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Mr. Lauta American History

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1 Mr. Lauta American History
NEW ENGLAND COLONIES Mr. Lauta American History

2 Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire
Today includes Maine and Vermont

3 Colonies Founded on… RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
Henry VIII broke away from Catholic Church Formed Protestant religion (Anglican Church)

4 I spy an attractive lady – in-waiting called Anne Boleyn
I spy an attractive lady – in-waiting called Anne Boleyn. If only I could marry her instead. Will the Pope give me a divorce? I need a son. I have been married for 20 years and my wife, Catherine of Aragon is too old to have any more children. Who will inherit my throne when I die? The Church is very rich. I need money for my luxurious court. If only I could get my hands on it. The new Protestant ideas are spreading in Germany. Princes there are reforming their churches and throwing out the Catholic Church. The Church takes money out my country in taxes to help build St Peter’s in Rome. What do I get in return? Some people in England like the new Protestant ideas. They believe that the Bible should be in English not Latin.

5 The six wives of Henry V111 Catherine of Aragon Ann of Cleaves
"Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived..." "Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived..." Catherine of Aragon Ann of Cleaves A Spanish Princess who had been married to Henry’s brother, Arthur. They had a daughter, Mary. Anne of Cleaves and Henry were married in 1540 to form a tie between England and Germany. After only six months Henry found it no longer to be to his advantage. Divorced Divorced Anne Boleyn Catherine Howard She married Henry in They had a daughter, Elizabeth. Catherine Howard and Henry were married the same year in 1540. The six wives of Henry V111 Catherine of Aragon A Spanish Princess who had been married to Henry’s brother, Arthur. They had a daughter, Mary. Divorced. Anne Boleyn She married Henry in They had a daughter, Elizabeth. Executed Jane Seymore Married her a few days after Anne was executed in They had a boy who they named Edward. Died of blood poisoning. Ann of CleavesAnne of Cleaves and Henry were married in 1540 to form a tie between England and Germany. After only six months Henry found it no longer to be to his advantage. Catherine Howard Catherine Howard and Henry were married the same year in 1540. Katherine Parr Catherine Parr was Henry's sixth and last wife. She outlived Henry. Survived Executed Executed Jane Seymour Katherine Parr Married her a few days after Anne was executed in They had a boy who they named Edward. Catherine Parr was Henry's sixth and last wife. She outlived Henry Jane died of blood poisoning Survived



8 SEPARATISTS Moved to other countries because of persecution
There, persecuted again and losing English customs Contacted Virginia Company Arranged settlement in Virginia Practice religious freedom Share profits with company Called themselves Pilgrims (on a religious journey) Only 35 of 102 passengers on Mayflower were Pilgrims Others “strangers” September 1620 left for Virginia

9 The Pilgrims received a charter from the Virginia Company in 1620 to settle in northern Virginia.
Charter – legal document giving certain rights to a person or company The Pilgrims agreed to work for the company as indentured servants.

10 Mayflower Compact Pilgrims sailed farther North
Because of the approaching winter, they decided to land at a place they called Plymouth Outside of Virginia and its laws Signed a formal document  the Mayflower Compact Pledged loyalty to England Formed own government Obey laws passed by group for “the general good of the colony” William Bradford, first leader

11 The Pilgrims developed the Mayflower Compact, which was an agreement to make laws for the benefit of the whole settlement.


13 The Pilgrims named their new settlement Plymouth.

14 More than half of the settlers died during the first winter.

15 Help From Native Americans
First winter – ½ died In Spring, Native Americans approached settlement (Squanto and Samoset among them) Squanto knew English Showed how to grow some crops Where to hunt and fish Treaty with the Wampanoag (signed by Massasoit in March 1621)

16 Samoset and Squanto were Native Americans who taught the Pilgrims how to farm and trap animals.

17 The First Thanksgiving
Autumn 1621 (between September 21 and November 9) – three days of feast Celebration of peace (50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoags) Thanked for their harvest and survival

18 The Pilgrims and their Native American friends celebrated America’s first Thanksgiving together.

19 Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay Company
1629 Response to new king’s (Charles I) persecution Received charter to establish a colony north of Plymouth John Winthrop chosen as governor In 1630, led 900 Puritans to Massachusetts Bay Settled in what they called Boston

20 The Puritan intolerance
In the 1630s 15,000 Puritans moved to Massachusetts  “Great Migration” To escape persecution and economic hardships in England The Puritan intolerance Though they hated being persecuted in England, the Puritans in Massachusetts had little tolerance for non-Puritans Led to new colonies being established

21 South of Massachusetts – better farmlands
Connecticut People began to move there Thomas Hooker led group out of Massachusetts Did not like Winthrop’s policies Rhode Island Settled by people exiled (forced out) from Massachusetts in 1635 Roger Williams People should not be persecuted for their religion Government should not force certain practices Settlers should not take land away from Native Americans Settled in land east of Connecticut

22 John Wheelwright (1638) led a group north to New Hampshire


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