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Published byRoy Nicholson Modified over 6 years ago
EuroCirCol Daniel Schulte for the FCC-hh teams CERN, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Reminder: EuroCirCol Arc Design EIR Design Cryo Beam Vacuum High Field Magnet Japan KEK Finland TUT France CEA, CNRS Italy INFN Germany KIT, TUD Switzerland EPFL, UNIGE Netherlands UT Spain ALBA, CIEMAT CERN United Kingdom STFC, UNILIV, UOXF CERN IEIO TUT Finland CEA France CNRS KIT Germany TUD INFN Italy UT Netherlands ALBA Spain CIEMAT STFC United Kingdom UNILIV UOXF KEK Japan EPFL Switzerland UNIGE NHFML-FSU USA BNL FNAL LBNL EU co-funded design study for FCC-hh, focus on core activities Accepted in 2015 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
FCC Study time line towards CDR
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Study plan, scope definition Explore options “weak interaction” conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” FCC Week 2015: work towards baseline FCC Week 17 & Review Cost model, LHC results study re-scoping? FCC Week 2016 Progress review Elaboration, consolidation FCC Week 2018 contents of CDR Report CDR ready D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Reviews and Coordination Meetings
FuSuMaTech initiative face to face meeting, CERN Geneva Switzerland, 5 OCT 2016 FCC-ee design review, CERN Geneva Switzerland, OCT 2016 FCC-hh design review, ALBA Barcelona Spain, 8-9 NOV 2016 (during the EuroCirCol meeting) FCC Week 2017, Intercontinental Berlin Germany, 29 MAY – 02 JUN 2017 FCC and EuroCirCol management should register at The EuroCirCol mid term review will take place on 2 June, further information to come. D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Milestones and Deliverables
All milestones and deliverables that were due have been accepted WP Product Due Date Title Responsible Link 1 Deliverable 01-JUL-2016 Communication and outreach strategy CERN PDF 3 01-SEP-2016 Overview of EIR design options UOXF Milestone 1st Annual EuroCirCol Collaboration Meeting 4 Measurement setup at light source operational ALBA WP Product Due Date Title Responsible Status 5 Deliverable 01-NOV-2016 Overview of magnet design options CERN In progress 2 01-DEC-2016 Overview of collimation concepts CEA 4 Milestone Proposal of coatings to mitigate electron-cloud effects ALBA 1 Periodic report 1 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
WP 1: Management 1.1 Study management (CERN, M. Benedikt) 1.2 Quality management (CERN) 1.3 communication, dissemination and outreach (UNILIV, CERN) 1.4 Knowledge and innovation management (CERN) 1.5 Coordinate technical scope (CERN) 1.6 Develop implementation and cost scenarios (CERN) Type Content Month Delivered to EU by D 1.1 Preliminary collider baseline 4 October 1, 2015 D 1.2 Communication and outreach strategy 13 July 1, 2016 Periodic report 1 18 December 1, 2016 D 1.3 Collider complex layout and parameters 27 September 1, 2017 Periodic report 2 36 June 1, 2018 D 1.4 Plan for use and dissemination of technical gap analysis 41 November 1, 2018 D 1.5 Preliminary conceptual design report 47 May 1, 2019 D 1.6 Final report 48 June 1, 2019 Periodic report 3 50 August 1, 2019 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
FCC-hh Basic Parameters
LHC HL-LHC FCC-hh Baseline Ultimate Cms energy [TeV] 14 100 Luminosity [1034cm-2s-1] 1 5 <30 Machine circumference 27 Arc dipole field [T] 8 16 Bunch distance [ns] 25 25 (5) Background events/bx 135 170 1020 (204) Bunch length [cm] 7.5 Baseline 1250fb-2 per 5 year cycle (considering shutdowns, stops, MDs, … ) = 2fb-2 per day with no problems Ultimate 5000fb-2 per 5 year cycle = 8fb-2 per day Total 17.5ab-2 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
New FCC-hh Baseline Layout
Currently 18% of tunnel in limestone: Shorten distance A to G => Shorten J and D from 4.2 to 2.8km Main experiments stay in A and G Additional experiments integrated with injection Betatron, momentum cleaning and extraction all separated RF moved from injection into own insertion D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Space for FCC Detector Modified from W. Riegler et al. W. Riedler Tracking Ecal HCAL Magnets and cryostat Muons Hall half length: 35m L*=45 m Have iterated on L* D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
