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A Framework for Collaboration

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1 A Framework for Collaboration
Erin Eldermire Veterinary Outreach and Scholarly Services Librarian Erica M. Johns Research Data & Environmental Sciences Librarian

2 Collaboration in the Humanities
"Those working in collaborations must decide on the shared technology they will use. However, there are often added restrictions on that technology. Institutional constraints and rules about technology use (including what will or will not be supported by a university’s information technology support team) also affect researchers’ abilities to work seamlessly in collaborative teams." As we were thinking about what we would share with you at this panel, we wanted to get an idea of what the struggles might be for those who are collaborating within the humanities. Naturally, we searched the literature, and we came across several publications that talk about challenges and barriers to collaboration in the humanities like this chapter by Given and Wilson. In it, they state [read quote here]. This quote centers on what seems to be an issue across disciplines – that is, deciding on and using the shared technology that they will use. This came up many times in the research project that Heather gave an overview of to start this panel – I remember several interviewees mentioning that they use a specific tool only because so and so, a collaborator, does. It also brings up a common problem – that collaborators are often at two or more institutions, and each institution has a unique set of technology that they will – or will not – support. The institutional barriers can be such that all members of a collaborative team need to invest in a new technology to work together – something that can be annoying!

3 Tools for collaboration
Open Science Framework (OSF) And not only are there institutional barriers, but there are just a ton of products to choose from. The logos represented on this page are but a drop in the bucket of all of the choices. This wikipedia link shows a list of collaborative software, but even it is not complete, so it can be difficult to know where to start. With that in mind, we thought we’d take this panel in a different direction for this last segment and talk about a collaborative tool that is free, is without institutional bounds, and which does a nice job of unifying all of the software that you find yourself using. Box for file storage, skype for meetings, zotero for citation management and writing… it often becomes confusing to remember where each file is stored and which is the most up to date version. At risk of sounding like an infomercial, we’ll be giving you an overview of Open Science Framework, which is represented by this symbol.

4 The Open Science Framework
“Open Science Framework- a free, open source web application built to help researchers manage their workflows. The OSF is part collaboration tool, part version control software, and part data archive.” The way we use OSF Research Project Management Communication Sharing Erica Part project management, part communication, and part sharing.

5 Erica Center for Open Science and the Open Science Framework: Dataverse Add-on by Sherry Lake overview-shl

6 OSF DEMO Hyperlink DEMO

7 References Additional Resources
Slide 2: Given, L. M., & Willson, R. (2015). Collaboration, Information Seeking, and Technology Use: A Critical Examination of Humanities Scholars’ Research Practices. In P. Hansen, C. Shah, & C.-P. Klas (Eds.), Collaborative Information Seeking (pp. 139–164). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Retrieved from Slide 4: Center for Open Science. (Producer). (2015) The Open Science Framework: OSF 101 [Video webinar]. Retrieved from Slide 5: Lake, S. (2015). Center for Open Science and the Open Science Framework: Dataverse Add-on by Sherry Lake [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Additional Resources Johns, Erica; Eldermire, Erin (2016): Society for Cultural Anthropology 2016 conference: A framework for collaboration. figshare. Retrieved: 20 50, May 12, 2016 (GMT) OSF “Society for Cultural Anthropology Panel” project citation Johns, E. M., & Eldermire, E. (2016, May 12). Society for Cultural Anthropology Panel. Retrieved from OSF “SCA Panel Prep” component citation Johns, E. M. (2016, May 12). SCA Panel Prep. Retrieved from OSF 101 webinar Cornell Library’s productivity & workflow libguide

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