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Defense Industry Assistance Grants

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1 Defense Industry Assistance Grants
Sarah Alkire Skweres, Empire State Development

2 Department of Defense (DOD) Defense Industry Assistance (DIA) Grant
ESD awarded DoD grant in April of 2017 Assist NY-based DoD contractors with diversification, sustainability, and growth Ensure the resilience of the warfighting supply chain to fluctuations in defense spending Weather the funding curve and grow NY

3 How Collaborate - connect DoD contractors with ESD resources (facilities and SMEs) to assess diversification potential and investment required access state-of-the-art facilities to test new raw materials and products build prototypes and improve manufacturing efficiencies (development & redesign) expand into and markets to compete beyond DOD train workers as necessary to support new market entry, including export training

4 How Fund – to develop new products or modify existing products, acquire software, hire consultants to retrofit/retool products or assess manufacturing efficiencies to improve product competitiveness Awards Multiple awards of up to $50,000 each Funds can also be used to support ESD resources providing help to NY DOD contractors

5 ESD’s Grant Scope Market Assessment – Preliminary with target areas completed; final under development Defense Diversification Liaison(s) – Identify companies, vet, central point of contact, pool resources, advocate for applicants, support execution – outreach and engage Project Management – Deliverables to DoD; track and assess the positive impacts

6 Candidate Identification
USA Spending Currently FY16 and FY17 SBIR/STTR All data available for NY companies Prime Contractors’ subcontractor listings National Defense Industry Association (pending) Over 3000 Companies’ Data Downloaded into searchable spreadsheet, by region

7 Down Selection Program Codes and Project Descriptions
USA spending (types of federal contracts by year – trends) Research on govtribe – actual contract detail, overall revenue and FTEs; exportable contract data; Senior Points of Contact to confirm active, socioeconomic status SBIR website for project abstracts and potential commercial app/diversification Website review for likelihood of percentage of work DoD

8 Companies Identified ~3300 Companies Identified
~102 Companies vetted and/or contacted throughout the state 15 in-person meetings/facility walk-throughs 6 additional facility visits by month-end 2 applicants awaiting review 2 additional applications anticipated by month-end

9 Collaboration with Resources
Planning visits to each Economic Development Center, MEP, CAT, COE and Innovation Hotspot and Incubator Ideas for FuzeHub-style matching calls to have dialogue and brainstorming regarding best resources, product and diversification ideas Future Summit

10 Engagement and Outcomes
Liaison outreach followed by in-person introductions Resource collaboration followed by team visit to facilities to develop ideas, understand needs, collaborate with companies for greatest impact Committed to assisting 30 companies, whether or not by disbursement of grants Goals is to assist hundreds; ensure greater knowledge and understanding of all state resources, in addition to the DOD program. See meaningful impact in revenue and jobs growth in at least 30.

11 Link and Contact
Sarah Alkire Skweres – (518) Go to this link for more information Call us at Jesse for MUSA Sarah for DoD DIA

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