New Space for FCC Detector
We will have to re-discuss the space requirements Experiments like to stay at L*=45m But high cost for this Tracking Ecal HCAL Magnets and cryostat Muons Hall half length: 35m L*=45 m Detector half length 23m Space to open 12m D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
WP 2 2.1 Workpackage coordination (CEA, CERN, A. Chance, B. Holzer) 2.2 Develop optimised arc lattice (CEA, CERN) 2.3 Study dynamic aperture (CEA, CERN) 2.4 Study single beam current limitations (TUD, CERN) 2.5 Understand and control impact of electron cloud effect (KEK, CERN, TUD) 2.6 Develop optics concept for collimation system (CNRS, CERN) Type Content Month Delivered to EU by D 2.1 Overview of arc design options 12 April 1, 2016 D 2.2 Overview of collimation concepts 18 December 1, 2016 D 2.3 Requirements and constraints of arc design options on WP 3, WP 4, WP 5 27 September 1, 2017 D 2.4 Preliminary arc design baseline 32 January 1, 2018 D 2.5 Preliminary arc design including optimised lattice deck 44 January 1, 2019 D 2.6 Preliminary collimation system design concept and performance estimate 45 February 1, 2019 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Lattice Design Full lattice design for the old layout exists Now are working on new layout No changes at A and G Lengths for energy and betatron collimation should allow to use existing designs Extraction insertion design has been shortened RF insertion should be straightforward Main risk are L and B Injection in 700m Experiment in 700m Or overlapping design (as in LHC) Integration required Arcs need to be adjusted The tools are mainly prepared A number of problems has been overcome, e.g. memory problems in tracking code A number of studies have been performed for old layout Some hick-up with dynamic aperture in collision => WP 3 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Collimation System Evaluation of optics is ongoing Available aperture Loss maps Goal: 15σ aperture (similar to HL-LHC) Need to improve tolerances for alignment of beamscreen in the arcs compared to LHC Are addressing uncertainty in physics model (single diffractive) that can impact loss maps Losses in the arcs Tentative goal of 3x10-7 (from scalings) is violated by factor 70 Need protection design Similar problem exists for experimental insertions and should be solved by the same design CNRS, CERN D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Magnet Shower Protection
Dispersion suppressors: Model for the magnet is still uncertain Tentative limit 5mW/cm3 Started FLUKA studies of protection Protection device intercepts 5kW Results: 60mW/cm3 for simple 3m-long collimator Reduced to 4mW/cm3 if vertical aperture is half closed Example with no vertical collimator 60mW/cm3 Losses in collimation system Most protons start shower in primaries In the LHC about 10% of collimated power is lost in dipole and 10% in its protection Expect 1MW in FCC instead of 50kW in LHC Need a conceptual design of protection FLUKA studies are starting CERN D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Impedance Studies Impedance has driven the aperture requirement Together with cooling and vacuum 30W/m impinging each aperture Increase from 40mm to 50mm (before Rome) Driven by resistive wall Pumping holes are hidden by slit Verifying slit impedance Since main broadband impedance is gone, check for other sources Interconnect may become important Impinging power limits design First impedance estimate performed CERN, U. Darmstadt, GSI, U. Dortmund (new) D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Spurious Dispersion Correction
Saclay Spurious dispersion from crossing at collision point must be corrected before next insertion ATS scheme requires a vertical orbit bump to correct dispersion with 9mm beam offset Beam not aligned to slit Studied SSC-like system, which uses quadrupoles of opposite strength spaced by 180° Betatron wave unmodified Dispersion affected Solution found for SSC scheme but some more work needed to reduce required magnets strengths by factor ~2 Use more or longer magnets, … D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
