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Medical Biochemistry Department
Safety Rules for Medical Biochemistry Students By All Staff Members of Medical Biochemistry Department
Welcome To The Biochemistry Lab
By the end of this topic, the student will be able to:
Practice basics of safety procedures and apply the different general rules of safety during learning in Lab. Identify and categorize the different instruments and apparatuses with their parts and uses in practice.
Safety Rules for Medical Biochemistry Students includes :
Appearance and attitude in the lab. General work procedure. Hygiene practice. Emergency procedure.
يجب ارتداء البالطو الابيض الخاص بك
Appearance and attitude in the lab While working in the lab, the following instructions should be followed: You must wear your clean white coat يجب ارتداء البالطو الابيض الخاص بك
يجب ادخال الاكسسوار اوالحجاب فى داخل البالطو
Tie up long hair during laboratory activity يجب عدم ترك الشعر منسدلا اثناء العمل فى المعمل Do not use any flammable materials such as perfumes. لا تستعمل المواد القابله للاشتعال مثل البرفانات You must insert the jewelry and veil into the coat يجب ادخال الاكسسوار اوالحجاب فى داخل البالطو
leather shoes protect your feet from chemical spills.
Try always to wear leather shoes that cover your feet. حاول دائما ارتداء حذاء جلدى يغطي القدمين Sandals and open-toed shoes do not protect your feet from broken glass . leather shoes protect your feet from chemical spills.
Place books and personal items in the cabinet
يجب ادخال الكتب والمتعلقات الشخصية فى المكان المخصص Only laboratory manuals are permitted into the working area يسمح فقط بمذكرات العملى والكشكول فى منطقة العمل
Listen to your instructor carefully and stand in your proper position in the lab.
استمع لتعليمات مشرفك بحرص وقف دائما في مكانك المخصص
Read the instruction guide ahead of performing the experiment.
- اقرأ دليل التعليمات قبل اجراء التجربة.
الاكل او الشرب غير مسموح به فى المعمل
Eating and drinking are not allowed in the lab. الاكل او الشرب غير مسموح به فى المعمل Put all food and drinks in your bag.
Do not sit on lab benches.
لا تجلس على أثاث المعمل
side talks & the mobile are not allowed in the lab.
لا تتحدث مع زملائك في المعمل او في المحمول. Avoid Horseplay
At the end of the lab period:
Exit the lab in an orderly manner. No running. No pushing. No shoving.
When in doubt – ASK!!! DO NOT GUESS!!!! عند الشك----اســــــــأ ل
You should wear approved safety goggles or safety glasses when instructed in the lab. يجب ارتداء نظارات الوقاية بالمعمل اذا كلفت بذلك
This is not acceptable!
Wear gloves if you will come in contact with blood specimens عينة من الدم ارتد القفاز عندما ملامسة
Check glassware for stars or cracks.
Use only clean & dry glassware and never use broken or chipped glassware. استعمل فقط زجاجيات نظيفه جافه وسليمه Check glassware for stars or cracks.
Use only materials and equipments authorized by the instructor
استعمال اى مواد او اجهزة لا يكون الا باذن المشرف المسئول Be aware if the chemicals used are hazardous كن حذرا مع الكيماويات الخطيرة ان استعملت
Handle hot glassware with holder or tongs.
Never carry flammable or hot and dangerous equipment or chemicals through the lab. لا تتحرك ابدا بالادوات اوالكيماويات الساخنة و الضارة اوالقابلة للاشتعال داخل المعمل Handle hot glassware with holder or tongs.
Always point test tubes away from yourself and others when heating
وجه دائما انابيب الاختبار بعيدا عن نفسك وعن غيرك اثناء التسخين
لا تتذوق ابدا الكيماويات او تلامسها باليد
Never taste anything or touch chemicals with hand لا تتذوق ابدا الكيماويات او تلامسها باليد
مع الاستشناق بحذر من على بعد
Test for odor of chemicals only by waving your hand above the container & sniffing cautiously from a distance اختبار الرائحة للكيماويات يكون فقط عن طريق تحريك اليد من اعلى المصدر مع الاستشناق بحذر من على بعد
Never pour used reagents back into the bottle
لاترد الكيماويات المستعملة مرة اخرى الى مصدرها
Keep lids on bottles and containers when not in use.
