes revised)
Code Table Revisions C159 Object Code (Actual) (Codes revised) Reference Change Document 4 for complete list. Revisions - Object Codes C159 Actual Revisions: Old Codes 3410: Reserve for Investment in Inventories 3430: Reserve for Prepaid Items 3450: Reserve for Food Service 3460: Reserve of Fund Balances of Consolidated School Districts 3470: Reserve for Capital Acquisition Program  3490: Other Reserves of Fund Balance 3510: Designated Fund Balance-Construction 3520: Designated Fund Balance-Claims & Judgments 3530: Designated Fund Balance-Capital Expenditures for Equipment 3540: Designated Fund Balance-Self-Insurance 3590: Other Designated Fund Balance 3600: Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance Revisions: New Codes 3410: Non-Spendable - Inventories 3430: Non-Spendable - Prepaid Items 3450: Restricted for Federal/State Funds Grant Restrictions 3460: Restricted for Fund Balance of Consolidated School Districts 3470: Restricted for Capital Acquisitions and Contractual Obligations 3490: Restricted - Other 3510: Committed Fund Balance-Construction 3520: Committed Fund Balance-Claims & Judgments 3530: Committed Fund Balance-Capital Expenditures for Equipment 3540: Committed Fund Balance-Self-Insurance 3590: Assigned Fund Balance-Other 3600: Unassigned Fund Balance Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

49 2012-2013 Data Standards C159 Object Code (Actual) (Codes deleted)
Code Table Revisions C159 Object Code (Actual) (Codes deleted) 3420: Reserve for Retirement of Long-Term Debt 3440: Reserve for Outstanding Encumbrances Deletion Object Codes C159 Actual 3420: Reserve for Retirement of Long-Term Debt 3440: Reserve for Outstanding Encumbrances Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

50 2012-2013 Data Standards C160 Fund Code (SSA) Actual Code Table
Code Table Revisions C160 Fund Code (SSA) Actual Code Table Fund Code 309 – SSA Adult Basic Education –Federal is added to the code table. Fund Code 309 – Shared Services Arrangement – Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Federal Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

51 2012-2013 Data Standards C178 Crisis Code Table
Code Table Revisions C178 Crisis Code Table Crisis Code 03 – Wildfire Crisis Code deleted from the code table. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

52 2012-2013 Data Standards C178 Crisis Code Table (New Codes added)
Code Table Revisions C178 Crisis Code Table (New Codes added) 06 – Reserved for Future Health or Weather Related Crisis 07 – Reserved for Future Health or Weather Related Crisis Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

53 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C182 Non Campus Based Instruction Code Table (New Codes added) 09 – Out of District DAEP 10 – Non-District PE Substitution Program Non Campus Based Instruction Code 10 is limited to SERVICE IDs PES00008 – PES00011. PES PE Substitution Non-District Program 1 PES PE Substitution Non-District Program 2 PES PE Substitution Non-District Program 3 PES PE Substitution Non-District Program 4 Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

54 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C165 Disciplinary Action Reason Code Table (Codes deleted) 51 – Firearm (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) 52 – Illegal Knife, Club, Or Prohibited Weapon (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) Codes are defined by a repeating reason with a different behavior location code. 51 - Firearm (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) Used, exhibited or possessed a firearm specified in TEC §37.007(a) (1) (A) [as defined by 18 USC Section 921 or Penal Code 46.01(3)] off-campus but within 300 feet of school property as specified in TEC §37.007(b) (3) 52 - Illegal Knife, Club, Or Prohibited Weapon (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) Used, exhibited or possessed an illegal knife, club, or prohibited weapon specified in TEC §37.007(a) (1) (B-D) off campus but within 300 feet of school property as specified in TEC §37.007(b) (3) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

55 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C165 Disciplinary Action Reason Code Table (Codes deleted) 53 – Serious Offense Conduct (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) 54 – Felony Marihuana, Controlled Substance, Dangerous Drug, Or Alcoholic Beverage (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) Codes are defined by a repeating reason with a different behavior location code. 53 - Serious Offense Conduct (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) Engaged in conduct that contains the elements of the offenses specified by TEC §37.007(a) (2) (A-H) occurring off-campus but within 300 feet of school property. This includes criminal conduct specified in TEC §37.007(b)(3) of aggravated assault, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, arson, murder, capital murder, criminal attempted murder or capital murder, indecency with a child, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated robbery, manslaughter, or criminally negligent homicide 54 - Felony Marihuana, Controlled Substance, Dangerous Drug, Or Alcoholic Beverage (Off Campus 300 ft Zone) Engages in conduct punishable as a felony as specified by TEC §37.006(a)(2)(C) or (D) of selling, giving, or delivering to another person, or the possession, or use, or being under the influence of: marihuana, a controlled substance, a dangerous drug, or alcoholic beverage; or committing a serious offense while under the influence of alcohol, off-campus but within 300 feet of school property Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