WP3: Interaction Region
3.1 Workpackage coordination (UOXF, CERN, A. Seryi, R. Tomas) 3.2 Develop interaction region lattice (UOXF, CERN) 3.3 Design machine detector interface (STFC, INFN, CERN) 3.4 Study beam-beam interactions (EPFL, CERN) Type Content Month Delivered to EU by D 3.1 Overview of EIR design options 15 September 1, 2016 D 3.2 Preliminary EIR design beaseline 29 November 1, 2017 D 3.3 Preliminary EIR design including optimised lattice deck 44 February 1, 2019 Have a preliminary lattice design and are evaluating the performance, add detail etc. Particular points Should we consider flat beam optics? Integration of crab cavities or alternatives Dynamic aperture with beam-beam Background and effect of debris on triplet D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
New Triplet Design Dynamic aperture with beam-beam Head-on similar to L*=61m None with crossing angle Seem to have a problem with the existing simulation code (SIXTRACK) EPFL CERN Experiment separation Debris transfer from the experiment Seems to be OK in the next experiments But need protection of arcs UNIMAN Radiation damage of triplets Current limit 30MGy Conclusions for spectrometer and 30ab-1 15mm shielding 150MGy 55mm shielding 30MGy CERN D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
“Short” Insertions Assume 700m are available Rest taken by injection L*=20m Experiments now prefer L*=25m Some modification of dispersion suppressor to increase phase advance Can achieve β*=2m About L=2x1034cm-2s-1, further reduction to reduce beam-beam tuneshift Little or no space for shielding right now CERN Iterate with new L*, check robustness, explore solutions with overlap D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Other Studies Beam-beam effects Some concepts have been explored for the LHC E.g. flat beams Conclusions to be discussed A problem with the modelling of FCC with SIXTRACK exists for dynamic aperture with beam-beam effects Will allocate resource to this EPFL Orbit correctors Correction of beam orbit in FCC experimental insertions is progressing Need now to model both beams simultaneously, since some correctors affect both beam at the same time JAI Automatic lattice generation Fast generation of lattices with different assumptions, e.g. magnet spacing etc. Useful for optimisation JAI Beam-beam experiments The LHC (with FCC support) showed a record tuneshift of 0.02 has been reached with no important reduction of lifetime EPFL+CERN Loss Studies Losses in the triplets of the JAI design have been studied JAI D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
WP4: Beam Screen 4.1 Workpackage coordination (ALBA, CERN, F. Perez, P. Chiggiato) 4.2 Study beam induced vacuum effects (ALBA, CERN) 4.3 Mitigate beam-induced vacuum effects (STFC, CERN) 4.4 Study vacuum stability at cryogenic temperatures (INFN, CERN) 4.5 Develop conceptual design for cryogenic beam vacuum system (CERN, CIEMAT) 4.6 Measurements on cryogenic beam vacuum system prototype (KIT, INFN, CERN) Type Content Month Delivered to EU by MS Proposal of coating against electron cloud 18 December 1, 2016 D 4.1 Analysis of vacuum stability at cryogenic temperature 22 April 1, 2017 D 4.2 Measurements of vacuum chamber at light source 28 October 1, 2017 D 4.3 Preliminary beamscreen engineering design 29 November 1, 2017 D 4.4 Analysis of beam induced vacuum effects 36 June 1, 2018 Main worry has been to setup test of prototype in ANKA Prototype is on its way Setup is defined Commissioning can start Eastern 2017 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Status of Design Most power is deposited on the ribs
