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Musleh Maud (ra) Day Presentation

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1 Musleh Maud (ra) Day Presentation

2 Diverted from Our Purpose
O ye who believe! let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. And whoever does so it is they who are the losers.

3 Love of Money < Love of Allah
Love of Money has increased these days due to the importance of worldly developments, and people are constantly thinking about how to make more money. Earning money is not a bad thing, but the love of money cannot coexist with the love of Allah, If a person is absorbed by trying to find ways to make more money, he or she cannot have the time to gain closeness to Allah or to be useful to mankind. One should work hard to earn a living but should know the limits and learn to be grateful for what Allah has provided for us. One should learn to be content . People who are not able to be grateful and content with what Allah has provided for them are never happy. They cause themselves to be unhappy and they cause others who are around them to be unhappy and there is one thing for certain, they can never have a relationship with Allah. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) The Ahmadiyya Gazette, Feb 2014 pg 30

4 Please share some best practices (practical tips) on developing gratitude.
How can we give love of Allah superiority over all else?

5 Does Anyone Know? What is better: wealth or knowledge?

6 Wealth or Knowledge? Once Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) as a student was given an assignment from school which was to contrast the important of wealth or knowledge. Huzur reflected on this great deal but could not decide which was better. On family dinner he posed this question to his younger brother and upon hearing this Promised Messiah (as) said, “Repent Mehmud, repent! Neither knowledge nor wealth is good unless there is mercy of God! Fazal-e-Umar pg 28

7 The Best Provider Yesterday something strange happened and I also wondered about it. A friend came to see me and presented me a gift by saying that a certain friend has sent it. It was a roll of cloth and along with it there was also a letter and in this letter the friend wrote, I dreamed you have arrived and say “cloth is needed for the shirts, so bring it from the Bazaar (market).” I asked, “do you like plain or striped cloth?” You did not answer in words but I felt in my heart that you do not like the striped one and in order to fulfill my dream I sent this cloth to you. I brought home that roll and said that somebody has sent it to me and said shirts should be made from this cloth, they said Alhamdolillah! For the last four years you have not bought cloth for shirts and till now your previous shirts were being used very carefully or up to this time that cloth for one or two shirts was being used which from time to time was gifted by someone. Now when this difficulty is over, I myself have become very cautious about clothes. (Continue next slide)

8 Beggar of Allah By the way, I want to tell you that after reading my friend’s letter suddenly it hit my mind that now I am going to be fifty years old, while awake I never demanded anything from anybody but in dream I did so and as if it was not my personal demand but of the angels. The fact is that even then I felt ashamed and at that time I prayed, O Allah! as by bestowing your blessings till now you have saved me from demanding anything in a waking condition so save me also in a dream from asking anything from any one. If you have to incite any one in dream, then please do not get it done through my tongue. I read the letter of that person who sent me the cloth and spontaneously I prayed O Allah! Even in my dream I do not like to demand anything from anybody and by bestowing your blessings please never in future make any one to have such a dream in which the begging is from my own tongue. Let me always be a beggar of your own threshold. Khutbat-e-Mehmud Vol 19 p 842

9 What are some situations where we sometimes rely on people rather than relying on Allah?
How can we learn to rely on Allah more?

10 Humility Huzur went to visit his first wife Hazrat Umme Nasir, while he was there a lady also came to visit her as well. When she saw Huzur she got very excited and ran across the new carpet that Hazrat Umme Nasir had spread on the floor. She had muddy feet and in all her excitement she forgot about that. Hazrat Umme Nasir saw this and her displeasure was apparent to Huzur. When the lady left, Huzur told her that the carpet should be removed. He said “there should be nothing that comes between me and my Jamaat.” Ahmadiyya Gazette, Feb 2014 pg 28

11 What are some examples of similar things that can come in between us and our service to the Jama`at?
What can we do about them?

