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Cause and Effect A BRIEF REVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Cause and Effect A BRIEF REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause and Effect A BRIEF REVIEW

2 Cause and Effect Whether you realize it or not, you use cause and effect every day to help you solve problems and make decisions.

3 CAUSE AND EFFECT Nothing happens without a reason or without some kind of consequence. When you explain WHY things happen and WHAT occurs when they do, the technique you are using is called CAUSE AND EFFECT.

4 CAUSE AND EFFECT Cause is why something happened.
Effect is the result of what happened. Because effects always have causes and causes always lead to effects, we rarely will see one without the other.

5 CAUSE AND EFFECT The cause is the first thing that happens.
The effect is the second thing that happens as a result of the cause. Examples: I stayed home from school today (effect) because I had the flu. (cause) Jaime was going to fast (cause) and fell off of her bicycle (effect).

6 CAUSE AND EFFECT The cause answer the following question:
Why? The effect answers the following questions: What happened? What was the result?

7 Cause and effect Effects can form chains where one effect goes on to cause a second effect, which may then cause a third effect and so on. Example: When people pollute rivers, they destroy the habitats of fish. This reduces the number of fish that can reproduce. As a result, fewer fish are born in fresh water, and the fish population declines. Cause 1: People pollute rivers. Effect 1: The habitats of fish are destroyed. Effect 2: Fewer fish can reproduce. Effect 3: Fewer fish are born in fresh water Effect 4: The fish population declines.

8 Cause and effect These expressions indicate CAUSE: Because… Since…
Reason… So that… Unless… The main reason…

9 Cause and effect These expressions indicate EFFECT: As a result If
Consequence Effect Therefore Thus

10 Cause and effect: practice Question
Maria was a skilled driver. She had driven all across Las Vegas in her new car without any problems. Suddenly, because she hit a long patch of frozen ice, she lost control and, as a result, her car ended up in a ditch. As she climbed out, she realized that the car was destroyed. Identify the CAUSE of Maria’s accident. She was very tired from a long drive. The road was icy. The car was new. She landed in a ditch.

11 Cause and effect: practice Question
Maria was a skilled driver. She had driven all across Las Vegas in her new car without any problems. Suddenly, because she hit a patch of frozen ice, she lost control and, as a result, her car ended up in a ditch. As she climbed out, she realized that the car was destroyed. Identify the EFFECT of Maria’s accident. Select all that apply. Her car was destroyed. She got a traffic ticket. She landed in a ditch. The road was icy.

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