Copper coating on the outside reduces temperature from 128K to 80K Beam sees only 7K more than helium temperature Max temperature: 80 K Temperature field for ribs with copper coating (0.3 mm) Vacuum studies for FCC and ANKA test are progressing well Training finished ANKA data is available and has been used New FCC BS design to be evaluated now New proposed design with copper strips at location of ribs Much better cooling More space for pumping holes Less stress during a quench ALBA, CERN CERN, CIEMAT D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Status of Prototype Technology development
Manufacturing of the 2m long prototype for ANKA Supplied by Mallard, France Copper cold sprayed strips on beam screen short prototype Deflector and internal screen manufacturing Expect to be ready in time Ceramic Supplied by Layer Wise, Belgium For photon distribution studies at ANKA Copper electroplating of internal screen ongoing Reception of 3D printed cooling channel pieces ongoing, then to be welded together Aluminium Copper Test of electrode obtained by plasma and cold spray To be LESS treated in UK D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Beamscreen Test at ANKA
Test FCC-hh beamscreen prototype at room temperature Grazing angle 12mrad (FCC: 7mrad) Ec=6.2keV (FCC: 4.3keV) Photon flux=1.4E20ph/s/m (1.34E17ph/s/m) Power deposited=18 W/mrad L=1800mm β=12.18mrad ~42W/m d~15.25mm α=4.21mrad 18W/mrad Slits The relevant information has been exchanged The design of the SetUp is finalized (has been MS September 2016) Arrival of vacuum chambers and testing of the set up is scheduled for beginning of December Commissioning at ANKA under SR exposure is scheduled by Easter 2017 KIT, INFN, CERN D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Other Experiments Vacuum Test at INFN FCC-hh beamscreen will operate around 50K Vacuum system will differ very much from LHC Experimental station put into operation Some fixes applied Some more work being done to prepare for measurements 2K 50K INFN, CERN LOW SEY Studies Design on a new cold stage (LN2) facility has been completed. Some parts are in a process of procurement. Proposed laser treatment (LESS) Several new surfaces were produced by different laser and their SEY were measured. The data acquisition on the SEY facility is fully automated with LabVIEW STFC, CERN D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Magnet Design 5.1 Workpackage coordination (CERN, D. Tommasini) 5.2 Study accelerator dipole magnet design options (CIEMAT,CEA, CERN, INFN, KEK) 5.3 Develop dipole cost model (CERN, CEA, CIEMAT) 5.4 Magnet conceptual design (INFN, CEA, CIEMAT, UT) 5.5 Conductor studies (CERN, UT, UniGe) 5.6 Devise quench protection concept (TUT, INFN) 5.7 Engineering design (CEA, CERN) 5.1 Workpackage coordination (CERN, D. Tommasini) 5.2 Study accelerator dipole magnet design options (CEA, CERN, KEK) 5.3 Develop dipole cost model (CERN, CEA, CIEMAT) 5.4 Develop electromagnetic design (INFN, CIEMAT, UT) 5.5 Develop mechanical engineering design (CIEMAT, CEA, INFN, UT, UNIGE) 5.6 Devise quench protection concept (TUT, INFN) Type Content Month Delivered to EU by D 5.1 Overview of magnet design options 17 November 1, 2016 D 5.2 Identification of preferred dipole option and cost estimate 26 August 1, 2017 D 5.3 Cost model for dipole magnet 39 September 1, 2017 D 5.4 Manufacturing folder for reference design dipole short prototype 46 April 1, 2019 D 5.1 draft is currently circulating D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Scope Very coherent common effort across tasks Will not split into tasks WP is connected to a much larger effort, the FCC 16T Technology Programme Conductor, Wound conductor, Enhanced coil design, Racetrack, Demonstrator About 14MCHF/4years Three different designs have been investigated Cos(theta) Block design Common coil A number of decisions have already been taken to downselect design space Common parameters, in particular Aperture Operating temperature Loadline margin Cable specifications Jc 50% above HL-LHC … Potential new Swiss contribution (PSI) CCT (Canted Cosine Theta) Current optics done for Cos(theta), Block design and CCT D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Operating Temperature
