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2 5th Grade Teachers Mrs. Ethington – math/science
Mrs. Ferguson – RELA/social studies Mrs. Sanchez– RELA/social studies Mrs. Nerad – math/science Mrs. Cyboran/Mrs. Carter – support Ms. Llewellyn – student teacher

3 Daily Schedule 7:50-8:10 Pledge/Lunch Count/Planner 8:10-9:00 Specials
9:00-11: Block 1/fruit break 11:35 – 12:05 Block 2 12:05-1: Lunch/Recess 1:10-3: Block 2 3:00-3: Pack Up/Dismissal

4 Wednesday Schedule Academic time ends at 1:30 pm on Wednesdays. This allows teachers to participate in Professional Learning Time and students get a little extra Specials time.

5 Regular Homework Math Mon – Thurs. Spelling weekly
Reading log daily 30 or more minutes Book project every 9 weeks

6 Extra School Supplies Needed for Every Student
Twistable colored pencils (small pack) Markers (8 – 10 pack) Crayons (24 pack)

7 Transition to Middle School
Encourage your child to fill in their planner every day for all of their academic classes. Teachers provide this information to your child every day. Have a designated spot at home for your child to put graded papers and papers that need to be returned to school. Have your child put homework and papers needing to be returned back into their provided homework folder and into their backpack. We encourage you to not bring forgotten items up to school. This helps to develop responsibility!

8 Behavior Management Positive reinforcement through the use of a token system (tickets) that can be used to buy rewards. Bigger rewards every 41/2 and 9 weeks for students that are responsible and follow classroom rules. Signing of the conduct book and sitting out for recess OR the giving up of tickets for minor infractions. After 4 conduct book signings a note will come home, after 6 an , after 8 a phone call, after 10 a detention after school, and 12 or more signings results in an office referral.

9 Attendance and Absences
Official attendance time is 9:55. Humble ISD attendance policy (page 12 in online handbook) states that if a note is not brought to school within 2 days, the student will be counted as TRUANT! Notes will not be accepted after 2 days. s are acceptable to homeroom teacher and Anne Tynan.

10 Dismissal For safety reasons, it is preferred that dismissal changes NOT be made during the day. We do not always have the opportunity to check our during class time and dismissal. Please send a note/ in the morning with your child for a change in dismissal. If a change has to be made after 12:00, please call ext (front office). Please be on time when picking up your child. For safety reasons, please follow dismissal and parking lot guidelines in the DWE handbook.

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