12 Be with the Humble I was throughout a recipient of Hazur's gracious kindness in many ways and recall a long letter of advice from him before I left for England for higher studies. One advice which made a deep and abiding impact was his quotation of the Quranic verse, i.e., the source of all real honor is Allah. I never forgot it. How true it is, indeed! When on my return from England I joined the service and was married, Hazur's advice to his daughter who became my wife, "Muzaffar is now in service of Government but you are not. Meet freely the humblest but do not ever call or visit people merely on account of their rank and position." A test came early in service. Financial Commissioner visited Sargodha along with his wife. The ladies of the senior officials called on her. My wife did not, despite urging of the ladies. Later on ignoring all the ladies including the wife of Deputy Commissioner, Financial Commissioner's wife invited my wife alone to tea and made elaborate pardah arrangements for her. Everyone in the official circles in Sargodha was surprised and repeatedly inquired how it had happened and whether my wife had any previous acquaintance with the Financial Commissioner's wife. My wife's response was, "No, I had never met or known her.” Pearls of memory by M.M.Ahmad

13 Serve Alongside Others
To inculcate volunteerism and develop concept of Dignity of Labor, Huzur started organizing Waqar-e-Amal Days on which the whole community, young and old, regardless of rank or status in life would all get together and with manual labor undertake community work like filling ditches, cleaning the neighborhood or build small patches of dirt road for the benefit of the community. I can still see Huzur join in one Waqar-e- Amal carrying a basket full of dirt and throwing it at the designated spot. This motivated and inspired the whole community and they all joined in the venture with zeal and enthusiasm. Pearls of memory by M.M.Ahmad

14 Hard Work The other strong impression which I carry is his hard work and untiring efforts in the service of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. I can still remember seeing him sitting on the floor in a room covering himself with a chocolate color Dhussa (a soft Kashmiri blanket), with about a dozen or so long stem candles lit on an over turned box reading or writing often late at night. He had a sensitive throat which was the effect of kerosene oil, and therefore he used candles as there was no electricity in those days in Qadian. It came probably in early 1930s and in the period before that the working conditions placed an extra severe strain. Pearls of Memory by M.M.Ahmad

15 Great Pity... Promised Messiah (as) wrote that it is a great pity that upon entering adulthood many people leave God and are inclined to worldliness in which some have only a small portion for God, while others have none, and they are wholly taken in by the world. God has been sending His Prophets in order to guide people away from this mistaken notion and to make them understand the real objective of their creation lined to worldliness in which some

16 Take a Moment to Reflect
What has the trajectory of your life been so far? Towards Allah or away from Allah? (Answer only in your head)

17 Like a Pharaoh Huzur remarked at the tremendous favor of God on mankind for bestowing it with brain-power which enables it to traverse scientific and technological inventions at an astonishing speed. However, is this progress of material nature the objective of man’s life? Man of each age and era has been assuming that his wealth and power is everything. In today’s age, younger people who are not inclined to religion consider the medium of TV and internet a source of their progress which of course is an extremely erroneous concept. This concept has gone on to give rise to many a great oppressor; many Pharaoh-like individuals Friday Sermon Khalifatul Masih 5th, Jan 15, 2015

18 Resources Listen to Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) voice
How can we in this materialistic society make real changes in our daily lives ? Every year we go to vacation with our family after saving money all year long and we look forward to it. Is it too materialistic goal?

19 Musleh Maud Prophecy! "I confer upon thee a Sign of My mercy according to thy supplications. I have heard thy entreaties and have honored thy prayers with My acceptance through My mercy and have blessed this thy journey. A sign of power, mercy, nearness to Me is bestowed on thee. A Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee and thou art granted the key of success and victory. Peace on thee, O victorious one. Thus does God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death and those who are buried in the graves may emerge there from and so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of God's word may become manifest unto the people and so that the truth may arrive with all its blessings and falsehood may depart with all its ills, and so that people may understand that I am the Lord of Power, I do whatever I will, and so that they may believe that I am with thee, and so that those who do not believe in God and deny and reject His religion and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad, the chosen one (on whom be peace) may be confronted with a clear sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest." Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on thee. Thou wilt receive a bright youth who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny. A handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. (continue on next slide)

20 Musleh Maud Prophecy! His name is Emmanuel and Bashir. He has been invested with a holy spirit and he will be free from all impurity. He is the light of Allah. Blessed is he who comes from heaven. He shall be accompanied by grace (Fazl) which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized with grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will heal many of their disorder through his Messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allah for Allah's mercy and honor have equipped him with the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent and understanding and will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. He will convert three into four (of this the meaning is not clear). It is Monday, a blessed Monday. Son, delight of heart, high ranking, noble; a manifestation of the First and the Last, a manifestation of the True and the High; as if Allah has descended from heaven. His advent will be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation of Divine Majesty. Behold! a light cometh, a light anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. We shall pour our spirit into him and he will be sheltered under the shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in stature and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the ends of the earth and peoples will be blessed through him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed."

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