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Project Based Assessments
Where Do I Begin? Presented by Timothy J. Miller, TIU #11
Why Project Based Assessments?
GENERAL INFORMATION Why Project Based Assessments? Students who are unable to meet Chapter 4 requirements relating to high school graduation requirements through the Keystone Exam may qualify to complete a project based assessment.
Keystone Exams Keystone Exams are state-developed end-of-course exams.
GENERAL INFORMATION Keystone Exams Keystone Exams are state-developed end-of-course exams. Pursuant to Chapter 4 regulations, each Keystone Exam is designed in modules that reflect distinct, related academic content common to the traditional progression of coursework.
GENERAL INFORMATION Why do we have PBAs? PDE has developed a project based assessment system that is aligned with the modules for each Algebra I, Biology and Literature Keystone Exam. Successful completion of a PBA on which a students who are unable to demonstrate proficiency shall satisfy the Chapter 4 Keystone Exam graduation requirement.
What is involved in a PBA?
GENERAL INFORMATION What is involved in a PBA? A project is designed to be completed within a 5-7 hour timeframe although it is not a timed test. Students may have as much time as they need to complete the work. (Field test to 8-10 hours to complete) Project based assessments are module specific and are tied to as many Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content as is reasonable to create a cohesive project. Each module meets the proficiency level of the Performance Level Descriptors and assesses the Assessment Anchor and Eligible Content for that module.
What is involved in a PBA?
GENERAL INFORMATION What is involved in a PBA? Projects reflect Webb’s Depth of Knowledge of the Keystone Exams: Level 2 and 3. Projects include multiple tasks with checkpoints at the end of each task. (When working online, students must submit their work for approval by the Tutor before moving onto the next task.) Information, data, and other resources to complete the project are included in the project itself.
GENERAL INFORMATION Who takes the PBA? Students in the graduation class on 2017 and beyond are required to show proficiency on meeting end-of course requirements in the subjects of Algebra I, Biology and Literature.
GENERAL INFORMATION Who takes the PBA? A student in grade 12 who has not demonstrated proficiency on a Keystone Exam or Keystone Exam module may qualify to participate in one or more PBAs if the students has met all of the following conditions: Is in the graduating class of 2017 or beyond Has taken the course Has met the attendance requirement of the school district, AVTS, or charter school Has participated in a satisfactory manner in supplemental instruction services consistent with the student’s educational program provided
Who takes the PBA? GENERAL INFORMATION A student below grade 12 who has not demonstrated proficiency on a Keystone Exam or Keystone Exam module may qualify to participate in one or more PBAs if the students has met all of the following conditions: Is in the graduating class of 2017 or beyond Has taken the course Was unsuccessful in achieving a score of proficient on the Keystone Exam after at least two attempts Has met the attendance requirement of the school district, AVTS, or charter school Has participated in a satisfactory manner in supplemental instruction services consistent with the student’s educational program provided
Who takes the PBA? GENERAL INFORMATION A student enrolled in a PDE-approved career and technical education program who has not demonstrated proficiency after one attempt on a Keystone Exam or Keystone Exam module in Biology may qualify to participate in a project Based Assessment in Biology if the student has met all of the following conditions: Is in the graduating class of 2017 or beyond Has taken the course Has met the attendance requirements of the school district, AVTS or charter school
Who takes the PBA? GENERAL INFORMATION Students who opt out of the Keystone Exam based on religious beliefs, may move directly to the PBA if the student has met the following conditions: Is in the graduating class of 2017 or beyond Has taken the course Has met the attendance requirement of the school district, AVTS, or charter school
GENERAL INFORMATION What are PBAs PBAs are designed as a set of activities a student completes independently on classroom instruction in order to demonstrate proficiency in the content area and meet state graduation requirements. PBAs are module specific and the activities/tasks are framed around Eligible Content of the specific Keystone Exam module.
How many different projects ?
GENERAL INFORMATION How many different projects ? One project per module will be available each year. Once assigned a PBA, the students continues with it until completion regardless of time frames.
GENERAL INFORMATION If a student moves to the project mode, how many projects per modules will the students be required to complete? Students will be required to complete one module for each of the modules the student did not achieve proficiency.
Can students still take the Keystone Exam while working on the PBAs?
