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Event Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Event Preparation

2 Objective To ensure a professional meeting that will result in enrolling new Distributors and making a positive first impression to all attendees.

3 Registration Assign Distributors to help with registration and collecting money. Have a registration table set up for the attendees outside the presentation room. Have 2 different sign-in sheets, one for guests and one for Distributors. Have name tags and markers to write their names, use 2 different colors if possible (Red: Guest, Blue: Distributors).

4 Room Setup Make sure the entrance to the room is in the back of the audience (Don't interrupt the Speaker/presentation). Test the laptop, projector, DVD and sound before the guests arrive. Setup less chairs than people expected, be prepared with extra chairs. Have professional product displays for all products lines. Have water and glasses in the back of the room. Assign a Distributor to monitor the temperature, lights and chair setup. Assign a Distributor to monitor the door, it should be closed during the presentation. Assign somebody to monitor the room and avoid distractions such a children, cell phones, talking, etc.

5 Before the presentation
Assign someone to play upbeat music before, during and at the end of the presentation. Have the garments ready for the transformation (different sizes) and for display (Men and women). Have the nutritional, skincare and green products on display along with the catalogs and any other marketing materials. Have a camera to take the before and after pictures. Select the model prior the presentation and have a wrap dress to show the transformation. Select the Distributors who are going to share their 2 minute testimonies. Review the itinerary of the presentation with the presenters.

6 During the presentation
Always start on time. Assign somebody to play upbeat music before the presentation starts and at the end. If possible, assign somebody to play music every time a speaker is introduced. Have the following samples ready: Le'Vive, Coffee, Cran Aloe, Coral Calcium, etc. to share with the guests. Always finish on time, earlier if possible.

7 After the presentation
Be ready with order forms for people to purchase products. Be sure to have enough application forms and pens to sign up new Distributors. Have a laptop with wireless connection available to sign up new Family members. Announce upcoming events, trainings and meetings. Always do a 15 minute Quick Start Training for new Distributors (Launch your Business form).

8 Event Preparation

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