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Mission SHPMs will collaborate to improve health and reduce inequalities effectively across Scotland Strategic Outcomes A workforce which can address health.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission SHPMs will collaborate to improve health and reduce inequalities effectively across Scotland Strategic Outcomes A workforce which can address health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission SHPMs will collaborate to improve health and reduce inequalities effectively across Scotland Strategic Outcomes A workforce which can address health inequalities and improve health National and local strategy to achieve health improvement and reduce inequalities Effective practice and learning is maximised nationally Efficient programme delivery is co-ordinated and planned Strategic Objectives Professional leadership to ensure the HI Workforce is ‘fit for purpose’ now and in the future Collaborate effectively to develop timely responses to public health priorities Co-ordinated development of effective practice to maximise impact of policy on Public Health Facilitate practical support / learning & networking across HI workforce Demonstrate impact on inequalities / health gain through robust evaluation

2 HI Workforce Development Wider Workforce Development
SHPMs Priorities 2017/18 HI Workforce Development Wider Workforce Development Priority - Places Strategic needs assessment LOIP / Locality plan / com empowerment act Resilient Communities Social isolation Life Circumstances- Poverty / Employability / Financial Inclusion Housing Community justice Violence prevention Priority - Systems HSCP / IJB CPP Acute services Workplaces Priority - People MH &WB Obesity (nut & PA) Tobacco & Alcohol Child & YP health Prisoners ACES Health in All Policies Housing strategy Child poverty Horizon Scanning & Networking Emerging technology Digital approaches in PH Evaluation and impact Health Impact assessment - SHIAN Inequalities: Undo Prevent Mitigate Wider PH Activity ‘Holding’

3 PRIORITY Colour Key Strategic Grp Operational Grps Gap Health Scotland

4 Workforce Development
PH Workforce Development PH Workforce Dev Grp (AF) Leadership & Succession Planning PH Practitioner Workforce Development HI Workforce Dev Grp (FM) Wider PH Workforce XXXX Local Workforce Dev Network

5 Priority – Places LOIP / Locality Plan / Com Empowerment Act Housing
XXXXX Community Empowerment ScotPHN Place Standards Alliance Housing Faculty Homeless & Inclusion Health Community Justice Smoking Cessation Co-ord Network Poverty Employability Financial Inclusion Healthier Wealthier SL WG Community Justice ScotPHN Violence Prevention Violence Prevention SIG

6 Policy Implementation
HSCP / IJB XXXXX HSCP & CPP Leads Network (New) CPP Acute Services PH Service Improvement – SIG PH Service Improvement SIG – Primary Care HPHS Leads Network Workplaces Healthy Working Lives Programme Board Healthy Working Lives Op Grp

7 Priority – People MH &WB Obesity Tobacco Alcohol Child and YP
MH & Wellbeing PH SIG Choose Life Co-ord Network Social Isolation Resilient Communities Obesity Obesity SIG Healthy Wt Network NHS PH Nutrition PA Health Alliance Play Leads Network Tobacco XXXXX Smoking Cessation Co-ord Network Alcohol Alcohol SIG ? Child and YP Child &YP PH Grp Child Poverty Network Scottish ACES Hub Scottish Infant Feeding Advisors Network Prisoners Smokefree Prisons Grp

8 SDsPH Collective Leadership Development Driver Diagram
AIM Statement Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Support the development of an agreed set of national public health priorities for Scotland,, engaging with our key stakeholders nationally and locally as equal partners. The Scottish Directors of Public Health operate collectively as a team to lead the population health and health equity agenda nationally and be recognised as the authoritative voice of public health in Scotland Agree commission with SG, in the light of the H&SC delivery plan. Structure development programme and process to deliver on time and to specification. Ensure all resources are available across the knowledge into action cycle Ensure that data, intelligence, evidence/implementation/support and evaluation are integrated into policy & practice, nationally and locally. Ensure actions are prioritised to maximise effectiveness and impact Ensure analysis is integrated with practical actions that are specific, measurable and time-bound. Place prevention and the pursuit of health equity through co-production, asset-based approaches, action on social determinants and early intervention at the centre of national policy and practice. Prepare agreed position statements on a range of current public health priorities including evidence-informed recommendations for action. Ensure that there is engagement and influence of stakeholders Ensure involvement of key partners in development of public health issues – Government, voluntary, public and private sectors. Ensure a clear communication process and strategy which reflects current media and ways of working Raise the profile of the Team nationally and build strong, productive and long-term working relationships with all of our key stakeholders Ensure clear objectives and action plans for each strategic priority. Ensure regular updates/reviews in strategic discussions including key stakeholders. Ensure that resources are reprioritised to support national developments creating an on-going position on Public Health matters Develop advocacy expertise and capacity and ensure that the Team is consulted and engaged in all health related developments nationally 30/3/2017 Identify and capitalise on the expertise of individual Team members and relevant experts to lead an efficient and effective approach to tackling public health, health service and health equity challenges nationally Maintain a register of interests and roles. Agree core responsibilities of leads across all topics, encompassing skills of all senior specialty staff. Develop a process to marshal influencing, lobbying and advocacy resources Deploy influencing, lobbying, advocacy and marshalling of resources to maximum effect Refocus the overall collective resource to maximise effectiveness and ensure impact to deliver the national public health priorities Maintain a horizon scanning function to identify and manage new public health challenges Promote research and innovation and ensure regular review and reprioritisation Drive a coordinated approach to the national public health priorities to facilitate its implementation across Scotland.

9 SDsPH Collective Leadership Development Driver Diagram
AIM Statement Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers The Scottish Directors of Public Health operate collectively as a team to lead the population health and health equity agenda nationally and be recognised as the authoritative voice of public health in Scotland Identify and capitalise on the expertise of individual Team members and relevant experts to lead an efficient and effective approach to tackling public health, health service and health equity challenges nationally Maintain a register of interests and roles. Agree core responsibilities of leads across all topics, encompassing skills of all senior specialty staff. Develop a process to marshal influencing, lobbying and advocacy resources Deploy influencing, lobbying, advocacy and marshalling of resources to maximum effect 30/3/2017

10 Logistics ScotPHN role Register ‘go to’ Map existing groups / networks
Priorities and alignment

11 Public Health Team MDT Working
Health Improvement Domain Are we clear about the political hook/timing of priorities? Do we have the mechanisms to progress priorities? Do we have delegated and distributed leadership? How do we deploy expertise national or local in response to priorities? Do we have clear responsibilities / reporting? How will we pick up / lead work going forward? Who else needs to be involved – MDT? How will this link to local activity?

12 Public Health Team MDT Working
ScotPHN Approach – What Can We Learn?

13 Key Objectives to Fulfil The Vision
Clearer line of sight between the groups; Ability to prioritise and co-ordinate work across the groups; Leadership and advocacy for public health; Greater capacity and capability to input to key/current public health issues and meet the requests for public health representation on national groups; Alignment on public health issues; Greater influence at locality level; and Public health workforce fit for purpose.

14 Public Health Team MDT Working
Health Protection Example – What Can We Learn?



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