GENERAL INFORMATION Can students still take the Keystone Exam while working on the PBAs? Once students qualify for the PBA, they may begin work on the PBA and may take the Keystone Exam at any time. Keep in mind that it is a matter of student choice whether or not to retake an exam while working on the PBA. If successful on the Keystone Exam, project work ends.
How many times can a student take the Keystone Exams?
GENERAL INFORMATION How many times can a student take the Keystone Exams? For students who score less then Proficient, there is no limit as to how many times a student can retake a Keystone Exam. Students may retake the exam at any time it is offered, even if working on the PBA. Once a student has scored at the Proficient level on a Keystone Exam, they may not retake the exam.
What are the deadlines for PBA?
GENERAL INFORMATION What are the deadlines for PBA? While projects may be submitted for review by a statewide panel at any time, there are currently no defined submission dates at this time. As projects are received, they are sent to panel members for review. Estimated turnaround time is 8-10 weeks.
GENERAL INFORMATION Deadlines for Seniors Effective with the school year, seniors’ projects must be submitted no later than January 15 of the senior year.
GENERAL INFORMATION Will PBA impact the SPP? Calculations for Academic Performance do not include performance results on the Project Based Assessment.
GENERAL INFORMATION Can a student retake the Keystone Exam if a satisfactory score has already been eared on PBA? Once a student scores Satisfactory on the PBA, the student has met state graduation requirements. A student may retake a Keystone Exam even if she/he has scored Satisfactory on the PBA; however, the students may not be required to participate in a retest.
GENERAL INFORMATION Can LEA/Principals refuse to allow a student access to a PBA and require the student take a Keystone Exam for a third time? Per Chapter 4, students who meet the requirements for participation may not be denied access to the PBAs. An LEA does not need to seek permission from the Department if it makes a local decision to retest a student who was not proficient after two administrations of a Keystone Exam. The Department does not track the number of times Keystones are taken beyond two attempts as part of its current practice, but the Department could determine this information.
Students and the Project Based Assessments
How are projects assigned to students?
STUDENTS AND PBAs How are projects assigned to students? School Assessments Coordinators will be directed to an online registration site where they register students, assign appropriate projects and designate Tutors.
How will students access and work on the projects?
STUDENTS AND PBAs How will students access and work on the projects? A secure online portal will be available for students to access the projects and work on them. Test Administrators or Tutors generate and provide an access code for students to access their projects One code is good for an hour work period. A student continuously working on the PBA is not required to enter a new 60-muinute code. There is an auto-save function.
What is the project work flow?
STUDENTS AND PBAs What is the project work flow? Each project is broken into manageable tasks: At the end of each task, there is a checkpoint When students have completed a task, it is sent electronically to the tutor. If the tutor deems the work satisfactory, the student moves forward to the next task. If the tutor deems the work unsatisfactory, the tutor provides appropriate remediation so the student can redo the activity and resubmit to the tutor.
STUDENTS AND PBAs If a PBA is evaluated as unsatisfactory and returned to the student, how many times can it be resubmitted to the evaluator? PBAs may be submitted until the student earns a satisfactory mark. Tutors are advised to make the best effort to ensure that submitted projects are completed in a satisfactory manner.
STUDENTS AND PBAs Is a student does not finish the PBA by the end of the school year, will they be given a no PBA the following year? Once engaged in a specific PBA, the students stay with the assigned PBA until they achieve proficiency. Since there is no time frame for completion set by PDE, students may continue working until the PBA has been evaluated as Proficient.
Can a student do more then one PBA at a time?
STUDENTS AND PBAs Can a student do more then one PBA at a time? The number of modules in which a student is working at any point is time is a local decision that should be made based upon the student and his/her individual circumstance.
STUDENTS AND PBAs Can the readings and resources for the modules be printed for use while working on the project or must they be retrieved electronically as the student works through the PBA? Readings and associated resources may be printed for student use while the student is working online. They may not be removed from the test site by the student; if however, they are held by the Test Administrator or Tutor until the next session, they may be retrieved. Students may not bring any texts or materials to the site; however a school may provide resources on site for the students and may include textbooks.
STUDENTS AND PBAs May students use the Internet or other resources while working on a project? Is this allowable? It is acceptable for a student to use the Internet and SAS resource links included in the project or other reference sources to help in completing the project; however, this is a test and while working on projects, there should be no conversation with other students or adults and no ability to print/save the projects to another location. Keeping the projects secure is critical.
