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Laboratory Glassware and Apparatus

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1 Laboratory Glassware and Apparatus
Issaaf Mouawad

2 There are many sizes of beakers for you to use in your lab desk

3 Beakers hold solids or liquids that will not release gases when reacted
Used for routine mixing, measuring and boiling Note the size capacity (250 mL in this case) Beaker

4 Flasks

5 Flask flasks hold solids or liquids that may release gases during a reaction Used for simple measuring and storing and mixing of liquids Note the size

6 Graduated Cylinders

7 Graduated Cylinder A graduated cylinder is used to measure accurate volumes of liquids probably your best everyday measuring tool

8 Test Tubes we commonly use 2 sizes:
18 x 150 mm Ignition Tube (25 x 200 mm) 13 x 100 mm Test tubes are used to mix chemicals and also to heat chemicals

9 Test Tube Brushes Test tube brushes are used to clean test tubes and graduated cylinders Small test tube brush Forcing a large brush into a small test tube will often break the tube Large test tube brush

10 Test Tube Racks Test tube racks are for holding and organizing test tubes on the laboratory counter

11 Watch Glass A watch glass is used to hold a small amount of solid, such as the product of a reaction Can also be used as a cover for an evaporating dish or beaker

12 Stirring Rod The stirring rod is used to: a) manually stir solutions
b) assist in pouring liquids c) to transfer a single drop of a solution. Rubber policeman tip is used to remove precipitates Stirring Rod Stir with this end

13 Dropper Pipette A dropper pipette is used to transfer a small volume of liquid, usually one drop at a time – never put your mouth on the dropper to provide suction

14 Graduated Pipette A graduated pipette measures and delivers exact volumes of liquids – uses a rubber bulb for suction

15 Forceps are used to hold or pick up small objects

16 Funnel A funnel is used to transfer liquid or fine-grained substances into containers with small opening

17 Used where accurate amount of liquid must be added in a small amount
Burettes Used where accurate amount of liquid must be added in a small amount

18 Wash Bottle A wash bottle has a spout that delivers a water stream to a specific area Distilled water is the only liquid that should be used in a wash bottle Distilled Water

19 Weighing Boat Weighing boats are used to weigh solids that will be transferred to another vessel Never put chemicals directly on the balance scale – it leaves residue and can harm the balance

20 Place item here to measure the mass
Electronic Balance Place item here to measure the mass Electronic balances are very accurate, highly dependable, and rugged The digital display makes the mass value very easy to determine used to measure the mass of an object.

21 Spatula Spatulas are used to dispense solid chemicals from their containers Chemicals should never be transferred with your hands

22 Bunsen Burner Burners are used for the heating of nonvolatile liquids and solids

23 used to gently heat any flammable chemical
Hot plates used to gently heat any flammable chemical

24 Evaporating Dish The evaporating dish is used for heating stable solid compounds and elements

25 Mortar and Pestle A great tool for pharmaceutical applications
Used to grain or crush the solid substances

26 Crucible and cover (lid )
Crucibles are used for heating certain solids, particularly metals, to very high temperatures The cover can be used to contain any smoke particles

27 Microscope An optical instrument used to produce magnified images of small objects

28 pH Meter Electronic instrument Sensitive to H+ ions
Detect the acidity and alkalinity of the solutions

29 Remember Remember the major principles for avoiding glassware accidents: Know your equipment. Inspect glassware before you use it. Follow proper procedures. Use common sense. Properly handle various types of glassware. Use appropriate personal protective equipment when working with glassware. Take the necessary safety precautions for using glassware in hazardous situations. Clean laboratory glassware properly and safely. Properly store glassware when it is not being used.


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