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Meet the Teacher Event
Welcome to P2/3T Aims of tonight: Get to know me a bit better
See around the classroom and school Find out more about a day in P2/3T To discuss your child’s learning as you look through their work.
Termly Newsletters will also be available.
Reporting Calendar Reporting to Parents Session 2017/18 Term 1 Meet the Teacher (all jotters and work on show) Term 2 Work Home: Learning Stories Learning Conversation to follow at home Term 3 Parents Evening (all jotters and work on show) Term 4 Written Progress Report issued Termly Newsletters will also be available.
House System Bennachie Drumrossie Dunnydeer Williamston
Class Charter The children decided to have all of us on a (very long) bike! We discussed our rights and voted for the 3 we felt were the most important.
Positive Behaviour Management
Class Dojo Please leave your address and I can connect you to your child’s avatar. This allows you to see when they receive points and what for. I will also use Class Dojo to communicate messages and photographs.
1, 2, 3 We use 1, 2, 3 along with a restorative approach. This involves an open discussion with pupils which encourages the children to identify unacceptable behaviours and find a solution.
Communication with me I will use Class Dojo to communicate whole class messages and photographs. The best way for you to get in touch with me is through Class Dojo. Or you can to arrange a time for discussion.
Homework Reading: Reading books will be given out on a Monday and Friday most weeks. Spelling: Spelling homework is given out on a Monday and handed in on a Friday.
Literacy in P2/3T Listening and Talking Reading Writing
Sharing thoughts/asking questions Reading aloud using expression Sounding out words Explain like or dislike of a text Discuss main ideas, characters, feelings etc. Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces Listening to instructions/directions Using known sounds to sound out unknown words Descriptions of real events Talking with a clear voice Answering literal (and inferential) questions Detail about character, setting and time. Talking at an appropriate volume Identifying connectives Using connectives
Numeracy in P2/3T Number Addition and Subtraction Data and Analysis
Measurement Counting on and back Adding on from the biggest number Reading information from diagrams and tables Length of a shape does not change (weight and volume P3) Place vale (h, t, u) Writing a number sentence Using tally marks (or own methods) Comparing size using an object 0 is a placeholder Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 Draw a diagram, table and chart (or pictogram) Exploring and comparing area. P3 – estimating area Using a number line Exploring volume
Health and Wellbeing in P2/3T
Fine motor skills are practised and developed during Active Start. This is also an opportunity to develop social skills. Mrs Shank is working on the school Bounce Back scheme. Mrs Glennie has P.E. with the children once a week (Fitness and Circuits).
Topic – Term 1 Royal Insch
P2 – Royal Insch Team P3 – Safety is our Aim Considering how to look after the community Travelling safely Identifying different types of housing and how they help people Assessing and managing risk Reducing potential for harm Caring for the environment Responding in emergencies The importance of local organisations to meet the needs of different people. Describing some of the work that people do, finding out about the wider word of work.
Visiting Specialists Monday Tuesday Mrs Shanks Health Wednesday
Mrs Glennie P.E. Thursday Mrs Corbett French Friday Ms Wendorff German Mr Carnegie Kodaly
Feedback Writing – Every week the children…
Self-assess their writing against the Success Criteria I explain to the children my thinking and and reasoning for my assessment. Numeracy – Every week the children… Self-assess how they feel they managed their Numeracy by colouring in the I can… statement green, orange or red. Targets – 1 sticker when child tells me what they have done to achieve their target. 3 stickers = new target.
School Initiatives Mindfulness/Relaxation Relaxing music
Mindful videos (fish) Massage (self and peer) Colouring Reading Daily Insch KM Club Improving concentration and learning Improving sleep Fun Healthy Positive state of mind.
School Initiatives Golden Tickets Developing the Young Workforce
Awarded weekly Based on School Values Golden Table on Friday (board games, tablecloth, juice etc.) Developing the Young Workforce Preparing learners for the work place Developing communication, team work etc. If you have any skills/contacts please let us know.
Helping at home Completing home learning spelling and reading
Mental maths questions Investigating anything your child is specifically interested in Having fun!
Curriculum for Excellence
Most children in P2/3T are working within First Level. This is a generic guide and leaners will all progress at their own pace – the framework is flexible.
Your child will now share their learning with you.
Sharing our learning! Your child will now share their learning with you.
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