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1491-1607 Teotihuacan, Mexico.

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1 Teotihuacan, Mexico

2 1491 – Symbolic of pre-Columbian America
Periodization 1491 – Symbolic of pre-Columbian America 1607 – First permanent English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia

3 Key Concept Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.

4 1491-1607 Varied and complex native cultures The Pristine Myth
Some sophisticated civilizations Aztecs and Incas Corn cultivation spreads from Mexico to the North Great Plains – mobile lifestyle Many mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer societies

5 Key Concept Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

6 1491-1607 Rivalry amongst European powers
Desire for wealth and to spread Christianity Columbian Exchange Biological Marketplace Peopling – Mostly from Old World to New Mostly from Africa Animals – Horse transforms life on Great Plains

7 Columbian Exchange Plants Disease Corn and Potatoes to Old World
Transforms diets worldwide Disease Decimates native population within a century Smallpox Measles Influenza

8 1491-1607 Spanish implement encomienda system
Control over natives and over the land Plantation slave labor from Africa emerges throughout Spanish empire Spanish develop a caste system based on Spanish blood (Europeans, Africans, Natives) Las Casas – 16th century Spanish critic

9 First Great Awakening

10 1607 – First permanent English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia
Periodization 1607 – First permanent English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia 1754 – Beginning of the French and Indian War between England/Colonists and France

11 Key Concept Europeans developed a variety of colonization and migration patterns, influenced by different imperial goals, cultures, and the varied North American environments where they settled, and they competed with each other and American Indians for resources

12 Imperial Rivalry between Spain, England, France, and Holland Motivated by a variety of factors including the acquisition of wealth and the spread of Christianity

13 Spain – California and Southwest England – Massachusetts to Virginia France – Louisiana and Canada Holland – New Amsterdam (NY)

14 Labor Systems Spanish –Encomienda system (Natives) then plantation slavery (African) West Indies and American south (Carolinas) – plantation slavery (African) Middle and North Atlantic – Indentured servants then, by the end of the 1600s, plantation slavery (Africa) Remember – Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)

15 Interaction of Cultures
Spanish – class system based on European blood; intermarriage English – sought to remove natives; no intermarriage French – trading posts, sparsely settled, intermarriage

16 Interaction of Cultures
New England Pequot War (1630’s), King Phillip’s War (1670’s) Chesapeake Bacon’s Rebellion – (indentured servant revolt – 1676) South Carolina Stono Rebellion (slave revolt – 1739) Southwest Pueblo Revolt (Native resistance to Christianity )

17 English Colonies - Comparison
New England, Middle, and Southern (includes the Chesapeake) New England (Massachusetts, Rhode Island) Puritans; “City upon a Hill” Came in family units Small towns, family farms, thriving economy (agriculture and trade) Healthy climate; natural rate increase; longer life span

18 English Colonies - Comparison
Middle (New York and Pennsylvania) Export economy; cereal crops like wheat (NYC and Philadelphia) Attracted a wide range of European immigrants More religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity

19 English Colonies - Comparison
The Chesapeake and North Carolina Labor intensive tobacco Indentured servants and, later, African slaves Unhealthy environment; natural rate of decline Short life span By 1700, laws designed to control the slave population (were property and could be sold)

20 English Colonies - Comparison
South Carolina and the West Indies Plantation economies (sugar, rice, indigo) Large African slave labor population – blacks often outnumbered whites Strict laws of control (Barbados Slave Codes) No gatherings amongst slaves No weapons owned by slaves Triangle Trade

21 Government Distance from England and salutary neglect led to a great amount of colonial freedom and autonomy Mayflower Compact, House of Burgesses, New England town meetings Unusually democratic for that time period

22 Key Concept The British colonies participated in political, social, cultural, and economic exchanges with Great Britain that encouraged both stronger bonds with Britain and resistance to Britain’s control.

23 The Enlightenment The Great Awakening (1730’s and 40’s) Mercantilism – Navigation Acts of 1660’s Restrictions on colonial trade Often neglected; smuggling

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