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Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting

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1 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
Welcome to Blackfen School 4th July 2017 Our partnership begins Explain: the purpose of this presentation is NOT to tell parents everything there is know about the school. It highlights key information relevant to students making a successful start in September. More information will follow in September.

2 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
Communication - Year 7 events Part 2 induction evening 7th September 2017 Year 7 ‘Settling in’ meeting with tutors on 21st September 2017 Year 7 Parents’ Evening to meet subject staff on 26th April 2018 Autumn, Spring and Summer Progress Updates Explain: the slide shows some of the opportunities for parents to meet staff and to get information about their daughter’s progress. Progress Updates are termly academic records. Other special events will be published in September. Students complete Achievement Logs during the course of the year and take these home at the end of the Summer term. Achievement Logs record ALL of the students’ achievements, e.g. number of rewards gained, clubs attended, academic planning conversations with tutors.

3 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
Communication - Year 7 events Autumn, Spring and Summer Progress Updates show students’ current attainment grades, Rewards, Sanctions and application of Growth Mindset attitudes to learning. Part 2 Induction Evening on 7th September 2017 will explain Growth Mindset expectations and practice. Explain: the slide shows some of the opportunities for parents to meet staff and to get information about their daughter’s progress. Progress Updates are termly academic records. Other special events will be published in September.

4 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
Communication - Appointments Meetings with staff are by appointment only – you must give 24 hours’ notice. Please sign in at Reception. Return phone calls – expectations within 48hrs Explain: This is a large school of over 1300 students. The Headteacher makes it clear that parents and carers cannot demand to see staff without warning. An appointment must be made – unless there is a real medical or family emergency which must be communicated to a student immediately. After-school surgeries with members of the Leadership Team are available – details are explained in the Family Newsletter. Parents make arrangements with the Headteacher’s PA, Miss Cull, to speak to a senior leader in the school. Some teaching staff are scheduled to teach lessons all day. This means that they may not be able to respond to parents’ phone calls immediately but will try to make contact within 24 hours. Parents should contact lesson teachers and Heads of Department regarding concerns about lessons. They should contact the Community Student Support Officer regarding students’ personal or family issues. Student Support Officers will address the issues raised or refer the matter to the Student Welfare Manager.

5 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
Key documents The Home – School Agreement: the Blackfen partnership that makes students successful The Teaching and Learning Charter: sets out how the school fulfils its core purpose The Behaviour Charter: explains the rewards and sanctions used in school Explain: effective partnerships between school and home are based on shared values and expectations of success. The documents listed on the slide are issued to parents and explained to students. Their purpose is to set out the values that maintain high standards in school life and which make students successful. Blackfen parents agree to support these values in discussions at home and that staff agree to cultivate them in school life. These agreements connect the work we do as parents and staff. In all areas of school life, we want students to aspire to achieving their personal ‘best’ in terms of their academic and personal development.

6 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
Support Key stage Co-Ordinators– monitors students’ academic development. Student Support Officers – allocated to every Community to work with the Deputy Head teacher, Ms Cascarino, Assistant Head teacher, Ms Hoad. Form Tutor – meets students daily and supports their academic and personal development. Explain: there is a safety-net of adults who look after students’ academic and personal development. Go through the list on the slide – give a few examples to show how you and the rest of your Community adult team work together.

7 Year 6 Induction Day Parents’ meeting
We are looking forward to welcoming your daughter to Blackfen School, Monday 4th September 2017 at 9am-3pm So, before you leave tonight … Students will get free lunch on 4th & 5th Have some refreshments. Buy tickets for Saturday’s Family Barbeque. Explain: there is a lot more information available about the school but the idea is not drown in it right now. We will be contacting you in September about the settling-in meeting during the second week of term, as well as a special week when the canteen offer Year 7 a range of free main meals. The next main event is the Family Barbeque on Saturday – I am going to take you back to the Sports Hall where you can pick up Barbeque tickets, join the PFA, sort out uniform and find out a bit more about the school canteen. Thank you very much for your time this evening.

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