56 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C165 Disciplinary Action Reason Code Table (Codes deleted) 20 – Serious or Persistent Misconduct Violating the Code of Conduct while in DAEP Serious and Persistent Misbehavior Code was formerly defined by local code of conduct. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

57 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C165 Disciplinary Action Reason Code Table (Codes added) 59 – Serious Misbehavior as defined by TEC while expelled or placed in a DAEP Serious and Persistent Misbehavior Code is now defined by law and captured with new code 59. Serious Misbehavior, as defined by TEC §37.007(c), while expelled to/placed in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) - TEC §37.007(c) defines "serious misbehavior" as: (1) deliberate violent behavior that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others; (2) extortion, meaning the gaining of money or other property by force or threat; (3) conduct that constitutes coercion, as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code; or (4) conduct that constitutes the offense of: (A) public lewdness under Section 21.07, Penal Code; (B) indecent exposure under Section 21.08, Penal Code; (C) criminal mischief under Section 28.03, Penal Code; (D) personal hazing under Section ; or (E) harassment under Section 42.07(a)(1), Penal Code, of a student or district employee. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

58 2012-2013 Data Standards C189 - Homeless Status Code (added)
Code Table Revisions C Homeless Status Code (added) 0 - Student is not homeless at any time during current school year 1 - Student lives in a shelter, transitional housing, or is awaiting foster care at any time during current school year Shelters are defined as supervised publicly or privately operated facilities designed to provide temporary living accommodations. The shelters category for homeless students includes emergency shelters, family shelters, domestic violence shelters, youth shelters, transitional housing programs, and temporary placements while awaiting foster care. The shelters category for homeless students does not include residential treatment facilities, Title I Neglected or Delinquent facilities, or Texas Youth Commission facilities. 2 - Student lives temporarily doubled-up (sharing residence with a family or individual) at any time during current school year Doubled-Up (e.g., living with another family) is defined as sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason. This classification requires a case-by-case determination. 3 - Student is unsheltered (i.e, lives on the street, lives in cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers [including FEMA trailers], or abandoned buildings) at any time during current school year Unsheltered is defined as a nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. It includes such places as cars, parks, campgrounds (if they live there because they lack an alternative accommodation), temporary trailers (if they live there because they lack an alternative accommodation), abandoned buildings, and substandard housing. Substandard housing may be determined by local building codes, community norms, and/or a case-by-case determination as to whether the accommodation is a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” 4 - Student lives in motel or hotel at any time during current school year Students who stay at a motel or hotel are considered homeless if they reside there because they have lost their housing, lack an alternative accommodation, and do not have a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

59 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C Unaccompanied Youth Status Code Table (added) 0 - Student is not unaccompanied at any time during the current school year 1 - Student is unaccompanied (i.e., is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) and received services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the current school year 2 - Student is unaccompanied (i.e., is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) and did NOT receive services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the current school year Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

60 Data Standards Code Table Revisions C Behavior Location Code Table (added) This code eliminates duplicate reasons in the C165 Discipline Reason Code Table. See Appendix E. 00 - Not Applicable 01 - On Campus 02 - Off Campus, but within 300 feet of campus property line 03 - Off Campus, but at a school sponsored or school related activity 04 - Off Campus, and further than 300 feet from the campus boundary (Student was not in attendance at a school sponsored or school related activity) 05 - On campus of another school district, or while in attendance at a school sponsored or school related activity of another school district Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

61 Data Standards Code Table Revisions Financial code tables will include expanded information. Instead of using asterisks to signify budget/payroll versus actual use, columns will be used with flags. See Program Intent (C147) and Function Code (C146) tables. Program Intent Code C147 and Function Code C146 will be migrated to the new format for Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

