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Closing Remarks Weiguo Li BES-BELLE-CLEO-BABAR Workshop on Charm Physics Nov , 2007 IHEP, Beijing
For past two days, ~100 physicists from BELLE, CLEO, BABAR and BES come together to discuss the relevant subjects on charm, charmonium and light hadron spectroscopy. Wide range of topics were covered,
Hadron spectroscopy and new resonances D0D0bar mixing and CP violation Charmonium decays Charm hadronic and (semi-)leptonic decays QCD at low energy and Tau decays Dalitz/Partial-Wave Analysis, MC generator and other tools Detector upgrade I am not going to go through the details of the specific topics, and try to give some personnel comments.
Electron positron colliders are superior places to study Charm, Charmonium, light hadron spectroscopy, QCD and tau physics, and have many advantages over other kind of machines. For past years, many important/interesting results were obtained by CLEOc, BELLE, BABAR and BES. Competition, cross check and confirmation between these experiments and other experiments make these results quickly established and get the attentions of the world HEP community.
Experiments at high energy and low energy are complementary in the understanding of the physics, and a lot of analyses tools are similar, for example PWA and Dalitz plot analyses. Exchange of information between these experiments are very important and productive. It is beneficial for BESIII to learn what are achieved and being studied at other experiments, at the stage that real data are expected soon.
BESIII should have huge data at the J/, (2S),
(3770) and for Ds, QCD and tau physics. But the huge statistics will not automatically create nice physics. For large data sample, systematic errors become dominant for a large fraction of physics studies. To understand the detector and systematic uncertainties become utmost important to obtain good physics, with good analyses tools: correct, efficient and robust. Cooperation between experimenters and theorists is also very important to interpret the results, and lead to some new directions.
Although CLEOc and BABAR will stop to take data next year, but they will continue to produce physics results for quite a few years. And now the SuperB project at KEK is approved, BESIII and KEK SuperB will carry on the physics studies in these area for a long time. I hope the communication, collaboration between these four experiments, particularly between BESIII and BELLE( KEKB/SuperB) can be continued and be enhanced, in Charm physics, as well as detector upgrade.
I would like to thank all the participants and the speakers to make this joint workshop productive and successful. All the talks are well prepared and very informative. And I should also thank the persons who made great efforts to organize this workshop: the session conveners, the local team.
I would like to thanks to the organizing committee, Many thanks to the spokespersons of BES/Belle/CLEO/Babar for their strong support, to Y. Sakai(Belle), D. Asner(CLEO) and S. A Prell(Babar) for their efforts in organizing the talks, to S. Olsen(BES, Belle) for his help in good communication between different parties.
Thank to the local team Zhang Changchun, Scientific Secretary Deng Tiejun, Jia Yinghua, Shi Xiurong, Wang Yongtao, the administrative secretaries Wang Yanming, Computing and networking The helping Students
Sponsors of the workshop : Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
BELLE 45th general meeting to be held tomorrow, open to the
BES people, in this room Morning: BELLE status, run plan, KEKB/BELLE upgrade 8:30-8:40 Opening comments from local organizers (Changchun, Steve...) 8:40-9:00 KEKB Status and Crab Commissioning, M. Kikuchi (KEK) 9:00-9:20 Belle detector status and operations, S. Uno (KEK) 9:20-9:40 GRID Status, H. Nakazawa(NCU)/S. Nishida(KEK) et al 9:40-10:00 Upsilon(5S) Status, A. Schwartz (Cincinnati) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 10:20-10:40 Upsilon(5S) scan proposal K.F.Chen/W.S Hou (NTU) 10:40-11:00 KEKB Accelerator Upgrade Plan M. Kikuchi (KEK) 11:00-11:20 KEKB/Belle Upgrade: Schedule, Funding M. Yamauchi (KEK) 11:40-12:00 Overview of detector upgrade/simul. Y. Ushiroda (KEK) 12:00-14:00 Lunch
Afternoon: Detector upgrade, including DAQ and trigger
14:00-14:30 Pixels and SVD options G. Varner (Hawaii) 14:30-14:45 TOP and Aerogel-RICH P. Krizan (Ljubljana) 14:45-15:05 ECL upgrades A. Bondar (BINP) 15:05-15:30 KLM upgrades Y. Yusa (VPI) 15:30-15:50 Coffee Break 15:50-16:10 DAQ and TRG Challenges R. Itoh (KEK) 16:10-16:20 Contingency 16:20-16:40 FSIM6 Package M. Nakao (KEK) 16:40-17:00 Time-dependent analysis H. Ishino (TIT) 17:00-17:20 Other analyses S. Nishida (KEK) 17:20-17:30 New Analysis framework R. Itoh (KEK) Thank BELLE people for making this arrangement
Wish everybody a nice stay in Beijing
and a safe trip back to home.
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