STUDENTS AND PBAs May Test administrator/Tutors provide students with a print copy of the PBA to work in paper/pencil format? Students may work in a paper and pencil format but must then enter their responses onto the online PBA. The pdf document must be collected by the Test Administrator/Tutor at the end of each session and may be returned to the students to continue working on in subsequent sessions.
STUDENTS AND PBAs Is the expectation for students to work on projects during school hours or independently either at home or school? Schools must provide a supervised environment in which students work independently before, during, or after school. The project portal is password protected, and the student must be logged on by an assigned Test Administrator who must be continually present when students are working on their projects.
Does student with IEP need to take the Keystone Exam?
STUDENTS WITH IEPs Does student with IEP need to take the Keystone Exam? As required under 34 CFR , the State must ensure that all students are included in statewide assessments or an alternate assessment, if appropriate. For federal accountability purposes, in PA a student with a disability must participate in the Keystone Exams by eleventh grade. The only exceptions to that requirement is if the student is participating in the alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities, the Pennsylvania Alternate State Assessment (PASA), or if the student has been excused from participation due to a religious exemption filed by the parent as required under Pa Code Chapter 4.
Does student with IEP need to take the Keystone Exam twice?
STUDENTS WITH IEPs Does student with IEP need to take the Keystone Exam twice? A student’s IEP is the guide for student participation in the Keystone Exams and Project Based Assessments. Students may move to the project after one attempt of the Keystone Exam if the IEP so states. As written in the IEP, all Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) included in the student’s IEP applies.
STUDENTS WITH IEPs In some cases, special education students not eligible for the PASA do not enroll in biology classes. Are these students required to take the Biology Keystone Exam? Federal law requires that all students, including students with disabilities, participate in statewide assessments. In Pennsylvania, the Keystone Exams fulfill the state requirement of the secondary statewide assessment (replacing the previous 11th grade PSSA). If a student is not participating in the PASA (the statewide assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities), the student must participate in the Algebra 1, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams by the end of 11th grade in order to comply with the federal accountability requirements.
STUDENTS WITH IEPs Can an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) stipulate that a student doesn’t have to participate in the PBA? Yes, if after taking the Keystone Exams or PASA required to meet federal accountability requirements, an IEP team may make a decision, and therefore document via the IEP, that the student will graduate based upon satisfactorily completing a special education program as developed by the student’s IEP team.
STUDENTS WITH IEPs If IEP students are waived for the PBAs, does this impact the 10 percent waiver allowance, and if so, how? If an IEP specifies graduation requirements other than the Keystone Exam or PBA, then those students are not counted as part of the 10 percent waiver.
STUDENTS WITH IEPs Who makes the determination as the requirements for graduation for students with disabilities? The IEP team determines the criteria the student will meet regarding graduation requirements. IEP teams may elect both credits and other activities to meet graduation requirements; it is not limited to an either/or choice.
STUDENTS WITH IEPs What accommodations are available for a student with an IEP who will be taking the PBA? If the IEP team determines that a student will take the PBA, the IEP team will determine what accommodations and/or specially designed instruction (SDI) is allowable. The accommodations/ SDI must be documented in the annual IEP as the accommodations for the PBA.
School Specifics
SCHOOL SPECIFICS What roles and responsibilities are required at the school level in order to implement the Project Based Assessment process? LEA/School Assessment Coordinator - registers students for projects, assigns a Tutor to each student, assigns test administrators, and monitors student progress. Tutor - provides remediation on the Eligible Content as necessary, assesses work at each checkpoint, and approves the project for submission to the statewide reviewpanel.
SCHOOL SPECIFICS What roles and responsibilities are required at the school level in order to implement the Project Based Assessment process? Test Administrator - assigned by the School Assessment Coordinator to supervise students working on the projects. Note that a Test Administrator and Tutor may be the same individual.
SCHOOL SPECIFICS What is a school’s responsibility in terms of oversight of the students’ PBA work? When a student begins a PBA, s/he is assigned a Tutor by the School Assessment Coordinator. The Tutor provides content area support (instruction on the Eligible Content of the module) as the student is progressing through the project. For test security purposes, a Test Administrator (or Tutor) must be present when students are working on their PBAs.
