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Friday! Agenda: Persuasive Essay *Final draft is due by end of class today! - Can be typed (submit on google classroom) or handwritten Google classroom:

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Presentation on theme: "Friday! Agenda: Persuasive Essay *Final draft is due by end of class today! - Can be typed (submit on google classroom) or handwritten Google classroom:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday! Agenda: Persuasive Essay *Final draft is due by end of class today! - Can be typed (submit on google classroom) or handwritten Google classroom: Go to Select “join class” and enter this code: m9d538

2 Advisory Grade check day! Come see me for your grade check sheet!

3 Frayer Model Put all of these things on your paper in a visually appealing format 1. Your pre-fix 2. What the prefix means 3. Write a sentence that includes a word with that prefix. 4. A graphic or visual that helps to communicate the meaning of the word.

4 Persuasive Essay: The Nuts and Bolts
A Basic Guide to the Persuasive Essay

5 Remember that your goal is to try to convince your audience to do or think what you want them to do or think. Politicians do it, advertisers do it, and so do you. Ever tried to convince a friend or parent to do something, go somewhere, or give you something?

6 Persuasive Essay State your position on whether or not a person is ever truly evil.

7 Create the foldable we are going to use.
Other teachers may have taught you a different foldable or a different way to write a persuasive essay. We want you to try it our way this time. After this time, if you like the way we do it, you may use it, or you may use another way you are comfortable with.

8 The first paragraph of your persuasive essay is the “Introduction”.
It has three parts - Hook, Transition, and Position Statement/Thesis. We are going to work on the Position Statement/Thesis first.

9 Hook - Transition - Position Statement/Thesis - Use part of the question/prompt in your answer + Use a “Because” or “Since” Cause and Effect sentence or some other AWUBIS sentence Example: State your position on whether or not a person is ever truly evil. Position statement: An individual is never truly evil because…REASON or REASONS OR An individual can be truly evil since...REASON or REASONS

10 Hook - Grabs the reader’s attention
Hook - Grabs the reader’s attention. There are many possible ways to create one. You can use: a definition rhetorical question a famous quote a general statement about the topic a Ba-Da-Bing to catch my attention. This time, use the definition of the main word in the position statement. Example: State your position on whether or not a person is ever truly evil. For my Hook, I would define “evil” in my own words, using a simile, or a definition from the dictionary. Transition Position Statement/Thesis

11 Intro 1. Hook - Defined main word
2. Transition - Explain what you said in the Hook. Use your own words or a dictionary definition. 3. Position Statement/Thesis

12 Read over your three parts in order. Does it make sense?
With this type of essay, you do not want to let your introduction become too large, but if you need to add information to make the flow of the paragraph make sense, do so. Three - five sentences total

13 The second and third sections are the body of your essay.
This is where you give reasons and evidence that make me believe you. You can support your claims with examples from: Your personal life Movie, book, tv show History YOU CAN ONLY USE SOMETHING AS YOUR EXAMPLE IF YOU CAN WRITE ABOUT IT IN DETAIL

14 Reason 1=Topic Sentence - Why do you believe your position?
Example 1: Be sure to give the following details in your paragraph- Who? What? When? Where? Why? How does your example relate to your position statement/ thesis?

15 Reason 2/Example 2 - Topic Sentence
Reason 2/Example 2 - Topic Sentence * If you have another reason, say it here. If you are proving the same reason but using a different example, state it here. Another reason this position is true is… OR Another example that demonstrates this position is... Be sure to answer the questions in your paragraph- Who? What? When? Where? Why? How does your example relate to your position statement/ thesis?

16 Conclusion Restate your position/thesis in a different way - Use different words. Summarize what you said about reason 1 Summarize what you said about reason 2 Call To Action – This is your last chance to get the reader on your side! Persuasive Word Bank: I urge you to consider… I ask that you… I implore you...

17 Writer’s Workshop 1. Finish foldable – this is just the skeleton 2. Write out your rough draft on notebook paper – this is where you take what you have on your foldable and explain in detail. 3. Bring your rough draft to me and let’s have a conference! I’m helping you with sentence variety & academic word choices! 4. Make your conference changes & write out your final draft! *If you are finished, you may read, work on homework/ work for other classes.

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