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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MEET THE TEACHER"— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to our Year Group
The Nursery Team are: Class Teacher and Assistant Head EYFS/Year One Mr Humble Nursery Nurse/HLTA Miss Iacurci Teaching Assistants Mrs Shah Mrs Bradley PPA and Leadership Cover Mr Gallagher Miss Young

3 Agenda Welcome to Nursery What should your child have every day?
Behaviour What will our children be learning? Expectations Timetable PPA and Cover How you can help Parent Book Look

4 What should your child have EVERY day?
Sensible clothes and shoes – suitable for physical/messy activities such as climbing and painting Coat Water bottle Please ensure everything is named

5 Behaviour We want every child to feel safe and secure at West Acton.
The school has 6 simple rules called the Golden Rules. They are: We are gentle We are kind and helpful We listen We are honest We work hard We look after property The school focuses on a positive reinforcement approach for all learners which is achieved using the following strategies: Use of positive praise throughout lessons Celebration of good work using certificates, stamps, stars, postcards home Positive comments and peer praise Individual class reward systems

6 What will our children be learning?
Themed learning topics will be taught termly such as: Colours All about me Toys Nursery rhymes People who help us Animals We cover the EYFS Curriculum subjects using links and themes where possible. Prime areas: Communication and language, Physical development, and Personal, social and emotional development. Specific areas: Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, Expressive arts and design.

7 Expectations We have high expectations of our children and we aim to prepare them so they can acquire wide range of experiences and skills. This year, among other things, we will be working hard at raising expectations. Independent Learning Having a go Sharing Trying new things Asking for help Sharing ideas Good sitting and good listening

8 Timetable Daily Routine: Drop off / inside freeflow Carpet time
Inside/outside freeflow Milk and fruit / carpet time Hometime

9 Join in our learning If you have just an hour or two free a week, we could really use your help in: Reading with the children Playing number games with the children

10 How else can I help my child’s learning?
Reading and enjoying books with your child Joining and visiting the local library Talking and listening to your child as much as possible about the world around them Practising self-help skills such as putting coats on and toileting Drawing / mark-making Counting out loud Spotting numbers in the environment

11 Anything else? If you have any concerns please let me know straight away so I can respond sooner rather than later. You can see me at the end of each day or we can arrange a longer meeting if necessary.

12 Any Questions? Thank you for coming to support your child’s learning – together we can make a difference.


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