Tutor Role in the Project Based Assessment
TUTOR ROLES It is recommended that the tutor is a “certified teacher in the content area of the PBA.” Special education teachers may not be certified in the content area. Can they serve as Tutors? This is an LEA decision. PDE recommends a certified teacher in the content area. Keep in mind that if the tutoring is delivered via a credit bearing course, the teacher must be certified in the content area for which the instruction is being delivered. The Bureau of Special Education strongly recommends that the Tutor work collaboratively with the student’s special education teacher throughout the PBA process.
Must the Tutor be an LEA employee?
TUTOR ROLES Must the Tutor be an LEA employee? Tutors must be employees or independent contractors approved by the LEA. What is the ratio of Tutor to students? The ratio of students to Tutors is a local decision.
Can virtual environments be used for tutoring for the PBAs?
TUTOR ROLES Can virtual environments be used for tutoring for the PBAs? Tutoring may be delivered virtually; however, a Test Administrator must be present when students are working on the project.
How does the Tutor provide assistance to the student?
TUTOR ROLES How does the Tutor provide assistance to the student? The Tutor serves three major functions: When sent a message by the student, Tutor provides remediation on skills (Eligible Content) embedded in project. Tutor evaluates student work at defined checkpoints. Tutor submits PBA for statewide panel review.
How does the Tutor provide assistance to the student?
TUTOR ROLES How does the Tutor provide assistance to the student? Reviews project activities only at designated checkpoints to permit student to move to next task Supports environment to ensure accuracy and security Provides instruction/remediation on the Eligible Content based upon student need but does NOT tutor or instruct on specific activities in PBA)
How does the Tutor provide assistance to the student?
TUTOR ROLES How does the Tutor provide assistance to the student? Reviews project for content and quality based upon scoring guide and submits project, if satisfactory, for evaluation to statewide review panel Provides remediation for student if evaluated as unsatisfactory
Assessment Coordinator Role in the Project Based Assessment
LEA Assessment Coordinator: The initial LEA point of contact.
ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ROLE LEA Assessment Coordinator: The initial LEA point of contact. This should be a central office administrator who will work with school assessment coordinators in each building to provide support in the implementation of the Project Based Assessments.
LEA Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities
ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ROLE LEA Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities Communicates PBA concept to stakeholders and oversees implementation o Monitors PBA implementation and supports environment to ensure accuracy, security, and fidelity of implementation Recommends educators to PDE to serve as evaluators on the statewide review panels
School Assessment Coordinator:
ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ROLE School Assessment Coordinator: Oversees the implementation of PBAs at the building level. In some LEAs (i.e., charter schools, including cyber charter schools and AVTSs), the LEA and school assessment coordinators may be the same person.
School Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities
ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ROLE School Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities Ensures that students have participated in supplemental instruction consistent with the student’s educational program and have met all requirements necessary to qualify to participate in the PBA Supports environment to ensure accuracy and security Meets with students who qualify for PBAs to review the importance of success on the project
School Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities
ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ROLE School Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities Provides an overview of the PBA concept, the online portal, and the project requirements to stakeholders Registers students for the appropriate project and assigns tutors Determines number of modules available for completion at any one time (for students who have failed multiple modules/Keystone Exams)
School Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities
ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ROLE School Assessment Coordinator: Responsibilities Determines timeline for completion, i.e., number of weeks to work on PBA, as desired Notifies student of PBA start date and ensures students and tutors have been instructed on online portal access and use Schedules students’ supervised sessions to work on projects before, during, and after school
Test Administrator Role in the Project Based Assessment
Assigned by school test coordinator to monitor students as they work on projects
Test Administrator: Responsibilities
TEST ADMINISTRATOR ROLE Test Administrator: Responsibilities Provides log on information for students to work on projects Monitors students as they work in order to maintain a secure test environment Does not provide remedial instruction unless also designated as a tutor
Where to get started To access more information:
To access PBA, please visit:
Supplemental Education
Who delivers supplemental instruction?
SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION Who delivers supplemental instruction? It is recommended that supplemental instruction be delivered by an educator certified in the content area of the respective Keystone Exam; however, if supplemental instruction is offered as a credit-‐bearing course, the instructor must be certified in the content area.
