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Volume 112, Issue 2, Pages (August 1997)

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1 Volume 112, Issue 2, Pages 348-356 (August 1997)
Emergency Treatment of Acute Asthma With Albuterol Metered-Dose Inhaler Plus Holding Chamber  Jill P. Karpel, MD, FCCP, Thomas K. Aldrich, MD, FCCP, David J. Prezant, MD, FCCP, Katia Guguchev, MD, Alberto Gaitan-Salas, MD, Raja Pathiparti, MD  CHEST  Volume 112, Issue 2, Pages (August 1997) DOI: /chest Copyright © 1997 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 FEV1 (mean±SEM) change from baseline vs time after albuterol MDI and holding chamber treatments for all three groups of patients. Group 1 received albuterol MDI and holding chamber treatments every 30 min, group 2 every 60 min, and group 3 at 120 min. All groups demonstrated significant improvement in FEV1 compared to baseline. The conditions of groups 1 and 2 improved significantly more than those of group 3. However, there was no significant difference in improvement between groups 1 and 2. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 1997 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Change in FEV1% (percentage points), percentage increase in FEV1 (%), index of improvement (100% × [final-initial FEV1%]/[100%-initial FEV1%]), and FEV1 at end of study (percent predicted). Group 1 received albuterol MDI and holding chamber treatments every 30 min, group 2 every 60 min, and group 3 at 120 min. All groups demonstrated improvement in pulmonary function. Groups 1 and 2 demonstrated greater improvement than group 3 for all measurements. Groups 1 and 2 were not significantly different from each other for all parameters measured. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 1997 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Change in FEV1 (percent predicted) from baseline (time=0) until completion of the study (T=120 min) for those patients with FEV1 <40% or >40% predicted to normal. Group 1 received albuterol MDI and holding chamber treatments every 30 min, group 2 every 60 min, and group 3 at 120 min. The changes in FEV1 were the same as for the entire group. The initial percent predicted FEV1 did not influence treatment intervals. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 1997 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 4 Change in FEV1 (percent predicted) for low responders (<15 percentage point increase in initial FEV1 at 15 min) and high responders (>15 percentage point increase in initial FEV1 at 15 min) for all three treatment groups. Patients with low response to albuterol significantly benefitted from the 30-min treatment regimen compared to either 60- or 120-min treatment regimen. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 1997 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

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