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Perfect Tense J’ai joué – I played J’ai visité – I visited

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Presentation on theme: "Perfect Tense J’ai joué – I played J’ai visité – I visited"— Presentation transcript:

1 Perfect Tense J’ai joué – I played J’ai visité – I visited J’ai regardé – I watched J’ai mangé – I ate J’ai vu – I saw J’ai bu – I drank J’ai fait – I did Je suis allé(e) – I went Je suis resté(e) – I stayed Near Future Tense Je vais plus infinitive (er, ir, re) - I am going to …. Je vais manger – I am going to eat On va regarder – we are going to watch Nous allons visiter – we are going to visit Il/elle va jouer – he/she is going to play Nous allons voyager – we are going to travel Ils/elles vont aller – they are gong to go Je pense que c’est – I think it is Je trouve que c’est – I find it À mon avis c’est – in my opinion it is parce que c’est – because it is parce qu’ils sont – because they are C’était- it was Ce sera- it will be Ce serait – it would be Present Tense Je joue- I play Je visite – I visit Je regarde – I watch Je mange – I eat Je bois – I drink Je vais - I go Je fais – I do Je n’aime pas Je déteste J’aime J’adore génial – great formidable – great chouette – great amusant – fun drôle – fun marrant –fun sympa – nice gentil – kind fantastique – fantastic sportif – sporty bavard- chatty intelligent – intelligent intèressant – interesting mignon – cute facile - easy nul – rubbish barbant – boring ennuyeux – boring/annoying bête – daft méchant – naughty difficile – difficult violent - violent Present Tense On visite- we visit On joue – we play Nous regardons – we watch Nous allons - we are going Perfect Tense On a joué – we played Nous avons visité – we visited Il a bu- he drank Elle a mangé – she ate Nous sommes allés – we went Simple Future Tense J’irai – I will go Je jouerai - I will play Je visiterai – I will visit Je ferai- I will do Je mangerai – I will eat Nous irons- we will go Nous ferons – we will do Present Tense Time Expressions D’habitude – usually Normalement – normally Généralement – generally Aujourd’hui – today Cette semaine – this week Rarement – rarely Lundi – on Monday Perfect Tense Time Expressions Hier – yesterday Le weekend dernier – last weekend La semaine dernière – last week L’année dernière – last year Il y a un mois – a month ago Lundi dernire– Last Monday Modal verbs plus infinitive On peut – you can On pourrait – you could On doit – you have to On devrait – you should Je dois – I have to Je devrait – I should Je peux- I can Je pourrait – I could Future Tense Time Expressions Demain – tomorrow La semaine prochaine – next week Le mois prochain – next month L’année prochaine – next year Lundi – on Monday Dans le futur – in the future Dans l’avenir – in the future Quand je serai adulte – When I am an adult Conditional tense J’aimerais – I would like Je voudrais – I would like J’irais – I would go Je ferais – I would do J’aurais – I would have Je visiterais - I would visit J’acheterais - I would buy Nous ferions – we would do Nous irions – we would go Ils seraiet they would be Connectives Puis – then Cependant – however Mais- but En revanche – on the other hand Par contre - on the contrary En plus – what’s more D’ailleurs - moreover Imperfect Tense J’étais – I was J’avais- I used to have Je faisais – I was doing J’allais – I was going Nous allions – we were going Nous étions –we were Ils/ils étaient – they were

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