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Short LHC-TS week 38 Confirmed by LMC on 16th August

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1 Short LHC-TS2 2017 week 38 Confirmed by LMC on 16th August

2 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO 652926 - EDMS 1838020
NEW SCHEDULES LHC 5 days  3 days Injectors 36 hours  24 hours Today LHC Schedule 2017 Injectors Schedule 2017 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

3 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO 652926 - EDMS 1838020
General reminders All LOCK OUT requests via Impact LHC-TS2-2017: from Monday 18th 6am, to Wednesday 20th 5pm The LHC machine will be in Automatic Restricted Mode Piquet’s phone number: from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th INDICO: (LHC-TS2-2017) OSS website (planning, constraints…): LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

4 Minimal interventions needed to ensure run22017 reliable
LHC Machine Systems/groups Intervention Duration Controls CS-CCR-PM2 (LHC Post Mortem backup storage server) 2 hours Power converters Problem with the Diodes oil tank in P4 1 day Cryogenics P18/P2: Safety temp. sensors must be investigated & repaired on compressor station P4: oil level (CP9), Relay to re-wire (CP7), Filter regeneration of the 1.8K pumping line P6: Exchange and repair of a cryoplant turbine speed controller 1,5 days + 8 hours Fire detection Quarterly maintenance (75%) The risk of false alarms can increase 3 days Partially complete LHC Experiments Facility Intervention Duration ATLAS Fixing minor problems 1 day CMS Ensuring data quality and efficiency of the CMS pixel detector Exchange of strip detectors in Roman Pots 3 days LHCb Replacement of the sniffer modules LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

5 LHC - What can be done in the shadow of a 3 days TS
Systems/groups Intervention Duration BE-BI intervention for the BPM system to address issues with unpredictable signal reflections few hours /system Installation of additional BLMs close to 16L2 magnet (need 600 meters of cables) Under discussion with EN-EL 3 days 1 diamond BLM BE-RF Test the "fine-alignment" procedure of the digital and analogue feedbacks as this was found more critical with the Full Detuning scheme. Must be followed by a test with few hours EN-CV Underground maintenance (part can be done) EN-HE UX45 crane consolidation 4 hours Measurements of PZ33, PM15& PM76 lifts 1-2 days Vacuum Preventive and corrective maintenance X-rays of the DFBX to Q3 PIM condition in 5L & 5R as input for triplet working group and potential realignment study during YETS (to be confirmed if possible in 3 days) Task Force on the alignment of the Triplets 1 night+2 days Survey Measurements of DFBX and Triplets in P2 & P8 (to be confirmed if possible in 3 days) 1+2 days/pt El. Network « Anti-fouine » protections installation at 66kV EHT102/2E at P2 Intervention compatible with the cryogenics if maximum 4 hours 0,5 day Upgrade of the control panel and PLC DIESEL (P3) 2,5 days Opt. Fibers & cables Connection of an optical fibre cable in the elevator shaft of LHC Point 2 Cryogenics Highly recommended interventions: P6: Installation of the turbine TU7 with new insulation design. P8: Modification of Variable Frequency Controllers on 1.8K compressor station to allow operation during SVC switch P5 CMS: Cold box regeneration and Fuse of PLC DO cards. 2 days VIP Prime minister Republic of Latvia - Set.20th General VICs and inspections CANCELLED – due to problem Q16L2 magnet LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

6 LHC - What will have to be postponed to YETS
Systems/groups Intervention Duration Survey Installation of longitudinal monitoring sensors in 5L and 5R 4 days Power converters FGClites test on 120A, 600A and 4-6-8kA with cryo conditions 1 day (could impact on the restart) EN-CV Complete maintenance + 2 days BE-BI Disconnect some SEM monitors from the beam dump that have recently been causing beam interlock issues To be defined by BE-BI BLM and BPCL issues in TT2 and TT10 (injectors) BRAN maintenance in LSS4 and 8 Facility Intervention Duration CMS CMS detector gas system: move to an open gas system 5 days LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

7 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO 652926 - EDMS 1838020
Open Points Task Force on the alignment of the Triplets Measurements of DFBX and Triplets in P2 & P8  IT emptied X-rays of the DFBX to Q3 PIM condition in 5L & 5R as input for triplet working group and potential realignment study during YETS  IT emptied Cryo works compatible ?? Radiation Protection P1 & P5  access to the LSS when? Beginning of the TS? TOTEM activities in the LSS5 P3 & P7 Fire detection P7 (UJ76 tunnel) EN-CV maintenance Lock-out need?? LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

8 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO 652926 - EDMS 1838020
Back-up Slides LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

9 Injectors & Experimental Areas - Minimal interventions needed..
.. to ensure run22017 reliable Facility Group Intervention Duration Linac2 BE-ABP L2 gaz bottle 1 hour SPS EN-CV BA2 pump repair (currently no back-up) 4 hours PS BE-RF Change the cooling valves of RF cavity 11 2 hours 925 puisard (high level) Access interlocked with injection to HiRadMat 36 hours in the shadow of the 3 days .. for LIU project PSB BE-RF LLRF firmware upgrade (Btrain) Allow tests and validation with the new Btrain distribution system 2 hours BE-BI EN-ACE TE-VSC Change the prototype Wire Scanner in 4L1 Correct a mechanical issue and be able to fully exploit the performance. The iTS3 is the last opportunity to make tests before we assemble the full LIU series of instruments. 24 hours PS Realign the BGI in SS82 Proposal to align the blue table only vertically, no tilt or transversal movement. The maximum movement will be max. 1 to 2 mm with TE-VSC supervision. 1 hour Tests of PS 80MHz prototype fast tuner Decision on the design 10 hours LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

10 Injectors & Experimental Areas - Minimal interventions needed..
.. for the De-cabling project Facility Group Intervention Duration PS Pre-VIC with the fire brigade and inspection of the avoids 2 hours EN-EL Pull RF cables to liberate an obsolete patch panel This must be completed before the end of the run to start the de-cabling once the machines are stopped in December 10 hours .. for Experimental Areas AWAKE TE-MPE Modify the WIC interlock system Mandatory for the electron beam program 8 hours EN-CV Check of piping system for automatic release of the sump water 10 hours North Area (TDC2, TCC2) HSE-DI Equipment experts Cable inspection in LSS2, TDC2 and TCC2 (tbc) Decide on priorities for action during LS2 + 48h RP cool-down in the shadow of the 3 days North Area (TCC2) H2 TAX inspection .. for HL-LHC crab-cavity SPS EN-EL Anticipation of work before the YETS Pull cables for electrical distribution Connectors on new cables Paint the transport reservation zone in TA6 Install optical fibers for survey in LSS6… Critical overall schedule during the YETS 12 to 24 hours LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

11 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO 652926 - EDMS 1838020
Injectors & Experimental Areas - What can be done in the shadow of a 24 hours iTS Facility Group Intervention Duration Linac2 BE-ABP Change ventilation filters of the faraday cage 2 hours Additional information Ion chain: Exchange the Linac3 plasma chamber and to re-condition the source 1 week LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO EDMS

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