Cost difference for 1.9K vs. 4K cryo plants MCHF Cold compressors 70MCHF 20MCHF/year power cost (basis 700W/m) The operation at 1.9K provides a number of advantages, among others: Assuming enthalpy margin is the right measure: Allows to reduce loadline margin by about 4% ~ 1 GCHF avoids designing a forced flow network in the magnet cold mass greatly simplifies the vacuum and beam-screen system During a recent “FCC temperature meeting” it has been decided to set the FCC operating temperature to 1.9 K: this decision will be formalized through a technical report (in progress). D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Loadline Margin Loadline margin requirement is set to 14% (down from 18%) Thanks to operating temperature of 1.9K Based on experience of SMC, 11 T and MQXF and assuming appropriate companion R&D program Long magnets and long-term quench behaviour still need to be tested Most quenches occur at discontinuities of the coil (layer jumps, ends, heads), needs detailed studies and demonstrator Need to prove that the amount of training quenches for the specified margin is reasonable and one thermal cycle is sufficient to eliminate quenches below nominal field. Demonstrator US is proposing a programme to study and demonstrate that 10% margin is sufficient EuroCirCol and US coordination meetings starting from this week on (FNAL, LBL, Florida State University, BNL) Cos(theta) and CCT 16T D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
18% vs 14% Margin Type unit Cos-Φ Block Common coil Total conductor 18% [t] 9576 10824 10104 Total conductor 14% 7590 8650 8590 Non-Cu 18% 3876 5412 3954 Non-Cu 14% 3110 3750 2930 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Cables and Cost Main challenge is demonstration of Jc target value JC>2300A/mm2 at 1.9K and 16T Not in EuroCirCol Cost model for cable is being developed Stress in cables is being studied 2 meter-long sample Target cost: current-based: 3.4Euro/kA, weight-based: Euro/kg of cable 550kEuro/magnet with no cable (from LHC) (total 2.7GEuro) 5-9 GEuro total for dipole magnets Schoerling et al. : to be published in IEEE Type unit Cos-Φ Block Common coil Total conductor 18% [t] 9576 10824 10104 Total conductor 14% 7590 8650 8590 Non-Cu 18% 3876 5412 3954 Non-Cu 14% 3110 3750 2930 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Conclusion New layout is being investigated that should help civil engineering Interaction region for additional experiments needs to be discussed with physics Many detailed studies on the way E.g. collimation system loss maps and impact on the design Beamscreen design is going very well Experimental programme at ANKA seems to move well ahead Magnets are well on their track Even cost is considered now The work is progressing well All milestones and deliverables accepted Many thanks to all the contributors D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Reserve Slides D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Initial Beam Parameters
FCC-hh Baseline FCC-hh Ultimate Luminosity L [1034cm-2s-1] 5 20 Background events/bx 170 (34) 680 (136) Bunch distance Δt [ns] 25 (5) Bunch charge N [1011] 1 (0.2) Fract. of ring filled ηfill [%] 80 Norm. emitt. [mm] 2.2(0.44) Max ξ for 2 IPs 0.01 (0.02) 0.03 IP beta-function β [m] 1.1 0.3 IP beam size σ [mm] 6.8 (3) 3.5 (1.6) RMS bunch length σz [cm] 8 Crossing angle [s’] 12 Crab. Cav. Turn-around time [h] 4 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Mitigation Methods P. Costa Pinto et al. Developments for LHC are critical Carbon coating Laser treatment of surface Can also learn from B-factories a-C LESS Simulation of exact geometry is important, may help Cryo Beam Vacuum Prototype and experiments in EuroCirCol WP 4 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Extraction (Enlarged quadrupole) Triple chamber quadrupole? MKBH MKBV Kicker 0.13mrad Septum 1.7 mrad, 1.42 T Normally fire kickers in the abort gap of the beam But kicker can fire on its own In LHC fire all and sweep beam out Does the extraction line survive? Can we segment kicker such that we can leave beam circulating until abort gap? Is this safe? Design based on LHC design Alternatives studied W. Bartmann, B. Goddard, F. Burkart, … D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Beam Dump Considerations
