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Direct search of dark matter in Asia

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1 Direct search of dark matter in Asia
Hesheng Chen Inst. of High Energy Physics Beijing , China Outline 1. Japan: XMASS 2. Korea: KIMS 3. China CDES PANDAX R&D at IHEP 4. Remarks

2 1. Japan: XMASS collaborations
Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo: Y. Suzuki, M. Nakahata, S. Moriyama, M. Yamashita, Y. Kishimoto, Y. Koshio, A. Takeda, K. Abe, H. Sekiya, H. Ogawa, K. Kobayashi, K. Hiraide, A. Shinozaki, S. Hirano, D. Umemoto, O. Takachio, K. Hieda IPMU, University of Tokyo: K. Martens, J.Liu Kobe University: Y. Takeuchi, K. Otsuka, K. Hosokawa, A. Murata Tokai University: K. Nishijima, D. Motoki, F. Kusaba Gifu University: S. Tasaka Yokohama National University: S. Nakamura, I. Murayama, K. Fujii Miyagi University of Education: Y. Fukuda STEL, Nagoya University: Y. Itow, K. Masuda, H. Uchida, Y. Nishitani, H. Takiya Sejong University: Y.D. Kim KRISS: Y.H. Kim, M.K. Lee, K. B. Lee, J.S. Lee 41 collaborators, 10 institutes

3 XMASS experiment ●XMASS ◎ Xenon MASSive detector for Solar neutrino (pp/7Be) ◎ Xenon neutrino MASS detector (double beta decay) ◎ Xenon detector for Weakly Interacting MASSive Particles (DM search) It was proposed that Liquid xenon was a good candidate to satisfy scalability and low background. As the first phase, an 800kg detector for a dark matter search was constructed. 10ton FV (24ton) 2.5m Solar n, 0nbb, DM in future 100kg FV (800kg) 0.8m, DM First phase Y. Suzuki, hep-ph/

4 Structure of the 800kg detector
Single phase liquid Xenon (-100oC, ~0.065MPa) scintillator 835kg of liquid xenon, 100kg in the fiducial volume 630 hex +12 round PMTs with 28-39% Q.E. are in LXe. photocathode > 62% inner surface Pentakis dodecahedron Interaction position reconstruction 5keVelectron equiv. (~25keVnuclear recoil) thre. 1.2m diameter Developed with Hamamatsu

5 Expected sensitivity for 50-100GeV WIMP, 90%C.L. scp>2x10-45 cm2
Spin Independent scp>2x10-45 cm2 for GeV WIMP, 90%C.L. 1yr exposure, 100kg FV, BG: 1x10-4 /keV/d/kg Scintillation efficiency: 0.2 CDMSII XENON100 Expected energy spectrum XMASS 1yr 1 year exposure scp=10-44 cm2 50GeV WIMP Black:signal+BG Red:BG

6 クリックしてタイトルを入力 クリックしてテキストを入力 As of Sep. 2010 P-01

7 Demonstration of the detector performance
Calibration system Introduction of radioactive sources into the detector. <1mm accuracy along the Z axis. Thin wire source for some low energy g rays to avoid shadowing effect. 57Co, 241Am, 109Cd, 55Fe, 137Cs.. Stepping Motor Linear Motion Feed- through ~5m Gate valve Source rod with a dummy source 0.15mmf for 57Co source Top photo tube 4mmf

8 XMASS summary The XMASS 800kg detector aims to detect dark matter with the sensitivity 2x10-45cm2 (spin independent case). It utilizes a single phase of LXe target. Construction of the 800kg detector finished last winter. Commissioning runs are on going to confirm the detector performance and low background properties. Energy resolution and vertex resolution were as expected. ~1cm position resolution and ~4% energy resolution for 122keV g. Radon background are close to the target values and Kr contamination will be evaluated soon.

