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Unit 1-3 Vocabulary Words

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1 Unit 1-3 Vocabulary Words
Unit 1-3 Vocabulary Test Words and Definitions Mrs. Ellmer

2 (n) An intolerant, prejudiced, or biased person
Bigot (n) An intolerant, prejudiced, or biased person

3 (n) A large wave; (v) to rise and swell like a wave
Billow (n) A large wave; (v) to rise and swell like a wave

4 Compress (v) To press together; to reduce in size or volume; (n) a folded cloth or pad applied to an injury

5 Confront (v) To meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with

6 (v) To portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture
Depicted (v) To portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture

7 (adj) fair-minded; free from selfish motives; indifferent
Disinterested (adj) fair-minded; free from selfish motives; indifferent

8 dispatch (v)To send off our out for a purpose: kill; (n) an official message; promptness; speed; the act of killing

9 Diversity (n) A difference, variety; a condition of having many different types or forms

10 (v) To plunge into a liquid, drench; to put out quickly, extinguish
Doused (v) To plunge into a liquid, drench; to put out quickly, extinguish

11 (adj) suffering severely from hunger or from lack of something
Famished (adj) suffering severely from hunger or from lack of something

12 (adj) profitable; bringing in money or some special advantage
Gainful (adj) profitable; bringing in money or some special advantage

13 Gloat (v) To look at or think about with great intensity and satisfaction; to take great personal joy in

14 Hypocrite (n) A person who pretends ot be what he or she is not or better than he or she really is; a two-faced person

15 Illusion (n) a false idea; something that one seems to see or be aware of that really does not exist

16 (adj) very large or great; beyond ordinary means of measurement
Immense (adj) very large or great; beyond ordinary means of measurement

17 (adj) impossible to understand
Incomprehensible (adj) impossible to understand

18 (adj) totally without skill or appropriateness
Inept (adj) totally without skill or appropriateness

19 (v) To make angry, enrage
Infuriate (v) To make angry, enrage

20 (adj) done in an instant, immediate
Instantaneous (adj) done in an instant, immediate

21 (v) To annoy, trouble, make weary
Irk (v) To annoy, trouble, make weary

22 Maximum (n) The greatest possible amount or degree; (adj) reaching the greatest possible amount or degree

23 (n) A person who does imitations; (v) to imitate; to make fun of
Mimic (n) A person who does imitations; (v) to imitate; to make fun of

24 Motivate (v) To provide with a reason for doing; to push on to some goal or course of action

25 (n) A stupid person; a big, clumsy, slow individual
oaf (n) A stupid person; a big, clumsy, slow individual

26 (v) To go or move backward; to become more distant
receded (v) To go or move backward; to become more distant

27 ruffle (v) To wrinkle, make uneven; annoy, upset; to flip through (n) a gathered strip of material used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low drum beat

28 Stamina (n) The strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power

29 vocation (n) Any trade. Profession, or occupation; a sense of fitness or speciail calling for one’s work

30 vow (n) A solemn or sacred promise or pledge; (v) to declare or promise in a solemn way

31 wither (v) To dry up, wilt, sag; to cause someone to feel ashamed, humiliated, or very small

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