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EFIS and Spectrum Planning

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1 EFIS and Spectrum Planning
53 shades of RE-D: 6 months to go. How to place compliant radio equipment on the European market 1 December 2016, Sophia Antipolis Thomas Weber, ECO, Spectrum Management

2 Overview What is the ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS)?
Spectrum Inventory related Information Documentation system, documentation types, new database Information sections in EFIS Examples (e.g. about MNO licences, SRDs, Fixed Services) What is new/ will be new (e.g. doc web service/export, PMSE) References/ information sources

3 What is EFIS? EFIS is the tool to fulfill EC Decision 2007/344/EC on the harmonised availability of information regarding spectrum use in Europe - and the ECC Decision ECC/DEC/(01)03 on EFIS. It’s an information system – not a spectrum planning tool. EFIS hosts only public information. National information is uploaded into EFIS by the National Regulatory Authorities. The application terminology is defined in ECC Decision (01)03 Annex 2. EFIS has also a role to play in the European Union’s spectrum inventory, which is part of the programme of initiatives set out in the EU Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP). The ECC’s recommendations on the scope of this have been covered in CEPT Report 46 and CEPT Report 47 under a mandate from the Commission. The Commission has, within its Radio Spectrum Committee, adopted an Implementing Act for the spectrum inventory which references the role that EFIS should play in it. Information will flow from Member States to EFIS then to the EC. With EFIS you can search for and compare spectrum utilisation across Europe as well as related information such as CEPT activities, radio interface specifications according to the R&TTE Directive and other national or international regulations.

4 EFIS and the RED RED: According to recital 24 Member states are to use the Frequency Information System (EFIS) of the European Communications Office (ECO) in order to make comparable information regarding the use of radio spectrum in each Member State available to the public via the internet Info to be included about harmonised use with restrictions (such equipment subclasses do not exist under the RED anymore) – EFIS will fill the gap National Table information (there a summary table with links on a separate webpage for this at the moment on our ECC web) – this is to be incorporate inherently within EFIS Find convenient ways how information is getting quicker updated in the EFIS – to make EFIS better and more up to date The ECC and the ETSI with support from the European Commission have jointly produced a brochure which provides an introduction to the regulatory environment in Europe for radio equipment and spectrum and some key information for newcomers (revised version, reflecting the update of the relevant European regulatory framework)

5 Spectrum Inventory Related Information in EFIS

6 Documentation Types in EFIS
Regulatory documentation types: EC Decisions ECC Decisions/Recommendations ETSI Harmonised Standards Licensing Info NTFAs (National Table of Frequency Allocations) Other Radio Interface Specifications & templates, equipment class 1 subclasses (R&TTE and RED) and class 2 information about harmonised use with restictions (no official class 2 subclasses under RED anymore) Spectrum Inventory: ECC/ ECO Reports ETSI system Reference Documents / draft System Reference Documents EU Reports (e.g. study results) National / Third Party Reports Questionnaire summaries Information can be searched after doc type, application(s) and frequency range(s) New documentation database in 2017 and documentation web-service

7 New Documentation database to come
- Same content management System as EFIS, freq. and applic. - Download of docs - ETSI HENs via ECA included - real archive

8 EFIS Information Sections
Allocations and Applications: classical search and graphical view Documentation section National Radio Interface Specifications RoU (Rights-of-Use) – mostly public mobile bands but not exclusively All information can be downloaded in csv files Complete inclusion of ERC Recommendation on SRDs in EFIS including national implementation information. Complete inclusion of the European Common Allocation Table (ERC Report 25) Info about military use will be improved. Military use imposes national restrictions. The content of ECO Report 03 containing the licence information in the ECS frequency bands is now also fully in EFIS available and for 45 CEPT countries; Complete inclusion of ECO Report 04 (Fixed Services) in EFIS including national implementation information. Electronic Questionnaire Information in EFIS PMSE module will follow in the near future after publication of Recommendation T/R 25-10

9 Graphical Visualisation
Graphical Visualisation of National Table of Frequency Allocation (NTFA) and applications information (search and compare) is included in EFIS. The tool can also be separately used outside the EFIS database on other webpages (without the EFIS design) and with the allocation and application terminology translated in national language. Alternatively, administrations can also generate pictures or use a link to the tool of parts of their national frequency table or tables and export them. The ‘external usage’ features are especially considered as helpful for smaller administrations which otherwise could not have such a tool but can also be used by each and every EFIS user.

10 A graphical visualisation of allocations and applications



13 Rights-of-Use Statistics (Example)


15 Fixed Service (Example)

16 SRDs – Recommendation 70-03 (Example)

17 Sources of information/relevant documents for detailed guidance/information on EFIS
and EFIS website page and (all documents are available here) ECC Report 180 on guidance on the interpretation of requirements in ECC/DEC/(01)03 ECC/DEC/(01)03 on EFIS List of searchable allocations (Annex 1) List of searchable applications (Annex 2) is updated as required (EFIS/MG proposes changes to WGFM, if appropriate) ECO Report 03 ECO Report 04 ECO Report 05 (mapping of CEPT/ECC Deliverables and applications terminology)

18 EFIS Contacts in ECO Bente Pedersen Thomas Weber
Spectrum Management Tel: Bente Pedersen Tel: ECO Nyropsgade 37, 1302 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: Fax:

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