قم بتغطيه الزجاجيات في حاله عدم استخدامها
Use a rubber suction bulb , pump or other device to fill a pipette
Inform the instructor immediately about any non properly working equipment or any difficulty
عليك ابلاغ مشرف المعمل عند حدوث عطل في اي جهاز اي وجود اي صعوبة
عدم ملامسة اليد لأى من الوجه والعينين و الملابس اثناء العملى
Hygiene practice Keep hands away from face, eyes and clothes during lab عدم ملامسة اليد لأى من الوجه والعينين و الملابس اثناء العملى
Always clean the laboratory area before leaving
دائما نظف أدواتك ومنطقة عملك قبل مغادره المعمل Keep tabletops clean. Return all equipment to its original location before leaving the lab. Clean all spills immediately.
Sweep Broken Glass up right away.
Wash hands with soap and water before leaving the lab.
اغسل يديك بالماء والصابون قبل مغادره المعمل
Emergency procedure In case of accident as an acid or alkali burns
Wash the affected area immediately with plenty of running water لو وقع اى حادث كحرق من حمض او قلوى اغسل المنطقة المصابة فى الحال بكثير من الماء الجارى
In case of eye injury Flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
Provide fresh air and keep the head lower than the rest of the body.
In case of Fainting Provide fresh air and keep the head lower than the rest of the body.
ابلغ المشرف فورا عند حدوث اى مشكلة او حادث بالمعمل
Inform the supervisor immediately about any problem or accident in the lab ابلغ المشرف فورا عند حدوث اى مشكلة او حادث بالمعمل
Lab benches Preparation room Chemical &Reagents Area
Biochemistry and Molecular biology Department Lab Diagram Lab Safety & First Aid Preparation room Lab benches P L A T F O R M P L A T F O R M EXIT Chemical &Reagents Area IReport Room EXIT Instructor
Remember To Be on time. To record your attendance by your ID. To Get Your White Coat. To Get Your Student record.
Laboratory Instruments Medical Biochemistry Department
and Apparatuses By All Staff Members of Medical Biochemistry Department
3-Filtering instruments
1-Glasswares 2-Observing instruments 3-Filtering instruments 4-Handling With Chemicals 5-Heating instruments 6-Others
1-Glasswares Instruments for Liquid Volume Measurements
Instruments For Transfer, Mixing Boiling And storage of Chemicals
Instruments for Liquid Volume Measurements
Instruments used for volume measurement depends on the accuracy and volumes needed. The smaller the diameter of the instrument the more accurate it would be e.g. pipettes.
It measures and delivers exact volumes of liquids.
Glass graduated pipettes 1-Pipettes It measures and delivers exact volumes of liquids. Pasteur pipette Automatic pipette
Glass graduated pipettes
used to transfer small- volumes of liquids e.g. (1ml-10ml)
Most accurate of all, used to transfer micro- volumes of liquids e. g
Most accurate of all, used to transfer micro- volumes of liquids e.g. (1l-1000l) Automatic pipette Automatic pipette tips
A graduated cylinder is used to measure different volumes of liquids.
2-Graduated Cylinders A graduated cylinder is used to measure different volumes of liquids.
3-Volumetric flasks A volumetric flask is used for the preparation of solutions with different concentrations and volumes.
Instruments For Transfer, Mixing Boiling And storage of Chemicals
Test tubes Used for performing chemical experiments in lab. e.g Holding liquid samples for heating, dissolution, centrifugation and others
So, they should always carry an informative label.
Reagents and Chemicals Bottles Used for Storage of different chemicals, reagents, and even strong corrosives. So, they should always carry an informative label.
It holds solids or liquids
Graduated Beakers It holds solids or liquids that will not release gases when reacted or are unlikely to splatter if stirred or heated.
Compare between beaker and volumetric flask as regard Precision and Cost
When filled to 1000 mL line, how much liquid is present? 5% of 1000 mL =50 mL 1000 mL +/ mL Range 950 mL – 1050 mL Range mL– mL imprecise; cheap precise; expensive
Erlenmeyer Flask (conical flask) Erlenmeyer flasks (conical flasks) hold solids or liquids that may release gases during a reaction or that are likely to splatter if stirred or heated.
Narrow neck prevents splash exposure on heating or stirring.
Rounded Flask Round (Florence) flask is rarely used; it is used for the mixing of chemicals. Narrow neck prevents splash exposure on heating or stirring.
A glass rod is used to manually stir solutions.
Glass Stir Rod A glass rod is used to manually stir solutions.
Watch Glass Used as a surface to observe powder consistency .
2-Observing instruments Used as a surface to observe powder consistency . It may be used as a beaker cover or as a weighing tray. Watch Glass
Used for culture studies and for preparing agar plates.
