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Preparation and Reflection

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation and Reflection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation and Reflection
Planning Stage Long term Medium term Short term Reflection Stage Reflective practice Reflexive practice Next planning stage…

2 Long term planning Term-by-term Overall topic ideas
Final performance outcomes Main musical targets Main educational outcomes

3 Medium Term Planning Lesson-by-Lesson Rough lesson structure
Overall task ideas Performance aims Keywords for the term

4 Short Term Planning Task-by-task Detailed objectives
Context – where it sits in the bigger plan List of resources needed Practical notes for me at the bottom!

5 Further thoughts… Reflective Practice
Everything I do I analyse – was it the best it could be? Journal every half term – what, how, why, what next? (Show journal entries) Video lessons – am I engaging enough? Am I too static? Etc. (Show 30 sec. video, if I have it) Move these thoughts into planning for next lessons Planning is an ACTIVE process for me, not a PASSIVE process

6 Further thoughts… Reflexive Practice Winging it!
“Planning is an ACTIVE process, not a PASSIVE process” From the word Reflex Switching plans as you go on the basis of pupil enquiry “I’ve brought this piece to lesson, can we have a look at it?” Winging it! Learner led lessons are reflexive, be prepared to have lessons that don’t follow the plans.

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