8GJ kinetic energy per beam Airbus A380 at 720km/h 2000kg TNT 400kg of chocolate Run 25,000km to spent calories O(20) times LHC Hydrodynamic tunneling F. Burkart et al. Simulation show beam will penetrate ~ 300 m in Copper, assuming no dilution. Dilution required! D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Dilution System F. Burkart et al. 1.4 km dump insertion 2.8 km collimation insertion 2.5 km dump line Kicker Septum 10 mrad bend Dilution Absorber 2m A. Lechner, P. Garcia Fluka studies of required pattern: Bunch separation > 1.8 mm Branch separation: 4 cm Keeps T<1500°C Horizontal and vertical kicker system as in the LHC ~ 300 m, ~150kickers, to be optimized Large magnet apertures required towards dump Different solutions studied Require up to 80cm radius LHC pattern (same scale) D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Collimation S. Redaelli et al. To protect machine and experiments At injection tightest part is arcs At collision energy triplets at experiments D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
First Collimation Studies
Betatron collimation First collimation system lattice designs exist Based on LHC designs Starting point for exploration Fix issues from LHC design R. Tomas LHC M. Fiascari, S. Redaelli D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Collimation First performance studies are ongoing Collimation efficiency Power losses Many studies to be performed Protection of machine from experiments Background from one experiment to the next … Have to review FLUKA at FCC energies A complex long-term optimisation D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Injection Insertion Have to limit injected batch With LHC limits can inject O(100) bunches Very fast kicker (O(300ns)) for beam filling factor of 80% W. Bartmann, B. Goddard, F. Burkart, … D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Example for Loss Mechanism
Beam-gas scattering goal >100h beam lifetime <O(1015m-3) H2 (σ≈100mb) 45kW proton losses power for cooling @2K <30MW @4K <15MW some part is lost in collimation system F. Cerutti, I. Besana First studies indicate peak power density O(1mW/cm-3) and 3.5W/beam/dipole in cold Seems very acceptable but need to define margin Work in progress D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Estimates of Beamipe Impedance Effects
N. Mounet, G. Rumolo Growth rate of multi-bunch instability Noise growths every turns by factor e 10 turns 50 turns Need feedback within 10 turns Challenge for RF and instrumentation Or increase the beam screen radius Or decrease beam current 100 turns Many more impedance studies required Multi-bunch effect at 50K and injection (worst case) Only resistive wall (infinite copper layer assumed) D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Low Frequency Impedances
* FCC LHC At injection multi-bunch instability is driven by resistivity of arc beam screen Impedance more critical than in LHC 2b=26mm 50 Strong dependence on radius Defines minimum b Multi-bunch instability O(10) worse than in LHC N. Mounet, G: Rumolo, O. Boine-Frankeheim, U. Niedermayer, F. Petrov, B. Salvant, X. Buffat, D.S. D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Automatic Design Tool developed to develop lattice with optimum beam stay clear based on basic parameters (β*, L*, gap between magnet, shielding thickness, …) First example results produced and radiation load simulated Similar to current solution Now need to refine input parameters and iterate D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Magnet Design Design Cos- Block Common-C Operating current (kA) 11.18 10.93 9.17 Field in the aperture (T) 16.0 Margin at 1.9 K % 14.0 Intrabeam spacing (mm) 250 320 Stored magnetic energy per unit length/ap (MJ/m) 1.3 1.5 2.1 Inductance/aperture (mH/m) 19.9 24 49 LI/aperture (H.A/m) 222 262 452 Diameter IL 1.1 1.2 Strands/cable IL - 22 18 Cu/Non-Cu IL 0.85 0.8 1 Diameter OL 0.712 0.7 Strands/cable OL 36 39 10 Cu/Non-Cu OL 2.15 1.6 Total area of Cu/aperture (mm2) 3920 4300 4971 Total area