How much supplemental instruction is required between Keystone Exam administrations? Design and duration of the supplemental instruction are an LEA decision. Chapter 4 does not address what constitutes supplemental instruction.
Can a parent refuse supplemental instruction?
SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION Can a parent refuse supplemental instruction? Chapter 4 requires that students must participate in supplemental instruction in a satisfactory manner before retaking any Keystone Exam or Keystone Exam module.
Chapter 4 Requirements Waivers Transcripts
Chapter 4 May a student test out of a Keystone course by demonstrating proficiency on the Keystone Exam and never take the course? Chapter 4 allows a student to take a Keystone Exam prior to taking the associated coursework if the student previously demonstrated academic excellence in the content area by achieving a score of Advanced on the most recent associated PSSA or, for out-‐of-‐state transfer students, a comparable score on a comparable assessment administered by another state
Chapter 4 May a student test out of a Keystone course by demonstrating proficiency on the Keystone Exam and never take the course? While students who meet these criteria must be afforded the opportunity to take a Keystone Exam in advance of the associated coursework, whether a student is granted course credit without having to complete the course is a local decision made by the LEA. However, an LEA may choose to award course credit only if the student scores Advanced on the Keystone Exam.
Chapter 4 If a student has not demonstrated proficiency on the Keystone Exams, Advanced Placement test or the IB exam, is the PBA required for graduation? Yes. The PBA is an alternative pathway to graduation and would be required if the student has not demonstrated proficiency on one of the exams so noted (effective with the graduating class of 2017).
Chapter 4 What scores for AP and IB exams are comparable to the Proficient level on the Keystone Exams for the purpose of meeting state graduation requirements?
Calculus AB 3 Calculus BC Statistics LITERATURE English Language and Composition English Literature BIOLOGY Biology
Mathematical Studies- Standard Level (SL) 4 Mathematics-Standard level (SL) Mathematics-High Level (HL) 3 Further Mathematics- High Level (HL) Literature Language A- Literature (SL) Language A- Literature and Literature (SL) Language A- Literature (HL)
Chapter 4 Are students who score a 3 or higher on AP Exams still required to take the Keystone Exams? Yes. While AP and IB exams may be used to meet state graduation requirements, all students are required to participate in a state assessment for federal accountability purposes.
Chapter 4 What guidance for meeting state graduation requirements is offered for reviewing and accepting assessments from students who come from out of state or other countries? If a student transfers into a Pennsylvania high school from out of state, a private school, a home school, or from out of country, and that student’s transcript shows credit received in Algebra 1, or an equivalent course; Literature, or an equivalent course; or Biology 1, or an equivalent course, the decision as to whether the student must take Pennsylvania’s statewide, standardized end-‐of-‐course Keystone Exam in Algebra 1, Literature, or Biology, respectively, shall be made by the school principal using the following guidance:
A transfer student will not be required to take the Keystone Exam in:
Chapter 4 A transfer student will not be required to take the Keystone Exam in: Algebra 1 if the student passed a statewide, standardized End-‐of-‐Course (EOC) assessment in that course, if administered by the transferring school/district, or achieved a passing/proficient score on the high school statewide assessment in mathematics required by the state from which the student transferred for purposes of satisfying the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6301 et seq., or if the student achieves a score on the AP or IB Exams equal to or higher than those listed.
A transfer student will not be required to take the Keystone Exam in:
Chapter 4 A transfer student will not be required to take the Keystone Exam in: Literature if the student passed a statewide, standardized EOC assessment in that course, if administered by the transferring school, or achieved a passing/proficient score on the high school statewide assessment in literature/language arts required by the state from which the student transferred for purposes of satisfying the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ et seq., or if the student achieves a score on the AP or IB Exams equal to or higher than those listed.
A transfer student will not be required to take the Keystone Exam in:
Chapter 4 A transfer student will not be required to take the Keystone Exam in: Biology EOC Assessment if the student passed a statewide, standardized EOC assessment in that course, if administered by the transferring school, or achieved a passing/proficient score on the high school statewide assessment in science required by the state from which the student transferred for purposes of satisfying the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 U.S.C.§§. 6301et seq., or if the student achieves a score on the AP or IB Exams equal to or higher than those listed.
WAIVER If a high school has more than 10 percent of its graduation class unsuccessful in completing a project based assessment, they must apply for a waiver.
