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Computational prediction of three-dimensional protein structure from NMR chemical shifts Kai Kohlhoff Microsoft Research Summer School Cambridge.

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Presentation on theme: "Computational prediction of three-dimensional protein structure from NMR chemical shifts Kai Kohlhoff Microsoft Research Summer School Cambridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational prediction of three-dimensional protein structure from NMR chemical shifts Kai Kohlhoff Microsoft Research Summer School Cambridge July 2008


3 X-ray crystallography
NMR spectroscopy

4 Molecular dynamics simulations

5 Free energy surface Source:

6 NMR chemical shifts sB0

7 CamShift chemical shift predictor
n Donor


9 Energy Source: dexp - dcalc


11 Truncated PVO (PDB 1PVO)
MD CamShift-MD Energy Backbone RMSD (in Å = 0.1 nm) Truncated PVO (PDB 1PVO)

12 Acknowledgements Vendruscolo and Dobson group members Michele Vendruscolo Andrea Cavalli Paul Robustelli Xavier Salvatella Gian Gaetano Tartaglia Joerg Gsponer Funding Microsoft Research

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