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The Black Death.

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1 The Black Death

2 Where did the Black Death come from?
Originally starts in Asia > Arrives in Europe 1347 Black Death > Definition > Epidemic disease that struck Europe in the mid 1300s

3 The Black Death


5 Effect on European Civilization

6 What were the symptoms of the plague?

7 What caused the plague? The question that you are probably thinking is this; Q: Who or what caused the Black Death? A: This is your answer! The Oriental Rat Flea!

8 How was the plague transmitted?
We now know that the most common form of the Black Death was the BUBONIC PLAGUE! This disease was spread by fleas which lived on the black rat. The fleas sucked the rat’s blood which contained the plague germs. When the rat died the fleas jumped on to humans and passed on the deadly disease.

9 How it was Transmitted                                                                                                                                            Yersinia pestis seen at 2000x magnification. This bacterium, carried and spread by fleas, is the cause of the various forms of the disease plague

10 The Plague occurred in 3 Forms
D e a t h The Plague occurred in 3 Forms PNEUMONIC PHASE (90-95% Fatal) Attacked the Lungs Caused fierce coughing & sneezing fits Chest pain, Bloody sputum SEPTICEMIC PHASE (Almost 100%) Rarest and Deadliest Traveled thru bloodstream Black spots beneath skin Victims choked on own blood, Excruciating Pain! BUBONIC PHASE (30-75%) Most Common Egg-sized swellings (buboes) Neck, armpits, groin (dark blisters) Headaches, Weakness, Nausea/Vomiting Severe Fever and Delirium The Whirligig was not that bad of a torture. It just spun the victim around in circles until he puked, mostly all over himself.


12 Cures? Medieval people did not know about germs causing disease. They did not understand that plague was spread by rats and fleas. They thought that people’s bodies were poisoned. They blamed God > punishment handed out for sins Jews Invisible particles in the air

13 Other Popular Remedies/Reactions
Aromatic amulets Indulging in wild passions Seclusion Self-flagellation Persecution of Jews Looked at the Church for answers Cure of sound

14 Consequences Economy suffers Revolts erupt
Labor shortage > see inflation 1 out 3 people dead Revolts erupt Brought death (obviously) and social unrest Brought spiritual crisis, scandal, & division Later we see an increase in trade


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