9 2. Korea: YangYang UGL(Y2L)
Located in a tunnel of Yangyang Pumped Storage Power Plant Korea Middleland Power Co. Minimum vertical depth : 700 m Access to the lab by car (~2km) Experiments: KIMS: DM search exp. in operation AMoRE: DBD Search exp. in preparation (additional laboratory space in design) (Upper Dam) (Power Plant) (Lower Dam)

10 KIMS(Korea Invisible Mass Search)
DM search experiment with CsI crystal CsI(Tl) Crystal 8x8x30 cm3 (8.7 kg) 3” PMT (9269QA) : Quartz window, RbCs photo cathode ~5 Photo-electron/keV SD interaction PRL 99, (2007) 12 crystals(104.4kg) running Stable data taking for more than a year Unique experiment to test DAMA annual modulation Best limit on SD interactions in case of pure proton coupling

11 New result on WIMP search Preliminary
~ 1 year data, Total exposure: kg days SI SD AM analysis after full 2 year data collection : ~ end of Aug.

12 KIMS(Korea Invisible Mass Search) coll.
H.C.Bhang, J.H.Choi, S.C.Kim, S.K.Kim J.H.Lee, M.J.Lee, S.J.Lee, S.S.Myung Seoul National University U.G.Kang, Y.D.Kim, J.I. Lee Sejong University H.J.Kim, J.H.So, S.C.Yang Kyungpook National University M.J.Hwang, Y.J.Kwon Yonsei University I.S.Hahn Ewha Womans University Y.H.Kim, K.B.Lee, M. Lee Korea Research Institute of Standard Sciences J.Li Institute of High Energy Physics Y.Li, Q.Yue Tsinghua University

13 China 3.1 CDEX: China Darkmatter EXperiment






19 CDEX:

20 3.2 PANDA-X Dark Matter Search
Originally PANDA was intended to be a complement of the XENON100 detector. However, before the design started the liaison was cut, and the design in nearly all details is entirely different and originally developed at Jiao Tong. The Panda team:

21 PANDA-X Dark Matter Search
Improvements over XENON100: Less background due to deeper site Multiple Gamma and Neutron events in larger detector Better Gamma – Neutron band separation (higher E – Field) Enhanced light collection Reduced amount of Teflon Larger distance of Bottom PMT to Active Volume But, No active Veto (unnecessary)

22 PANDA-X Dark Matter Search
Improvements over XENON100:

23 PANDA-X Projected Sensitivity

24 PANDA-X Dark Matter Search
Schedule: Civil engineering of underground lab completed Major items ordered, incl. the vessels, cryogenic system, read out electronics, PMTs Most of the equipment is expected in June Surface lab at SJTU preparation completed Surface tests of entire set up to start in June Installation of shield underground is about to start Counting facility to be assembled first Underground installation of detector will start before year end

25 3.3 R&D at IHEP for next generation
experiment: Crystal CsI (Na) n/g Separation (NIM A642(52-58), 2011)


27 n/gamma separation is getting better for higher energy (NIM A491(2002) 460)

28 CINDMS: CsI(Na) Dark Matter Search
Single large crystal + PMT readout 特点: 波形测量和3D重建事例位置; 实现探测器自屏蔽外来低能本底; 排除晶体的表面效应事例对核反冲信号的污染; 大晶体可标记中子多次作用事例,压低中子本底。 CsI(Na) 晶体本身具有独特的n/分辨性能,截面大,密度高,价格便宜,适合建造大质量探测器。

29 Another design Veto PMTs Crystal Liquid 29

30 Advantage of new design
The mass of detector could be large by piling up several crystals (~ton 60x60x60cm^3); Thick enough liquid shielding can reduce outside background including PMT background; Trigger by coincident of several PMTs could reduce PMT noise; Main background will be radioactivity of crystal itself; Higher reflector for PMT uncovered area; More photon could be possible collected by 4π PMT coverage (compared with DAMA),lower threshold and better energy resolution would expected ; Possible replace different crystal。 Good experiences from DayaBay reactor ν exp. 30

31 Remarks There is a long history of deep underground experiments in Japan. KIMS in Korea: data taking Taking advantages of Jinping UGL, dark matter direct search experiments in China try to catch up. R&D for next generation experiments are also under way. Next generation experiments require Larger mass New technology: more sensitive, less BG Deeper UGL More cooperation are essential to meet great challenges in the dark matter search experiments. Thank S. Moriyama, S.K.Kim, C.G. Yang for Slides.

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