Petri dish Used for culture studies and for preparing agar plates.
3-Filtering instruments
Funnels A funnel is used to aid in the transfer of liquid from one vessel to another.
Outer rough surface Inner smooth surface Filter papers
4-Handling of Chemicals It is inserted into the end of the glass pipette to help the delivery of liquid without suction by mouth. Pipette pump
Spatula It resembles small paddles or teaspoons.
It resists corrosions. It is used to handle solid powdered chemicals.
& Plastic transfer pipette
Droppers & Plastic transfer pipette They are used to transfer small amounts or drops of liquid solutions. Plastic Pasteur transfer Pipette
Test tube racks are for holding and organizing test tubes on the laboratory counter.
Plastic racks may melt in contact with very hot test tubes. Test tube Rack
Test Tube Holder A test tube holder is useful for holding a test tube which is too hot to handle.
Rubber Stoppers Used to close containers to avoid spillage, evaporation and contamination. Containers should never be heated when there is a stopper in place.
Well Plates Well plates are used when we want to perform many small scale reactions at one time.
Wash Bottle A wash bottle has a spout that delivers a wash solution to a specific area. Distilled water is the only liquid that should be used in a wash bottle.
Test Tube Brushes Used to clean test tubes and graduated cylinders.
Forcing a large brush into a small test tube will often break the tube.
Forceps Used to pick up small objects.
Used to weigh solids that will be transferred to another vessel.
Weighing Tray Used to weigh solids that will be transferred to another vessel.
5-Heating These objects are all used in the process of heating, but each one has a different function. Bunsen Burner Boiling Tube Wire gauze Tripod stand
used for the heating of nonvolatile liquids and solids.
Bunsen burners used for the heating of nonvolatile liquids and solids.
Crucible used for heating certain solids, particularly metals, to very high temperatures.
It is made of porcelain or ceramic to withstand heat.
used for the heating of stable solid compounds. Evaporating Dish
Litmus Paper 6-Others Red litmus paper is used to identify bases.
Blue litmus paper is used to identify acids. Litmus Paper
Calibration marks along it, allow the temperature to be read by the length of mercury within it.
It is used usually to measure the temperature of water bath in lab. Thermometer
Measurement by glass wares
~ ~ water in grad. cyl. mercury in grad. cyl. ~
There are some materials where the curve goes up.
Still, you read the horizontal center of the meniscus(top of the meniscus). In some plastic cylinders water has a flat surface. We can still use the center rather than the edges.
A characteristic of liquids in glass containers is that they curve at the edges.
This curvature is called the meniscus. You measure the level at the horizontal center of the meniscus. The Meniscus
IMAGE. 100-mL graduated cylinder.
Step 1: Determine the scale increment How? In shown Fig, the large graduations are(10,20,30,40,50,60ml --- etc) between 60 mL and 50 mL = 10 mL. Next, ten small intervals between the large labeled graduations. Therefore, the scale increment is 10 mL/10 graduations = 1 mL/graduation.
Step 2: Use the labeled graduations and the scale increment to measure.
The volume is greater than 50 mL. There are two graduation marks below the meniscus, and each graduation represents 1 mL, so the certain digits of the reading are 52 mL
Activity 1 Read the Volume from a 100-mL Graduated Cylinder, write briefly what are you going to do?
Activity 2: Reading a pipette
Identify each volume to two decimal places (volume you have expelled) *Check the zero point-your pipette is 10 mL 4.50 mL 4.8mL 5.00 mL
Used to measure the specific gravity of a liquid
Urinometer (Hydrometer) Used to measure the specific gravity of a liquid e.g. urine
Lab water bath It provides precise temperature for lab reactions control It is available with an analog or digital operating system
Balance Used to weigh chemicals
Centrifuge Spins liquid samples at different high speeds to sediment different fractions.
Used to separate macromolecules as DNA , RNA and Protein
Gel electrophoresis Apparatus Tank cover Tank combs separators Gel Glass plates Used to separate macromolecules as DNA , RNA and Protein
Comb of gel-electrophoresis
Forms wells in the gel which are needed to load samples in them.
paper electrophoresis Apparatus
It used to calculate the corresponding concentrations.
Spectrophotometer Cuvette Used to measure the absorbance (O.D) of different substances in biological fluid. It used to calculate the corresponding concentrations.
Used to measure the pH of a solution.
pH meter Used to measure the pH of a solution. Bulb of pH meter
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