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Greater Manchester VCSE Health & Social Care Assembly – developing an innovative strength based and co-designed GM wide approach to reduce inequality within.

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Presentation on theme: "Greater Manchester VCSE Health & Social Care Assembly – developing an innovative strength based and co-designed GM wide approach to reduce inequality within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greater Manchester VCSE Health & Social Care Assembly – developing an innovative strength based and co-designed GM wide approach to reduce inequality within the GM H & SCP ‘Taking Charge strategy Wednesday 8th November 2017

2 Event programme 4.00pm Welcome
4.05pm Introduction, context and Q & A, Paul Lynch, Assistant Director, GM Health & Social Care Partnership 4.15pm What do we know? Roundtable activities to analyse current GM H & SC work streams 4.45pm Feedback from facilitators 4.45pm Good practice examples of working with Communities of identity on GM level 5.10pm How to influence, challenge and scrutinise? Activity on seated table with facilitators 5.40pm Feedback from facilitators 5.55pm Next steps 6.00pm End of event

3 Taking Charge of Health & Social Care in GM
Paul Lynch – Deputy Director – Strategy & System Development

4 This slides reiterates our vision
Then describes the 4 strategic objectives to deliver that vision. The objectives will be delivered through planning and delivery at 4 spatial levels (GM, cluster, locality, neighbourhood), which are all aligned through the 5 transformation themes. Localities and the 5 transformation themes are working to describe how they will deliver the objectives through a range of improvement programmes, but they have also identified that some of their reform cannot be delivered within existing resources or through existing efficiency plans. Each locality and each theme is working to understand what one-off investment or what double-running costs it needs support from the GM transformation Fund to resolve. There is a process around localities and the transformation themes being able to put a proposal into the TF and how the Fund will operate is still being worked through.

5 The GM Transformation Programmes

6 The Changing Landscape
Local Care Organisations being developed in each of the 10 areas; Integrated health & social care provision at 30,000 to 50,000 neighbourhood level within each LCO - community and voluntary sector and wider public service to play a vital role in this; Single Commissioning Function (CCG and Local Authority) being put in place in each of 10 areas – opportunity to commission differently and incentivise early intervention and prevention; MOU with VCSE puts relationship with the health and care sector on a new footing; People and Communities work gathering momentum – with visits to all 10 localities.

7 Equalities Crucial that we get this right across the population – and that the approach is properly developed and embedded; Need to build on work done previously on individual programmes – but ensure that this is now the entirety of the Taking Charge strategy; Principle of co-production and co-design –with broad representation from VCSE and statutory sector; Opportunity to link with Combined Authority for inclusion across the breadth of the public service.

8 For further detail go to:
The End For further detail go to: @GM_HSC

9 Key questions for discussion for workshops 1-3
What current equalities focussed work are any of us involved with in relation to: Service reform - prevention, early intervention or self management, Primary Care – same day/7 day access medical help, Cancer, Mental Health, Learning Difficulties, Dementia What do we know from our experience of working with communities about the disproportional impact/barriers on our communities in relation to: Service reform - prevention, early intervention or self management, Primary Care – same day/7 day access medical help, Cancer, Mental Health, Learning Difficulties, Dementia What do we know about any work on equality metrics/measures with our communities in our geographies?

10 View from the Sector Pride in Practice - Laurence Webb, LGBT Foundation Cancer Equalities Impact Assessment – Donna Miller, BHA

11 Key questions for discussion for workshop 4
“Liked, Lacked, Learned, Longed for?” Discuss the methods people have used in the past to embed equalities into their practice. What’s worked? Why? What made it a success? What didn’t work/what learning can we take from that? What were the barriers that prevented it from working?

12 Next Steps Opportunity to register interest to be involved in a co-design event on the 4th December pm – sign up sheet on registration table directly outside the main hall Assembly 2 – to be held January 2018

13 Goodbye and thank you!!

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