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The Heart of Coaching TM

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1 The Heart of Coaching TM
Using Transformational Coaching to Build a High-Performance Coaching Culture 2008

2 Premise of “The Heart of Coaching”
“As coaching becomes a predominant cultural practice…it will create a performance-focused, feedback-rich organization that is capable of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage over its competitors.” Thomas G. Crane

3 A Compelling Vision for a High-Performance Coaching Culture
In COACHING CULTURES, all members of the culture courageously engage in candid, respectful coaching conversations with one another, unrestricted by reporting relationships, about how they can improve their working relationships and individual and collective work performance. All have learned to value and effectively use feedback as a powerful learning tool to produce higher levels of personal accountability, professional development, high-trust working relationships, continually-improving job performance and ever-increasing customer satisfaction.

4 Coachee is Accountable Mutual Accountability Working Relationships
Executive Coaching vs. Collegial Coaching Hired or Assigned Client Fixed Term 3rd Party Assessments Coachee is Accountable Development Focus Factor of Employment Co-worker Ongoing Personal Feedback Mutual Accountability Working Relationships and Performance Executive Coaching Collegial Coaching Common Roots: positive intent, trust, integrity, communication skills, service, accountability, etc.

5 Coached vs. Coaching Cultures
Colleagues Coaching Up, Down, and Sideways Hired/Assigned coaches dedicated to coaching their client MANAGER EXECUTIVE COACH YOU PEERS YOU DIRECT REPORTS

6 How All Coaching Processes Work Together
EXECUTIVE COACH MANAGER Colleagues who share Feedback & Coaching Objective & Confidential Coach focused on YOU as Client YOU PEERS PERSONAL COACH DIRECT REPORTS Mutual Learning & Accountability Partners who support one another in using coaching

7 Executive Coaching

8 Transformational Coaching
“The art of assisting people in enhancing their effectiveness in a way they feel helped.”

9 Transformational Coaching between Colleagues
“The process of clarifying expectations, sharing feedback and engaging in collaborative action planning with colleagues with the positive, duel intention of enhancing relationships and achieving improved work performance…in a way both feel supported and partnered with. ”

10 Collegial Coaching

Values, judgments, interpretations, assumptions, “attitude” RESULTS Outcomes, impact, accountabilities, improvements, “performance” COACHING BEHAVIOR Style, openness, habits, skills, practices, “action” RELATIONSHIPS Trust, rapport, collaboration, sharing, “connection”

12 The Coaching Culture Paradigm
Who Directs Peers Boss Develop Enhance Reinforce Purpose Results Relationships Behaviors Beliefs Content

13 From “Boss of ” To “Coach for”
Drives/Pushes Lifts/Supports Tells/Directs Asks/Solicits Knows the answer Seeks the answer Triggers Insecurity Triggers Creativity Uses fear to achieve Uses Purpose to Compliance inspire Commitment Creates Victims Fosters Accountability Focused only on Results Focused on both Process and Results Gets the Most from people Gets the Best from people

14 Coaching Culture Implementation
No “follow-through” = NO RESULTS “Where the rubber meets the road” Areas of greatest leverage: Have a personal focus for your coaching Meet with your team and begin One-on-One’s (Direct Reports – monthly) Coaching Contract (Behavioral Change) Personal Coach (Personal Support)

15 In closing… Clarifications & Appreciation

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