62 Data Standards Code Table Revisions Appendix H list is Early Notice of changes to Financial code tables for school year. will include expanded information. Instead of using asterisks to signify budget/payroll versus actual use, columns will be used with flags. Fund Code tables and Object Code Tables will be migrated to a single Fund Code Table and a single Object Code Table in school year. Reference Appendix H for a early notice of the financial table consolidations. In order to begin transition into the new Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS), the financial code tables will have the columns “Budget Eligible”, “Payroll Eligible”, “Actual Eligible”, and “SSA Actual Eligible” added and the code tables will be consolidated as follows: C160 FUND-CODE (SSA ACTUAL), C148 FUND-CODE (BUDGET) and C145 FUND-CODE (PAYROLL AND ACTUAL) will be consolidated in C145 FUND-CODE C146 FUNCTION-CODE will continue to list all Function Codes C147 PROGRAM-INTENT will continue to list all Program Intent Codes C159 OBJECT-CODE (ACTUAL), C137 OBJECT-CODE (BUDGET), C139 OBJECT-CODE (ACTUAL) will be consolidated in C159 OBJECT-CODE Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

63 2012-2013 Data Standards See PEIMS Data Standards Change Document 5.
Edit Revisions See PEIMS Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

64 2012-2013 Data Standards Significant Edit changes. Edit Revisions
Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

65 Data Standards Edit Revisions If the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH are greater than “1993”, then TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE must be 0 (Staff person is 18 years of age or younger) . Fatal. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

66 Data Standards Edit Revisions If MIDDLE-NAME is blank, then a warning will be issued for the PEIMS user to check whether or not a middle name exists for the person. Warning. Staff name and demographic data accuracy is becoming more important now that the Texas Student Data System is being developed. The staff data will be viewable on the TSDS Dashboards. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

67 Data Standards Edit Revisions If TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is greater than 0, then the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must be less than “1994”(Staff person must be at least 19 years of age or older). Fatal. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

68 Data Standards Edit Revisions FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and/or LAST-NAME must not end with " II", “ III”, " IV", " JR", or " SR". Change from Fatal to Special Warning. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

69 Data Standards Edit Revisions If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not “A”, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE cannot be blank. Fatal. Related to ADA Eligibility Code being added to 100 record. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

70 Data Standards Edit Revisions ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE = ‘A’. Fatal. Related to ADA Eligibility Code being added to 100 record. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

71 Data Standards Edit Revisions 1102A- If September 1 age is greater than 20, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be “0”. Fatal. Related to limitation of age on at-risk definition. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

72 Data Standards Edit Revisions 30003, 30504, SERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with “SA”, “SE”, “SR”, “SS”, “01”, “8”, or “9”. Fatal. SE series Service IDs added to edits 30003, 30504, and SE Service IDs are not valid student courses. SE Service IDs are only valid on 090 Staff Responsibility records. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

73 Data Standards Edit Revisions If NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is “10”, then SERVICE-ID must be PES00008 – PES Fatal. Edit is based on addition of Non Campus Based Instruction Code 010- Non District Based PE Substitution and the relationship with SERVICE IDs PES00008 – PES00011. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

74 Data Standards Edit Revisions If NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is “09”, then CAMPUS-ID, must be registered in the Texas School Directory as a DAEP campus type. Fatal. Edit is based on addition of Non Campus Based Instruction Code 09- Out of District DAEP. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

75 Data Standards Edit Revisions If SERVICE-ID is a Career and Technical Education course, then NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE must be “00”. Special Warning. This edit is a courtesy check to those schools teach CTE courses in a Non Campus Based Setting. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

76 Data Standards Edit Revisions 30010, 30512, SERVICE-ID cannot be ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’. Fatal. PK and K Service IDs that are not valid for Classroom Link Reporting; edits 30010, 30512, Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

77 Data Standards Edit Revisions ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be equal to or greater than ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE. Fatal. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

78 Data Standards Edit Revisions STUDENT-END-DATE must be equal to or greater than STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE. Fatal. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

79 Data Standards Edit Revisions STUDENT-END-DATE must be greater than STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE. Fatal. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

80 Data Standards Edit Revisions FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, the space character. Fatal. When middle name does not exist, it can no longer be reported with an “=“ sign. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

81 Data Standards Edit Revisions If MIDDLE-NAME is blank, then a warning will be issued for the PEIMS user to check whether or not a middle name exists for the person. Warning. When middle name is not reported, a warning will be issued for the PEIMS staff to verify the accuracy of no middle name for a student. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release

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