WAIVER Are IEP students counted as part of the 10 percent if a waiver is used? If an IEP specifies a pathway to graduation other than the Keystone Exam or PBA, then those students are not counted as part of the 10%.
WAIVER A chief school administrator may waive state graduation requirements on “a case-‐by-‐case basis for good cause” “to accommodate a student who experiences extenuating circumstances.” Are circumstances limited to those listed in 4.51d? No, the list provides examples of extenuating circumstances, but it is not all inclusive.
What must the student transcript display as related to the PBA?
TRANSCRIPTS What must the student transcript display as related to the PBA? Based upon Chapter 4 regulations, the information presented on a transcript shall include the highest performance level demonstrated by a student on the associated Keystone Exam, validated local assessment or project-based assessment at the time the transcript is produced. If a student receives a satisfactory mark on the PBA, the transcript reflects a proficient performance level. Note: This requirement takes effect with the graduating class.
This requirement takes effect with the class of 201617.
TRANSCRIPTS Do the performance levels only appear on the final transcript (sent in spring of senior year) or are they included once they are taken for the first time? Transcripts must reflect the highest performance level at the time a transcript is produced. Therefore, the information reported on a student transcript may change over time as students retake a Keystone Exam or participate in PBA. This requirement takes effect with the class of 201617.
TRANSCRIPTS What do districts include on transcripts for transfer students and out-of-state transfer students? Once an LEA has verified an out-of-state transfer test score, PDE will provide direction for documenting such for federal accountability purposes. The transfer test score will be included for purposes of the SPP. If a student has already scored Proficient on an out-of-state assessment, that score may be included for purposes of the SPP. The transcript should reflect the subject and the proficiency level of the student and the state in which the assessment was administered .
Should 8th grade PSSA scores be included on a high school transcript?
TRANSCRIPTS Should 8th grade PSSA scores be included on a high school transcript? The requirement to include PSSA scores ended in the ‐13 school year.
TRANSCRIPTS What is recorded on the transcript of a student who did not take the Keystone Exams or the PBA? Chapter 4 does not provide an opt out of the PBA. Failure to successfully complete a PBA would result in no mark/designation on the transcript.
What is indicated on the transcript if there is a religious opt out?
TRANSCRIPTS What is indicated on the transcript if there is a religious opt out? Students who opt out for religious reasons must participate in the PBA; thus, the transcript will reflect the earned score on the PBA.
If an IEP indicates no PBA, what is displayed on the transcript?
TRANSCRIPTS If an IEP indicates no PBA, what is displayed on the transcript? The transcript reflects the highest proficiency level earned on the Keystone Exam or PASA.
OPT OUT Is there a window for parents or guardians to review a Keystone Exam in order to determine whether or not there is a religious objection to the assessment? Test materials should be available for review two weeks prior to the state testing window and should be reviewed prior to the first administration of the actual assessment. (For schools that administer online testing, it is recommended that they order one paper copy of each assessment in order to have a copy available for parent or guardian review.)
OPT OUT How does an LEA determine if a letter submitted by a parent meets the requirements in Chapter 4 to qualify for a religious opt-out? If after reviewing the state assessment a parent provides the school with a written request that states a religious objection to the superintendent, CEO, or AVTS Director, the child(ren) should be excused from the state assessment. So, as long as a parent or guardian reviews the state assessment and provides a written statement providing his/her written objection for religious purposes (however vague that objection may be), the child must be excused from the assessment. PDE will not provide an opinion as to what is a proper religious objection. LEAs should keep records related to all opt-out requests, even if the request is not compliant with the procedures outlined in Chapter 4.
OPT OUT Can a parent request an opt out of the Keystone Exam retest for religious reasons? The opt out for religious reasons may be exercised, provided that the parent adheres to the proper procedures as described above.
OPT OUT If a parent refuses to allow his/her child to take both Keystones and the PBAs, how can a student graduate? Chapter 4 allows a parent or guardian to opt a child out of a state assessment. Per the definitions in 22 Pa. Code 4.3, the PBA is NOT a state assessment. Thus, Chapter 4 does not permit opting out of the PBA. The PBA is an alternative pathway to graduation and if the student does not successfully complete the PBA, s/he may not graduate.
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