of Non-Cu/aperture 2730 3295 2572 Total mass of Non-Cu for FCC-hh (t) 3110 3750 2930 Total mass of conductor for FCC-hh 7590 8650 8590 Jeng IL (A/mm2) 540 480 450 Jeng OL 780 730 760 Joveral IL 360 330 Joveral OL 510 490 Hot spot temperature (K) 344 350 384 Voltage to ground (V) 770 1200 3200 Voltage turn-to-turn 86 105 100 V layer-to-layer 910 Common-Coil D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Annual Meeting 1 Type Content Mont Delivered to EU by MS 8 Baseline specifications and assumptions for accelerator magnet 10 April 1, 2016 MS 9 Preliminary arc optics and lattice files 11 May 1, 2016 MS 10 Preliminary EIR optics and lattice files MS 12 Collider baseline parameters 12 June 1, 2016 MS 13 Beam screen model heat load and photo-electrons density analysis D 2.1 Overview of arc design options D 3.1 Overview of EIR design options 15 September 1, 2016 D 5.1 Overview of magnet design options 17 November 1, 2016 D 2.2 Overview of collimation concepts 18 December 1, 2016 MS 16 Proposal of coatings to mitigate electron-cloud effects D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Annual Meeting 2 Type Content Month Delivered to EU by MS Preliminary beamscreen conceptual design 22 April 1, 2017 Preliminary specs for conductors MS 17 Requirements and constraints of EIR design options on WP 2, WP 4, WP 5 23 May 1, 2017 D 5.2 Identification of preferred dipole design options and cost estimates 26 August 1, 2017 D 1.3 Collider complex layout and parameters 27 September 1, 2017 D 2.3 Requirements and constraints of arc design options on WP 3, WP 4, WP 5 D 3.2 Preliminary EIR design baseline 29 November 1, 2017 D 4.3 Preliminary beam screen and beam pipe engineering design D 2.4 Preliminary arc design baseline 32 February 1, 2018 MS 32 Specifications for conductors and proposed conductor configurations 34 April 1, 2018 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Debris in Triplet Radiation damage of triplets Limit 30MGy (hope to improve with material studies) Conclusions for spectrometer: The spectrometer increases losses in triplets by about 50% Switching operation 50% H, 25%V+, 25% V- helps to reduce maximum dose With 15mm shielding 150MGy for full luminosity 25MGy for 5ab-1 (one run) Increasing shielding to 55mm aperture is the same as for L*=61m Dose is reduced by order of magnitude 30-50MGy for 30ab-1 Have to make trade-off CERN Note: Power for 15mm shielding is 15mW/cm3 Limit (tbc) 20mW/cm3 With 55mm find 2mW/cm3 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Reference Geometry 4T Central Field
η=0 η=0.5 η=1 η=1.5 η=2 η=2.5 η=3. η=3.5 η=4 The forward opening scenario foresees a retraction of the forward systems by about 12 meters to access the detectors: 23m+12m=35m D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
FCC-hh Baseline Layout
Two high-luminosity experiments (A and G) Two other experiments (F and H) Two collimation and extraction insertions Exact layout being developed Two injection insertions Insertion lengths (1.4km, 4.2km for J and D) D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Tentative New Layout D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
New Layout Considerations
About 18% of tunnel are in limestone Could be avoided by reducing distance A to G Explored three different variations Combining injection and experiments in L and B Maybe possible to inject after experiment Betatron collimation in H 2.8km long Extraction in F System length requirement reduced from 3.5km to 2.1km Energy Collimation in D 1.4km RF in J Very clean insertion also for diagnostics Hard for civil engineering D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
New Layout Considerations
Reduce the insertions L,B,H and F to 2.1km Better for civil engineering Would likely have to inject before experiments Extraction can fit Betatron collimation system has to be shortened D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
Many thanks to FCC Collaboration
70 institutes 26 countries + EC Status: November, 2015 D. Schulte EuroCirCol, TIARA Council, October 2016
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