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Jeopardy Life Basic facts Family Education Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Life Basic facts Family Education Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Life Basic facts Family Education Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Real Jeopardy Clues Life Basic facts Family Education Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Basic Facts
What was Queen Victoria’s first name?

3 $100 Answer from Basic Facts

4 $200 Question from Basic Facts
When was Queen Victoria born?

5 $200 Answer from Basic Facts
May 24th 1819

6 $300 Question from Basic Facts
When did Queen Victoria die?

7 $300 Answer from Basic Facts
January 22nd 1901

8 $400 Question from Basic Facts
Who was Queen Victoria’s father?

9 $400 Answer from Basic Facts
Prince Edward

10 $500 Question from Basic Facts
Who did she marry?

11 $500 Answer from Basic Facts
Prince Albert

12 $100 Question from Family How many children did Queen Victoria have?

13 $100 Answer from Family 9

14 $200 Question from Family What was Queen Victoria’s first child’s name?

15 $200 Answer from Family Victoria

16 $300 Question from Family Her husband was related to her how?

17 $300 Answer from Family First Cousin

18 $400 Question from Family Queen Victoria had this many grandchildren

19 $400 Answer from Family 40

20 $500 Question from Family Who were her fifth and sixth children?

21 $500 Answer from Family Helena and Louise

22 $100 Question from Education
What was Queen Victoria’s first language?

23 $100 Answer from Education

24 $200 Question from Education
Queen Victoria learned her second and third languages at this age.

25 $200 Answer from Education
Age 3

26 $300 Question from Education
Where was Queen Victoria educated?

27 $300 Answer from Education
Her home, Kensington Palace

28 $400 Question from Education
What subjects did Queen Victoria study?

29 $400 Answer from Education
History, geography, and religion

30 $500 Question from Education
Her mother named her education study what?

31 $500 Answer from Education
The Kensington system

32 $100 Question from real jeopardy facts
This eldest son of Queen Victoria ascended to the throne upon her death in 1901

33 $100 Answer from real jeopardy facts
Edward VII

34 $200 Question from real jeopardy facts
The British rescued 5 of these toy dogs when looting the Chinese imperial palace in 1860; one was presented to Queen Victoria

35 $200 Answer from real jeopardy facts

36 $300 Question from real jeopardy facts
As Queen Victoria's hubby, Albert had this title

37 $300 Answer from real jeopardy facts
Prince consort

38 $400 Question from real jeopardy facts
This venue, seen here, was dedicated to Queen Victoria's husband

39 $400 Answer from real jeopardy facts
Royal Albert Hall

40 $500 Question from real jeopardy facts
Queen Victoria’s Myspace Page: The music is this song, on which Felix Mendelssohn once improvised for Her Majesty

41 $500 Answer from real jeopardy facts
Rule Brittania!

42 $100 Question from life Where was Queen Victoria born?

43 $100 Answer from life Kensington Palace

44 $200 Question from life Where did Queen Victoria die?

45 $200 Answer from life The Osborne House

46 $300 Question from life How many of Queen Victoria’s grandchildren actually survived childhood?

47 $300 Answer from life 26

48 $400 Question from life How long did Queen Victoria reign?

49 $400 Answer from life 64 years and 7 months

50 $500 Question from life Queen Victoria referred to which person as “that dreadful old man”

51 $500 Answer from life William Gladstone

52 Final Jeopardy Theodore Blake Bergman's painting seen here shows Queen Victoria with this Prime Minister

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Disraeli?

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